Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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      One of the most popular techniques or exercise is meditation. You can clear your mind from all distraction and negativism with the help of meditation. You can communicate with your subconscious mind to clear it from any bad feeling with the help of meditation.

      In order to meditate for the subconscious mind, you need to do the following:

      Find a clam place where you’re away from any disturbance and where no one can interrupt you.

      Focus on just one thing in your mind.

      Start by committing ten minutes to it and increase the time period gradually.

      If you practice this regularly, you’ll be in control of your subconscious mind in absolutely no time.

      2.Self Hypnosis

      Self-hypnosis is a way to communicate between the conscious and the subconscious mind. In self-hypnosis, you can calm your brain so that it may focus on what your subconscious says.

      Once you’ve done this, your subconscious will send orders to your conscious mind. Your conscious mind will then take action so that it can achieve what your subconscious desires.

      There are multiple ways of exercising your subconscious through self-hypnosis but here is a self-hypnosis exercise that I myself endorse and one that I’ve practiced on countless occasions for the last few years:

      Let your eyes flutter down closed and take a very deep breath in through your nose.

      Slowly exhale through your mouth. Keep your eyes comfortably closed, let your eyes relax while letting your body float.

      Now let yourself breathe normally and easily without trying to change your breathing in any way.

      Open a new channel of concentration whereby you experience yourself in a place that you find really pleasant. This is your ‘happy’ place.

      Use all of your senses to imagine the feeling of really being there now. Experience the pleasurable thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Internalize the joy of this wonderful experience on both a conscious and subconscious level.

      When you’re ready to rouse yourself, open your eyelids, and bring your eyes back to focus.

      You become fully awake and alert, and a beautiful relaxing smile spreads over to your face indicating that you have a new state of mind.


      You use your conscious mind to make this exercise operational. However, you need to consider visualization as a subconscious mind power exercise.

      It’s a simple yet powerful exercise. Just like in the case of meditation, you need to find a calm place but on this occasion you’ll be visualizing yourself in a place or role you aspire to be, achieving a goal you set for yourself or in a place you wanted to visit. Here’s how you can practice visualization for your subconscious mind:

      Set aside five minutes each day for this exercise.

      Set exciting goals, be passionate about them, and imagine the end objective.

      Your mind will then accept the visualization as a part of reality and you’ll start working to achieve the set goals.

      Repeat the visualization exercise as it is extremely effective in training your subconscious mind to enable you to accomplish targets.

      The above mentioned subconscious mind power techniques will help you to boost your brainpower and the strength of your subconscious mind. You need to practice these exercises daily if you want to take control of your subconscious mind.


      •The mind works like a garden – if you plant a bean, you raise beans.

      •The mind works like a bank – you deposit and withdraw. Withdrawals are always from the latest deposits.

      •The mind also works like a parachute – it only works when it is open.

      •We learn consciously but do things well subconsciously.

      •There’s everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying.

      Prerequisites For Deliberate Use of Subconscious Mind

      •Know that everything you’ve ever seen, heard, touched, thought about, tasted, smelled, and done, are forever part of your subconscious mind which responds to stimuli not pressure. You cannot demand an answer.

      •Expect positive benefits and answers from your subconscious mind to any question. Say to your subconscious mind: ‘I know you have the answer to my question and I know that you are going to give it to me when you want me to have it, so I’ll wait patiently with complete confidence.’

      •Avoid Gi-Go (Garbage in – Garbage out).

      •Don’t take problems to bed. Lie down perfectly still. Remember happy things of the day.

      •Have a pen and pad, iPad or recorder by the side of your bed.

      •Don’t build up in your mind that someone will be difficult to approach.


      "The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts."

      – Marcus Aurelius

      "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

      – Mahatma Gandhi

      Mindful Motivation for Creating Your Best Life

      Looking around, you can see that people live many different types of lives. But so many of them aren’t really present in the lives that they’re living. Plus, they’re not taking the steps that they could to create the best life possible.

      By using mindful motivation, you can create a life that brings you great relationships, enables you to meet your life goals and sets you free from negative emotions.

      What is Mindfulness?

      Mindfulness means that you’re specifically in the present. When someone is mindful, they’re aware of and paying attention to the moment that they’re in, not mired down in the past or future. Put simply, mindfulness is awareness of the present moment and circumstances.

      People think many thoughts at once and many of them are concerned with the past, or the future, or abstract things. Being mindful means keeping your mind on the here and now. This can be very calming, allowing worries and regrets to be left alone, especially when it is the focus of meditation.

      When you practice mindfulness, you focus your mind purposefully. Have you ever driven from one place to another and at the end of your destination, you weren’t aware of the sights you saw or how you arrived there? If so, you weren’t practicing mindfulness. It’s the same concept with every area of your life. You can go through life on autopilot. This means that you can sit down and have a meal, but because you’re not practicing mindfulness, you won’t even be aware of what you had to eat in terms of portion or even the pleasure of tasting it.

      This is why you can eat something and then wonder later on what it was that you had for dinner. You have to stop and think to remind yourself. The reason that you can go through life and miss things is because the mind has a tendency to blank or go through the motions when you’re doing something you’ve done numerous times before.

      Mindfulness is putting a stop to allowing the mind to simply wander unchecked. It means that you direct your mind back to focus on whatever it needs to focus on. When you don’t practice an awareness of your thoughts, you can go through life and miss out on having the best life you could have.

      The art of using mindfulness has its roots in Buddhism and the practice