The Abyss. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626815
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      J. P. BEYOR

      Guarded Hearts Journal II

      Key to the Abyss

      Copyright 2016 James Bèyor

      All rights reserved

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2681-5

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      The Guarded Hearts Trilogy:

      Cathy Fuss has given her undivided attention and skill to all three Genesis Sabotage works making my work evolve easily over the years. Because of her tremendous insight and caring it is my honor to both work with her as a very talented person and a very skilled editor; most of all as a very valued and special friend.

      The Guarded Hearts Journal II:

      It is my pleasure to offer accolades to my talented assistant editor, English professor: Susan Koenig, who rescued me [us] due to a time constraint for an anxiously awaited spring publishing of Key to the Abyss: Volume II.

      I am blessed with two amazing and talented ladies; thank you so much............


      Understanding what happened when man became a slave to symbols.


      The three journals called the Guarded Hearts Journals: Genesis Sabotage, Key to the Abyss and The Contract with Heaven and Hell, are explicit private heartfelt materials. They are not for everyone! If you are offended easily and prone to blame others, put this journal down now. There are those who want to know and those who do not.

      These books speak to the leaders of the future who feel compelled to see that certain human freedoms, needs and wants are protected. Law, force or coercion of Imperial Rule will never protect the human being. That is an elaborate shell game. Inalienable rights, passive freedoms and unilateral choices formed the backbone of what once was one of the greatest countries on the earth. This journal speaks to those who would ensure freedom of individual speech rather than the repeated, remembered rhetoric of the empowered. Freedom is sought after today by those who have never had it and by those who once had it and can see how quickly it is being taken from us with the lie that “it is for our own good.” These writings exercise the right of the individual to speak what is not spoken by the masses. In a time of militant oversight and suspicion it is only through self-anguish that we can dispel our fears. It is only then that serious questions can be pondered.

      The root of uncertainty must grow deep for real change to take place however psychologically painful it will be. The tricked mind must reconnect with the passive brain. In these pages you will ask yourself how often you question accepted role models, words, agreements and laws. It will ask you how often you cower, pay, play-act and obey. Are you part of the problem? Are you just doing your job? Are you paying attention? Do you even know there is a problem?

      What takes real human freedom away? Is it the unquestioned binary artificial intelligence model of right/wrong; good/bad; truth/lie we now have in place, that is thoughtlessly recycled year after year, generation after generation? Freedom from all man-made icon worship and masked aversion can come to the individual only through clarity of heart. As individuals we must set trends, ensure human kindness, encourage our fellow man’s personal growth. Where do we begin? The days of legal threat are near an end. Human feeling direct knowing will change all binary artifact meanings that we have come to know. This process will take 100 years and will be very painful to those now being sustained by human misery. Be patient, be open and vision will easily come to you.

      However offensive they may seem, these journals are the questions that have already been asked and answered by the author. They are the questions that are dismissed by politicians, religious pundits, doctors, lawyers and professors for these questions question the rules of the game. They therefore will never be asked by an organization or an institution, rarely by a credentialed person and perhaps not even by the common man. They can only be asked by an individual and only by an individual who remembers how to think. This kind of searching, this kind of probing, will not be comfortable for even the thinking man. It exposes the systemic disorder which uses human innocence as a commercial commodity. Those who are willing to ask why will find that their passive self-knowing compels them. They are a part of a genetic thread that has empowered those who have come before them. Superhuman strength will be necessary to resist the biological sense aphasic curse of icon worship. Men have been reduced to slaves paying the taskmasters to promote the evil of this world.

      Question the questions in this work. But question wisely. Do not ask “How does he know?” Ask rather “How do I know?” What goes on behind our back and what goes on in front of our eyes that we have always turned our back on can no longer be ignored. Deliberate trust in the prevailing evil that wraps this world in social fear and latent public-sanctioned tyranny can no longer be tolerated.

      The conjured terms of icon/symbols idiom hide a very difficult to comprehend agenda behind the words “public safety.” New elaborate rules and laws are being instituted daily “for your increased safety.” Do this and do not do that. Is it really for our increased safety or for their increased control? Systemic jobs are made necessary by the new and very expensive corrective penalties assessed for the increased safety. The justification process uses the same words used by ancient Imperial Rome.

      As human freedoms disappear law by law and rule by rule, and insight is dimmed by countless drugs prescribed to lessen our resistance to the restrictions, empowered right grows dangerously convulsive. In this study we will explore a unique BIOLOGICAL fear that is very protective and very misunderstood. It is the worship of words, our common day idols, which surrounds this world in a prevailing and mystical evil. Who does not act according to chosen words; who does not obey and respect the credential, the tradition, the rule or the law? We must learn how to read between the lines of all symbolic rhetoric.

      There are over 300,000 words of connotation that do more harm than good by human standards, for the unexpressed control and processing of humans. These can be found in the common man’s dictionaries like Webster’s and Oxford. These words short out the energy pathways in the brain leading directly to a life suffocation syndrome. Imagine what you must do and bear each and every day, by law. The law does not allow you to make any decisions, any choices or perform any acts not sanctioned by the state of INTENT that has been made for you to obey with the implied threat of “or-else.” No choice is your only choice. The binary “yes/no, win/lose” vote gives you only the illusion of choice. That is error.

      Fines and penalties are levied on every freely willed and non-sanctioned human act. So the first question is, can we mentally enslave the bio-realty of the human being? From years of observation of life circumstances, time-consuming travels, tours through institutional methodologies, military, religious and so-called higher educational constructs, the insights offered in these journals are off limits to symbols mongers and icon-offended readers. Those who are not completely ensconced in the symbolic relic will find fathomless hope within the life energy in the untapped sense data and in the stream of living consciousness. Let us journey within our inner sanctum, the human brain. As these journals are read and felt they will self-expunge, for all meaning is within us as a universal genesis voice. When fully activated, Genesis is the organic truth of your living genuine self, your innate human being-ness. Your thoughts could easily fill a thousand volumes. These journals are one such case in point.

      The Guarded Hearts Journals are a compendium of personal insights, observations, and questions from a lifetime of study. You will see different facets of your own reality; you will test social enigmas directly related to social indoctrinations. You will understand