Weight Loss Tailored for Women. Ohan Karatoprak MD. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ohan Karatoprak MD
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456619824
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      Weight Loss Tailored For Women

      Dr. Karatoprak’s Weight Loss & Longevity Breakthrough!

      The Revolutionary Personalized Body-Profile Type™ Approach Designed For Women Of All Ages

      For Women Who Want to Lose From 5 to over 100 Lbs.


      Doctor Developed - Doctor Tested - Doctor Recommended

      Ohan Karatoprak, MD

      Copyright ©2013 Dr. K Health LLC. All Rights Reserved.

      ATTENTION. This Book is not intended for use as a substitute for consultation with a qualified medical practitioner, health practitioner, or fitness professional. If you have symptoms of any illness, or if exercise induced injury occurs, it is essential that you see your doctor without delay. You are unique, and your diagnosis and treatment must be individualized for you by your own doctor. This book provides information about exercise, nutrition, and other topics for personalized weight loss and weight management. But no publication can replace the personalized health care professional that you may need. You are encouraged to work closely with your doctor and other health care professionals to achieve and maintain optimum health. The author and his agents, Dr. K Health LLC and related parties will not accept responsibility for injury, loss, or damage occasioned to any person acting or refraining to act as a result of material contained in this publication, whether or not such injury, loss, or damage is due in any way to any negligent act or omission, breach of duty, or default on the part of the author or his agents. Brand names that may be included in this publication are not intended to endorse products. A product that is included in this publication does not imply it is any better than products not included in this publication. This book is part of a medical weight management program, and it is recommended that you consult with your physician for a medical examination to confirm your health is suitable for following the nutrition, exercise, and dietary supplements presented in this book. When consulting with your physician, make sure to ask about determining if you have Metabolic Syndrome, as reviewed in the Body-Profile Type™ Evaluation, or other health concerns that need medical supervision

      Notice: Body-Profile Type™ is a trademark of Dr. K Health LLC

      Visit www.DrKHealth.com to view free videos and other free content related to this book.

      ISBN 13: 978-1-4566-1982-4

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com



      What Other Doctors Are Saying About Dr. Karatoprak’s Revolutionary Personalized Weight Loss Approach.

      “I have seen very positive results over the years with Dr. Karatoprak’s medically correct approach to weight loss, which is personalized fat loss. “

      Dr. M. Denker, MD

      Board Certified Internal Medicine

      “I have been referring my patients to Dr. Karatoprak for weight management before conducting body contouring cosmetic surgery. He has been achieving outstanding results for my patients. Frequently I get compliments regarding his method to decreasing body fat content.”

      Dr. H. Usal, MD

      Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

      Dr. Ohan Karatoprak’s Revolutionary Personalized Body-Profile Type Weight Loss Approach - What’s It All About?

      If you are one of the millions of people that get caught up each year making the same old New Year’s weight loss resolution, giving the latest weight loss fad diet a try, and end up regaining the weight, then there is good news for you. People who want to get off the annual weight loss rollercoaster ride and lose weight the right way, should know about this weight loss program, which is doctor developed, doctor tested and doctor recommended.

      This personalized weight loss approach lets you eat up to 6 times per day, 1,800 calories

      or more per day, with exercise starting at only 15 minutes you can do at home;

      No more one-size-fits-all low calorie dieting.

      Created by Ohan Karatoprak, MD, Fort Lee, New Jersey, it was developed over three decades of working with thousands of patients. The key weight loss discoveries include the importance of taking a personalized approach that is medically correct. According to Dr. Karatoprak, unless you get your weight loss program “tailored” for your Body-Profile Type, you will not be able to lose the weight properly and maintain the weight lost. By contrast, when you follow one of the low calorie one-size-fits all gimmick diets, the ones that promise fast weight loss, you are setting yourself up for failure, and gaining more excess body fat then you started out with.

      This book uses Dr. Karatoprak’s personalized Body-Profile Typing, which considers a person’s age, body fat level, sex, metabolic abnormalities, eating behavior, exercise experience, nutrition, supplements, and if needed, even drug treatment.

      The following stories about Rita and Kelly will help to explain the effectiveness of using this personalized weight loss approach. Rita was overweight despite her lifestyle of eating less (under-eater) and exercising more (over-exercising), while Kelly was overweight from the more classic reasons of her over-eating and not exercising. Rita was in her 50’s, tall, obese and worked as a teacher. During the initial interview at the weight loss clinic she revealed she had been dieting continuously for about 2 years, and was at the point where she was consuming just 700 to 800 calories a day, exercising 60 to 90 minutes a day of strenuous exercise. Remarkably she was not losing any weight; sound familiar?

      So what happened to Rita? Her low calorie dieting reduced her metabolic rate, which made her use less calories for energy. Additionally, severe hormonal imbalances were present that favored fat storage, i.e., storing a higher amount of body fat, and holding on to the body fat. Based on her Body-Profile Type evaluation it was determined Rita needed an eating plan higher in calories to start making her metabolism work again. She also needed to adjust her food intake to get in the proper ratios of nutrients getting the right mix of carbohydrates, protein and fats, and start to follow an adequate exercise program. Her over-exercising was actually blocking fat loss by increasing the secretion of a substance in the brain that slows down the metabolism and makes the body puts fat on, so she needed to correct her exercise program too.

      Rita was put on a 1,800 calorie per day diet, because this is the lowest amount that the body needs to function, and to avoid sensing starvation; which is why most diets fail. Her caloric intake was progressively increased during her weight loss program. Her exercise program was reduced to exercising just 45 minutes walking 5 times a week, and 30 minutes of resistive exercise 2 to 3 times per week.

      It took a short time for Rita’s metabolism to recover, and when it did she started to lose inches and pounds of body fat when her daily caloric intake reached 2,500 calories per day. This was what was appropriate for her body size and activity level. Then she eventually settled in to a 2,800 calorie per day weight maintenance diet after losing the excess body fat.

      By contrast, Kelly was age 53, working as a secretary and led a sedentary lifestyle. Kelly had a life-long struggle with being overweight. But during the last six years since she went in to menopause she gained 40 more pounds. She was frustrated with this condition and on her own was cutting back the fat intake seeing if this would help her lose weight. So she wasn’t eating fatty foods, she was eating more carbohydrates and she was drinking 4 to 6 diet sodas daily. She was snacking on diet cookies thinking she was cutting down her calories. However, from her evaluation it turned out that she was actually eating between 3,000 to 4,000 calories a day, mainly carbohydrates, and not exercising adequately.