Weight Loss Tailored for Women. Ohan Karatoprak MD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ohan Karatoprak MD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456619824
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emergency. Our bodily functions, such as heart beat, breathing, organ function require a minimum of 500 calories, and our base line metabolism burns a minimum of 500 calories under sedentary conditions.

      Based on these “minimum” vital function caloric demands, about 1,800 calories per day minimum is required for our body to be healthy at sedentary activity level. The point of interest and medical significance is that consumption of less than 1,800 calories per day causes the metabolism (calorie burning capacity of the body) to gradually slow down, and even makes the body to start using muscle as well as fat to meet the deficit calorie needs. This low calorie dieting, less than 1,800 calories per day also causes hormonal imbalances and loss of essential body tissues, like bone and muscle.

      Tragically, almost all of the current one-size-fits-all diet books recommend less than 1,800 calories diet. They all slow the metabolism down, and eventually are the root cause of regaining the weight back in less than a year. It is also important to note that the 1,800 calories per day minimum is the lowest for all adults, regardless of total body weight and gender. Some authors of other diet books have suggested that the critical minimum number of calories may be based on a calculation using a fraction of body weight, for example 10% of body weight. Using this 10% rule estimate is a big mistake too, as many people who weigh less than 180 pounds would be adversely affected from being on a low calorie diet. I have determined that the 1,800 calories absolute minimum holds true for all adults, and this represents a minimum daily intake goal that must be achieved during weight loss and weight maintenance.

      Yes, there are many people, usually victims of low calorie dieting, who have low calorie dieters syndrome, and are burning less than 1,800 calories per day. But, instead of jumping back on the low calorie dieter’s rollercoaster ride, they need to have their low metabolic rate and hormonal imbalances corrected. The Body-Profile Type Approach is designed to do this, and is based on my discoveries about restoring the metabolic rate and hormonal balance.

      So people with low calorie dieter’s syndrome and low metabolism will be pleased to know that they will not be starting out on a low calorie diet, like the ones they have tried in the past that ruined their metabolism and caused hormonal imbalances. They will be starting with a personalized Body-Profile Type Nutrition plan that is at least 1,800 calories per day. Then as their metabolism is restored (increased) and their hormonal imbalances are corrected, and their body is better at using fat for energy, they will eventually increase their total daily caloric intake, while losing body fat. So, with a restored metabolism, after losing excess body fat, then during weight maintenance, they will be able to eat normal amounts of food, to keep adequately nourished. For most people this will typically be between 2,000 to 2,600 calories per day, or even higher for bigger and more active people.

      Regarding exercise, no existing diet book has proper exercise guidelines for hormonal correction that goes hand in hand with obesity treatment. The exercise instructions are like their low calorie diet recommendations, superficial, one-size-fits-all. For example, what happens to those obese people who are over-exercisers? If they are not losing the excess body fat do they need to exercise even more?

      NO, that would be a huge mistake! Unfortunately, it’s a mistake that happens all too often.

      Excessive exercising increases cortisol levels and neuropeptide Y levels, causing more fat storage and increases the level of obesity or excess body fat. With my Body-Profile Type individualized exercise programs, this type of obesity causing exercise is avoided or corrected.

      So, when it comes to medically correct weight loss (fat loss), followed by weight maintenance, it is the “right” type and amount of exercise that matters most, not simply how much a person exercises. The exercise program has to be best suited to match a person’s individual condition and abilities. The Body-Profile Type Exercise Program is based on the results of the Body-Profile Type evaluation, so it is best suited for promoting fat loss and hormonal balance.

      Gender Matters Too

      On top of these issues, the one-size-fits-all diets are not gender specific or life stage specific. Women tend to have more emotional eating issues and they cannot be on flexible diets, they have to be on a strict diet plan. In comparison men have more visual eating pattern and they do well even on a flexible diet.

      As you see, the one-size-fits-all weight loss approaches do not successfully fit all. Corrective actions including diet and exercise should be different for different Body-Profile type categories and should be gender specific too, which the Body-Profile Type Approach is.

      Body-Profile Type Fat Loss Medical Breakthrough Is The Ultimate Weight Management Solution

      The Body-Profile Type Approach actually determines the best diet and exercise program based on a person’s individual requirements; their past history with diets, their body fat type, their metabolic type, and their behavior type. For the first time weight loss dieter, the importance of using the Body-Profile Type Approach is that it will produce healthy, medically correct weight loss, while promoting normal metabolic and hormonal function. This is vital for both adults and teenagers too.

      For the repeat weight loss dieter, the Body-Profile Type Fat Loss Approach will literally “rescue” the person from their low calorie dieter’s syndrome / hormonal imbalance trap, which was caused by their previous failed weight loss attempts with the ineffective one-size-fits-all approaches. Their health and metabolism will finally be restored so they can start to lose the excess body fat, and be able to eat normal amounts of food again during weight loss and for successful weight maintenance.

      CHAPTER 2


      Two decades ago I made an important discovery from my work as Director of a hospital based weight control center. After working with thousands of obesity and overweight patients using conventional approaches of the day, I discovered some important insights about how people were responding to calorie restriction and how most people ultimately were doomed to failure using the popular low calorie weight loss approaches.

      From this medical experience I quickly determined a few interesting facts. First, after examining all of the conventional weight loss approaches, including both medical and popular diets, there was one primary factor in common; they prescribed a low calorie diet, usually lower than 1,500 calories a day, typically as low as 1,000. In other words, calorie restriction alone was causing the “weight loss”, not necessarily fat loss.

      Second, among the many one-size-fits-all diets back then and today the macronutrient composition of these low calorie diets did not make a difference for causing “weight loss”. People were found to temporarily lose weight regardless of the percentages of carbohydrates, fats and protein, when the calories were reduced to these low levels. From my research I also discovered that these low calorie diets, regardless of macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) composition, were causing most people hormonal imbalances, in addition to reducing their metabolic rate (calorie expenditure rate).

      I determined that for good health, longevity, optimal fat loss, and ultimately successful weight maintenance, the right macronutrient composition, as well as the right calorie amount, as well as tailored exercise is important for each Body-Profile Type to produce the most effective and successful results. The right macronutrient composition and caloric intake, along with the right exercise program, will restore and maintain normal hormone balance and metabolic rate, and it is important for longevity.

      The following diagram presents the complex interrelations involved in obesity.

      This Diagram Presents Some Of The Complex Interrelations Involved In Obesity


      The next chart illustrates what typically happens to obese people following a low calorie diet, below 1,800 calories per day. The metabolism slows down, and this causes the person to lower their daily calorie expenditure rate. When they start eating a normal calorie diet, their body quickly regains