Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mo Abraham
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456627249
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and eat well every day so as to keep fit. You do not have to wait until you develop diabetes to start eating well and exercising. The same applies to brain fitness and it’s one way to help you keep healthy.

      Now that you know the importance of exercising your brain, you may be wondering how best you can exercise your brain. Here are a few things you can do to improve the functioning of your brain and strengthen it.

      1.Practicing Simple Math Every Day

      Perhaps you remember the Mad Math Minute from grade school, where you'd need to solve as many math problems as possible in a minute. While it may have seemed annoying then, it was excellent practice that you can still make use of now. It's easy enough to create your own Mad Math Minute worksheets, since you're basically just writing out a bunch of simple math problems on a piece of paper.

      The bottom line is this: a minute of simple math can help get your brain in shape and make you far less reliant on a calculator.

      2.Writing Instead of Typing More Often

      We love our keyboards. They’re much more efficient at getting words on the page than your hand, a pencil, and a notebook. However, you can learn more effectively by writing longhand. Therefore, you may want to ditch the laptop when you’re acquiring new knowledge.

      This happens because your brain’s filtering system (the Reticular Activating System, or RAS) processes what you’re actively focusing on at the moment. Writing triggers the RAS and let’s your brain know it’s time to pay attention.

      3.Act Like You’re Teaching

      You can utilize the skills you already have more effectively by acting like you’re teaching. Rather than just recalling the steps required to complete the task at hand, pretend as though you’re teaching yourself how to do it. This will help you recall the necessary information better and avoid making stupid mistakes.

      4.Telling Yourself Stories

      Storytelling can be a good way to exercise your brain. First of all, it makes things easier to remember as it puts what you want to remember in a more compelling framework. It gives you a chance to focus on important details and associate emotion with what you’re trying to remember.

      Even if you’re not telling yourself a story to help retain the information, you’ll still improve your memory just by telling stories in general.

      5.Playing Sudoku

      You’re probably familiar with Sudoku, but just in case, it’s a number puzzle game with the objective of filling up a grid of numbers. Sudoku is a fun and addictive game that can help improve your problem-solving skills.


      Nothing kills your ability to use your brain effectively, as well as your brain’s overall health, like too much stress. Meditation is a great way to reduce your stress level. Also, you don’t need incense or yoga pants to meditate the brain.

      Practicing these exercises regularly will help you ensure that your brain remains sharp, healthy so that it may perform at its optimum.

      The Subconscious Mind

      Do you know what phrases like ‘I can do that’, ‘No it’s impossible’, ‘I am good at math’ and ‘Men always cheat’ represent? They represent your opinion about something. However, these are not just mere opinions, they’re your beliefs. Beliefs are solid ideas stored in your subconscious mind.

      Whether they were really true or not, you’ll believe in them as long as you hold them in your mind. Beliefs get stronger when more evidence supports them and they become weaker when something appears to be conflicting with them.

      How Your Subconscious Mind Works

      It is Amazing How Your Subconscious Mind Works!

      Only 10 percent of your consciousness affects your life. The other 90 percent comes from below the consciousness in the subconscious mind. This is the real secret of attraction: the subconscious mind. That's why when people talk about the law of attraction and say it doesn't work – it's because of the programs that work their way to the surface from the subconscious mind.

      Many things are elusive to the human mind, though they are usually quite obvious. Without even knowing it, our minds create their relationships with visual and audible information; even the slightest bit of influence can have a huge effect on our opinions. It is an incredible automatic response of the human body.

      Emotion and memory recall can be set off by scents and pictures without us even knowing the reason. It could be the smell of a freshly baked pie or the aroma of bread that can easily trigger a recalled memory or emotion. The mind can bring up a past event even if the person does not consciously remember. Even the most minute images can be a redrawn recollection. The mind holds all the information and connects images to recall old memory.

      This is the reason that many advertisers stick subliminal messages in their ads, and you don't even notice. A class in business advertising or communications can quickly show you all the things that our mind is factoring in that we are not seeing and not registering at all. Once you realize that these hidden messages lie within advertising, it makes you wonder just how easily swayed we are.

      When reviewed, a brand’s image being seen over and over works for companies as well. Enough repetition will sway the consumer toward the implied product or business though they are among others. One can easily be amazed by the minds ability to function further on its own without conscious effort.

      When an idea constantly bypasses your conscious filters straight to your subconscious mind, it may turn into a belief. You may be asking yourself how an idea can bypass my conscious filters. Here are some examples that will show you how this can happen:

      1.When the Idea Comes from a Trusted Source

      When you were a child, your main trusted source was your parents. If your parents told you that an animal is a dog, you would immediately believe them, and since you’ll find that everyone around you supports this idea, it’ll turn into a strong belief.

      Now what if your parents kept telling you that you were a fool or dumb? What would the result be? You’ll grow up thinking that it’s true and you may end up feeling inferior without knowing that this was the root cause for your feelings of inferiority.

      You may be asking yourself now: what evidence will strengthen this belief? This time it’ll be you, your subconscious mind will just pick up every clue that supports this belief ignoring everything else. For example, if someone rejected you, the first thing that you’ll think of is that he/she rejected you because you’re inferior.

      2.When You are Hypnotized

      When you become hypnotized, you’ll turn off your conscious mind, and so, these suggestions directly go to your subconscious mind.

      3.When the Conscious Mind Gets Distracted

      When something catches the full attention of your conscious mind, you become highly receptive to suggestions. That's the same idea advertiser’s use when they put their commercials in the middle of your favorite TV series.

      In this case, your conscious mind will be thinking of what will happen to the hero of the series while at the same time, your subconscious mind will be receiving suggestions by the commercial.

      Exercising Your Subconscious Mind

      With each passing day, the subconscious mind power is something more and more people have started to believe in. If you’re one of those people, I can confidently say that you’re on the right track. The subconscious mind power can transform your life and open a new gate of happiness, fulfillment, and success.

      Exercising your subconscious mind can help you to better communicate with your brain and take better control of your life. The only prerequisite you require is