The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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are trained to dismiss serious questions because they want the common man’s doing to remain habitual latent resignation. Quiet desperation is self-sustaining.

      Society is purposefully and legally blind to what it is doing and wants it that way. Schools run by the church ensure that your bio-fear is your enemy. Do as I say, not as I do. Legalism sees AI intent only, not the trail of disposable humans left in its wake.

      “One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small

      And the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all

      Grace Slick, White Rabbit

      The subliminal voice of the little people is the theme of the harried White Rabbit. “I’m late, I’m late.” To know and do nothing or to not know and do nothing are both serious questions to reckon with. “Who are you?” said the hookah smoking caterpillar to the symbolic Alice in the people’s Wonderland. Who are you in your being and doing? Was this not a story of navigating a ridiculous maze? And to do it Alice underwent a metamorphosis of head games. The door you came in was too large; the door you must use to leave is too small. Take a pill to fit through.

      If you could ask the questions necessary to bring greater understanding, would you? We are capable of a much greater comprehension level and have the ability to bring our dangerous binary terminus knowing into focus. But first we must understand what mono-aphasic term based use does to the human brain on a binary level. Our human energy bio-genesis is being sabotaged at a rapid rate. Omega strain is parasitic beyond reproach.

      We are all genesis saboteurs and made to be an inadvertent part of a very terrible tragedy that will end when we fully comprehend the nature of God’s [Genesis] bio-engineering. Five trillion simultaneous bodily functions, including a multi-faceted direct knowing is firmly and irrevocably embedded in every human child brain and sabotaged at an early age. But since it is quiet, passive and undisclosed, no one has yet opened the gates of our symbols bias hell for examination; it is Pandora’s Box. The question is will there be enough fully impassioned human beings ready to bring in the new era?

      Bio-energy cycling is critical to the human being. These three journals will show you where the altered states of heaven and hell come from and how they were created by man-made fear. The ability to reach five to the fifth power sentient comprehension is inside you. This is not the “or else” duality of opposing end cause and effects that you are used to.

      Human goodness is misused and abused and we allow it. This is man’s doing for icon processing and slavery. Blame is a commercial vending business. Do not be surprised at what you are reading, it has been said many times before. What is known as the genesis logic of inner-self comprehension, 5 to the 5th power consciousness, is the original organic truth embedded in all of us. Total recall is a living truth moving you to see, know, feel and be moved. It took years for you to bury it so do not expect total self- awareness overnight. The strength of your desire to know and your willingness to know will hasten your recovery.

      Do you want to feel the measure of the symbolic ruse held over us? Do you want to know the real you, so real that once your eyes open, your mind will be still and calm and at peace? True peace begins with inner serenity, with eyes clear of eye-con, ears free from ear-con and the business of mental trickery. Do you want to confront the enemy, the icon convert, this user of human misery with his empowered binary AI rights?

      The mental machinery of all human blame is made and meant for long-term human distrust and subliminal war, nothing else. Do you want to share a finding so vast that the concept of time fades away? Are you willing to wake up from the symbols nightmare? What god breathed into you as a baby is ready to be re-born. Feeling direct knowing can be re-birthed but first you must open the passive comparative information warehouse or what we call the “conscious mind’s” total data collection matrix. It is a feeling compilation. The bio-genesis of the human feeling matrix is just out of reach because we live in a subversive substitute realm made for symbolic hazing. That is why you cannot see the inner self, the one hijacked for mental slavery by abstract dictates. When you were too young to know any better you were manipulated by and coerced with shiny plastic baubles, the paltry prizes of artificial gold star goodness and letter A favor. If you declared your will to open, your opening will have begun in the first 50 pages. By the end of this journal you will have a 50 year lead over all conventional thinkers. You must want to SEE for genesis sight to be restored to you. If you seek to know all that must be known, you will find all. There is no half way about our bio-god’s gift.

      The advent of this inner knowing is a life learning process whereby we begin to see how symbols are used and abused. The facts do not reside in what we call meaning as bias proposition. Term based bias was made up to support the sin of slavery, to consecrate commercial feelings into salable commodities.

      Every word in the dictionary came from bio-fear violation and validation. Imagine wanting to control Genesis as a knowing. Made up words, tags, labels are depreciated artifacts of the last reasons held to do so. The blocks of deceit need the mortar of legalism to build the tower of AI babble. Do you want to know where the word sin came from? Sin is biblical long-term self-harm, plain and simple. When we believe in icon-imprisoned words we are agreeing to accept an exchangeable self-deceit for a greater social game, but on only one causation-plane. Words are merely devious chameleons to the biological human feeling brain’s total sense knowing realm. Decoy for decoy, we are all imposters to the living truth we carry in us, dormant and waiting and ready to expunge the AI con.

      All inter-social doing is choreographed and taxed. Do we pay to play a part? Do you really know what this psychological game does to your living, breathing, comprehensive brain long-term? The sixties were merely a preview of what the youth had to do to build the needed sentiment for change. They were a wedge in the iconic door. Fifty plus years later, we are right back in the same trap we struggled to get out of. They had a game they could not sustain. Were the love children drawn back into the trap by the promise of security? The doorway in is always too wide; the doorway out is always very narrow.

      Look around at the world’s military stance, poised for the new deadly stealth inquisition. Evil is invested in psychological trickery, developing new human illnesses using official labels. It looks like a great game but enough people who have and use vision can see it as a legal tactical strangle hold. Countries are going broke from armored provocations and rules kept in place by non-productive dead end processing jobs and brute force. How well have the abstract rules served us?

      The social worker is schooled in symbols processing [terms said to mean one thing for one paid outcome] channeling men, women and child into the endemic trap. The players sense they are being played with, but know nothing about who does what and the why of it all. Follow the money trail all the way to the top. Who runs this game show where living truth is forbidden as the enemy? We commit the same sins as the previous generation. In Exodus 20:5 of the Christian Bible it says “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” If you hate your feelings, then you hate the god that made you a feeling creature!

      Jesus was not killed for the “common good” no more than government serves the people. Both are elaborate propaganda scams to keep the sheep people feeling safe. Jesus was murdered in cold blood as an example of just how easy it is for the icon converts to eliminate a symbols debunker. He was cleverly set up by the church and the state! Authority over human fear is a ruthless tyrant. If we can feel it we can see it. Scan your soul’s horizon.

      Imagine you are given a proposition that on one hand has no real value but its paper truth is worth a fortune in human misery. Are you a serious player? All symbols for human adaption eventually enslave mankind for the rights to control commercially paid masked deviations. It is too easy to say society has a long-term symbols sickness when the icon agreement is the drug of choice. Imagine, we live in a contract hell, one made of a made up written word strategies to trick the organic brain to play a binary controlled bit part gambling game of “soul roulette.”

      The biologically energized brain is exponentially expanded and encoded on five levels. Omega operates on only one. Be ready for this. How do we exit the realm of the damned if you