Weight Loss Tailored for Women. Ohan Karatoprak MD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ohan Karatoprak MD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456619824
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book to start using the programs. You can immediately start your weight loss program by going to Chapter 6 to determine your Body-Profile Type and what personalized nutrition and exercise program to follow.


      Periodically you will reevaluate yourself to determine if your Body-Profile Type has changed based on your improvements in body composition and health.

      Section Three contains chapters with details about your Body-Profile Type specific nutrition, supplement, and exercise programs. Note that exercise programs start with as little as 15 minutes per training session of easy, low intensity exercise. Nutrition programs contain 1,800 calories or more per day of food intake, from eating 3 meals and 3 snacks per day.

      To help ensure your success visit www.DrKHealth.com for online videos about determining your Body-Profile Type and other information about the program.

      CHAPTER 1


      Obesity (or excess body fat) is increasing instead of decreasing in spite of all the diet books, weight loss centers and efforts of health professionals. According to my experience as a doctor and also reported from independent diet reviews published in the medical journals, these popular diets are low calorie diets, where people may lose “weight” in the beginning, but eventually they regain the weight that they lost, and can be worse off than when they started


      WHAT IS OBESITY? Obesity for women is when body fat is more than 30% to total body weight. Obesity is excess body fat, regardless of your body weight. So body weight alone is not always enough to know if you are obese or not. You can have normal body weight and be obese. Or you can have excess body weight and be obese.


      Those popular one-size-fits-all, low calorie diets can cause metabolic damage caused from improper low calorie nutrition plans, and can be deficient in essential nutrients. Low calorie dieting may result in undesirable weight loss which includes reducing precious lean body mass (muscle, bones), and can reduce your body’s calorie burning rate. At the same time low calorie dieting can cause hormonal imbalances and make your body prone to storing more body fat in the long run.

      Obesity = Excess Body Fat

      Obesity is a condition of having excess body fat, and starts for some people at just having several pounds of excess body fat, not just hundreds of pounds. In fact, most of my patients who find out they are obese (with their waist circumference measurement) usually are very surprised when they have normal body weight using the body mass index chart.

      By medical definition, obesity is excess body fat, not necessarily excess body weight. Women who have body fat more than 30% of their total body weight are obese, and men who have body fat more than 25% of their total body weight are obese. This includes many more people than you may be thinking, because it is common to think of obesity as being hundreds of pounds with excess body fat. This is actually an extreme case of obesity, which is called morbid obesity.


      Did you know that you can have normal body weight and be obese?

      On the other hand, you can be overweight and not be obese.


      Excess body fat, not body w eight is the important factor. This is one reason why all the weight loss approaches that ask you just what your body weight is, and how much weight you want to lose are doing it wrong. As you will learn when you go through your Body-Profile Type evaluation, the first step is to determine your Body-Fat Type. This goes a vital step beyond just looking at BMI. For example, using the standard height and weight charts a person can be normal weight, but obese if they have excess body fat, and less lean body mass (muscle, bones and internal organs). On the other hand a person can be overweight, but not obese, by having excess muscle mass, with normal body fat mass.

      Why You Don’t Want To Be Obese?

      Because obesity increases your risk of developing chronic diseases like, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers.

      Are There Different Types Of Body Fats?

      Yes essentially there are three types of fats in the body:

      •Subcutaneous Body Fat (fat under the skin, breast, buttocks. This type of fat does not increase disease risk);

      •Visceral Body Fat (fat around the abdomen inside the body invading or surrounding our internal organs, such as liver, kidney and heart. This type of fat increases the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and caner.) ;

      •Brown Body Fat (fat inside the body, but not effecting the internal organs, and it is involved in burning 10% of the body’s calories per day (called thermogenesis).


      When you measure your waist circumference you are getting information about your visceral body fat.

      Making the One-Size-Fits-All Low Calorie Weight Loss Diets Obsolete

      The one-size-fits-all popular weight loss diet approaches just seem not to be working for most people, based on my experience working with thousands of patients and from what other doctors are reporting in the medical journals. This is why so many people are destined to a lifetime of repeat dieting, followed by repeat weight gain, after trying one of the one-size-fits-all low calorie weight loss plans.

      Tragically, the story is the same, over and over again. Someone who wants to lose weight takes it upon themselves to pick one of these one-size-fits-all low calorie diets, which lowers their metabolic rate. Then, they eventually give up, gain back the weight, and end up suffering the health consequences of excess body fat, poor diet, and inadequate exercise. This low calorie dieting actually slows down the body’s calorie burning capacity, based on my research and corroborated by a Columbia university study.

      You can begin to understand now why these low calorie diets end up doing more harm than good and are causing an epidemic I identified and refer to as LOW CALORIE DIETER’S SYNDROME.

      Many popular fad diets usually consist of a structured diet plan that is too low in calories, and not personalized to meet a person’s specific needs. For example, people of all sizes, gender, and ages start using the same low calorie diet plan. When the calorie intake is too low, this sends the brain a message to lower the body’s calorie burning rate, that is, how many calories it uses each day. For example, the body may have started out burning 2,500 calories per day, or 3,500 calories per day prior to dieting, and so on, but after eating a low calorie diet of 1,600, 1,400, 1,200, or 1,000 for example, the body lowers its calorie burning rate.

      What do you think happens when a person returns to regular eating? Their body now gains fat faster because the number of calories they use for energy was reduced from the low calorie diet, causing low calorie dieter’s syndrome.

      But there are more problems that can occur from this condition. These low calorie diets can also cause a person to lose lean body weight, which includes muscle and bone. This is medically unhealthy, and should be avoided. In fact from a medical perspective, these low calorie diets are actually causing people to experience premature muscle loss and bone loss, which is similar to the poor lifestyle and aging related muscle loss called sarcopenia, and age related bone loss called osteoporosis. In addition to obesity being on the rise, these two nutrition and lifestyle related diseases are also on the rise, which could be due in part to the millions of people each year following low calorie