The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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by the rules you are allowed to be thought of as good. If you do not play pretend you are then labeled bad. Who and where are you? What happens when the game you willingly played turns on you? When do you think that will happen?

      Who will stop the madness? Do you run and hide? We trust way too much in the pretend/pretense deemed symbolic good of mankind. Our parents lied to us and we lie to our children. That is our true copy. By societal law it is expected. Kids can feel the pressure of the inner being swelling in their nubile fleshy bodies. They do not need a savior because they are born knowing the saving grace is already in them, but cannot get out because it must confront coercive icon excuse or forced symbolic reason. Feelings are passive until they are denied. What is a savior anyway and for what and from what does it save us? There are so many middlemen processors to pay off along the pathway to hell. Governments are parasitic with overpowered entitlements. Unreasonable force backs them. Society is in serious unrest. Civil disobedience is on a rolling boil.

      Why do great men exist? Why are we not all great? Are we capable or culpable? What makes a savior appear? What is an Avatar? Imagine the ongoing player is invested in being on one side of a duality of word provocation that seems to be the winning side. Are the Roman games being re-played? How long does winning last? What does it cost to play the icon game?

      The King’s realm was all about preventing unauthorized social interactions. The role of edict was to force compliance, to insure paid or slave loyalty and the acting out of one’s duty-related functions. Fear of the master is the slave’s oblation. We lie to ourselves as our parents taught us to do, as their parents taught them to do. Sex, by permission, is taxed. Casual sex is against the law. Symbolic agreements are easy to learn. Marriage and Family, Jobs and Obedience - till death do you part. Who is checking the balance of feeling verses the rote terminal symbols extortion application for profit? Whoever is a king model today is all about wealth and the calculated risks that go with it on a grand scale. The mental slave feels safe when told what to do. Is the king worrying about the kingdom’s collapse and its effect on the slaves? The king relies on force for obedience, not love or caring. The kingdom can and will run without the force of the king if fear has been inbred as force. Latent fear from 3,000 years of armoring is hard to deny and even harder to purge. How much of your life is fear-related supposition?

      According to Jean Baudrillard on icon social constructs, simulacra are “copies” that depict things that either had no reality to begin with or that no longer have a connection to their origin. Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process for binary use, systemized over time. Simulation masks the true copy and the amount of force needed to keep the mask of AI empowerment working as a system cincture. Using this latent copy daily keeps the Omega Strain fat and wealthy.

      The great symbolic guilt-innocence machine always ends up in the hands of the highly paid terminal taskmasters. The educated icon convert serves the person or persons who drive the symbols wedges into the living brain to keep the organic passive genesis, the central voice, from functioning. If the passive brain is awakened, what will the topical AI mind do? How about no more culpable blame? These journals will hold the doors open. Take a peek inside. Fear not. Encoded energy does have a voice but it is a silent integrated feeling response. Now superimpose feeling over symbols and watch a soul on fire.

      Empowered, high ranking Omega seek to cut off the brain’s organic central voice, which is the mover, the feeling, the questioner, the doubter, the thinker and the core living energy through which all of the senses communicate. Direct knowing comes by connecting all feelings not just the ones you like. One is either moved to “be” or forced to “do.” Who are we really under the spell of symbols preoccupation? Imagine what is really going on in your icon stagnate head. Does your central voice work for you? Does the icon façade set up the mask to hide that truth? How well do governments hide their atrocities behind benevolence? How do they get away with it? Stop playing and watch all hell break loose. Emotions come from latent symbols deceit. Our organic energy tries to warn us, to make us feel and know. Agreed, we can pretend everything is working out as planned but the organic brain can sense the artificial nature of it all. The eyes and the ears allow sin and evil to flourish in the soil of false trust in icon worship. Symbols destroy the organic living sense data bio-stream by altering the matrix of feeling as direct knowing. We have unimaginable total recall if we will only use it. Decide now, do you want to know all that must be known even if it does not serve your symbols?

      JOURNAL 48


      The bio-logic center stores all the compared relationships linked daily between man-made rote belief unreal and organic real that haunts us with unending feelings that quietly urge us to be moved. That real has nothing to do with any mask any man gives you or forces upon you by brute rule and law. Made-up symbols make you believe you are something else altogether. Until you confront the coercive pretext of the word, you are a little man in a mouse maze operated by the brotherhood of the great intenders and pretenders.

      How much “real” is in commercial advertisement and sales tactics? Genesis real is not sought after because it has no pretty name and no petty role attached to it. Is this paper voice you are reading real? Does it spell urgency? What is the sound of organic real? Better stop, look and listen. It is this organic voice we seek to open and to rely upon. The needs of human beings are simple; the wants are legendary.

      The symbols mind is depicted by the dormant sleep of Dorothy in the poppy field on her way to be granted the object of her desire – to return home. The AI character roles we act out become a way of life in order to get our psychological boon, symbolic authority. Meanwhile, behind our backs, our human essence is being drained out of us. The biological origin and the first genetic tread still hold us captive in our own symbolic psychotic neurosis fear syndrome. The mastermind of the binary time lock is handed down in our AI logistics of “doing in fear-based delusion.” The aphasic Mononomeric Differential is the residual insanity of the con of man given to the ancient ritual taskmasters. Masks capitalize on the people’s fear worldwide. The little man is afraid and without hope and remains in bio-time suspension in the “poppy fields” just in sight of the land of AI OZ.

      The living truth is hidden from all of us until our central voice comes on-line. Divided into the haves and have nots, the social standards of our lives are merely vain smoke screens. We gather in binary memory groups as fish gather in schools in numbers that make them look bigger to predators.

      The icon memory of the smallest bit-part is still in us and is still protecting the sad truth that a man named Christ tried to bring to the world’s attention. Christ died trying to expose the icon domination of the Omega cult strain and their use of “gold star” idol worship. We are nothing but symbols players with disdain and sadness as our bed partners. REM sleep is actually a state of “Remedial Emotional Memory” activation when the ears and eyes of symbols pretense are turned off. Sleep is a biological demand. Dynamic total recall comes to us between 3 am and 5 am every morning.

      Many call continual repetition the ability to think but it is nothing more than symbols processing. Flushing a toilet has the same effect. Real thinking is the ability to doubt. What is doubt in relationship to life events but constant adjustment? If you did not doubt, you would have no original thought at all. Do you have original thoughts? Otherwise we are slaves to configured words in suitable alignments What do you doubt? So we act and react according to man-made symbolic “artifactual” knowing. We do things the way others do things until it is absurd that we continue to do so. What would make you change the course of your doing?

      “A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time it is used.”

      Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

      Former U S Supreme Court Justice

      Once a symbols judge, an applier of false tags and labels on humanity, always a blamer. That is the business of legalism in AI time lock-down. A ridiculous rule broken delivers a label of bad. Consider the words: color and content according to the circumstances and then consider the words and the time it is used. Legalism is terminal justification for its use and the method for which judgement is placed