Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma. Linda Stein-Luthke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Linda Stein-Luthke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613143
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to look up information regarding these lifetimes to learn more. But one point of note that fascinated me was that as Julius II he had been a patron of the arts and this had included commissioning Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The history of Italy during this time has always interested me. Paul says Martin and I were there. I've learned through the years that whenever I've enjoyed studying a period of history in this lifetime, it's been because I was alive during that particular time.

      Martin was in a position of power in the Vatican and I was a Mother Superior at a convent on the outskirts of Rome. My greatest memory, however, in addition to marveling at the works of art being created at that time, was that the Tiber river stank and the stench filled Rome! Amazing but true. During that channeling session Paul concurred regarding the river. Modern sanitation would not be created until a few centuries later!

      But he also wanted to explain that although he had a deeper understanding of metaphysics than he was able to convey to the public in that lifetime, he wanted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to present an allegory that could be easily grasped by all who saw it. This was before the mass media that we access so easily now, so he used art to create a deeper understanding of what the Catholic Church was endeavoring to convey. And, of course, it was another tool to consolidate his power. In addition to marveling at the miracle of creation, if you weren't behaving according to church doctrine, you had a graphic example of the hell that awaited you.

      And no, Paul was not a “boy scout” in those lifetimes. But given the power he needed in order to rule he did try to be as fair as was possible under those circumstances.

      It appears that we have all had thousands of lifetimes and that the karma we've accrued seems to be catching up with us now as we move to higher frequencies on planet Earth. I'm sure K.P. has more to say about that.


      Yes, Leia, there is much more to tell. Karma has appeared to be a very difficult business for many to understand. In the Hindu faith, it was assumed that if you misbehaved in one lifetime, then you would return on a lower rung of the caste system. And one could even transmigrate into the animal kingdom where a similar set of karmic rules applied. Conversely, if you were a good, generous, and kind soul, you could leave the animal kingdom. The one great example that has been told is that of the Buddha. He was Lord of the deer and ruled so well that his next lifetime was as the Buddha, who all recognize as the founder of Buddhism.

      Brahmins are the highest order of caste in the Hindu faith, and all who are born into this caste see themselves as superior to others and in their estimation, deservedly so. This concept of caste based on karmic history has done much to discredit the whole concept of karma and confuse more than it has enlightened. Most who have a cursory understanding of karma, perhaps based on the Hindu model that has evolved through the centuries, see karma as a punishment that is meted out by some judgmental process that is beyond the power of humans to control.

      The concept of “untouchables” is seen by many as an example that whatever philosophy espoused such reprehensible treatment of humans is not a philosophy to be embraced as useful and wise. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding for humanity to continue to embrace. For, if taken to its ultimate conclusion, it would make the perpetuators of all suffering justified in their course of action. And, although we speak of karmic balance, this does not mean that suffering need continue, or that anyone could use the concept of karma as a reason to cause harm to another.

      What we are seeking to offer you here is a key that can aid you in understanding how to experience life on Earth. You can do this with a deeper and far more accurate understanding of the concept of karma. May I use the example you have given, Leia, of your most recent past life where you harshly judged people of the Jewish faith when you were a servant in the court of Czar Nicholas II? Your choice to decide that they were worthy of persecution led directly to your choice to be born as a Jew and learn to love and appreciate the very people you had previously denigrated. And, even prior to birth, you and Martin worked to help the souls as they departed from horrific persecution. You realized, once you left the Earth plane, that the illusion of separation, of one group of people being different from another, had caused you to have judgment and yes, even hatred of them. The judgment had to end when you realized that everything on Earth is composed of the same material. All comes from the Light of Infinite Source. The illusion of separation that you experienced led to confusion and the ability to be unkind.

      You balanced a great deal of karma by helping those who were suffering persecution after you left the Earth plane and realized the fallacy of your perceptions in that past life. Your choice to be born a Jew in this lifetime, to marry Martin, and to now reside in Germany, another land where persecution occurred, has cleared the rest of the karma and brought you back into balance.

      There was no judgmental body outside of your own Totality or Higher Self that decided what your choices would be to balance your karma once you had left the Earth plane from your last life. This review process occurred almost immediately upon departure from your physical form. You were aided by the Beings of Light in reviewing your life and deciding your karma. But the decisions you made were your own. That is the process that Paul and I are experiencing now. Part of our karma has been to write these books with you. We will discuss more about this process of life review in other sections of this book.

      But now we are here to tell you that there is a way to balance karma for each and everyone while you are alive. You do not need to wait until you leave the Earth plane to learn how to balance your karma. This is more easily achieved than ever before because of the increase in the frequencies of Light that are filling the Earth plane. That is why Paul and I are so eager to set the record straight regarding karma since all that is occurring on Earth at this time is based on creating a karmic balance for all who are alive now.

      It may be difficult to completely understand what we are endeavoring to convey here. But the most important point that you may want to know is that you do not need to wait until you leave your body in this lifetime to review your karmic history and correct your course.

      And there is a fairly simple way to know what it is that you might want to correct. For karma is balancing faster than ever before because the frequencies are increasing so rapidly now.

      Fairly soon after any movement that you make on this Earth plane, be it malevolent or benevolent, you will quickly see the results of your choices now, in this lifetime. Not in the next lifetime, but now.

      If you are opening your heart to allow the loving Light of Infinite Source to fill you, and allowing the wisdom and guidance of that Light to aid you in making your choices, then you will quickly see your quality of life improve. A balance and harmony, a gift from your karmic legacy, will fill each moment of your life on Earth.

      If, however, you choose to be guided by less harmonic interests and allow dissonance and discomfort to fill each moment, then the rule of karma will seek to balance each dissonant choice by showing you an immediate response to those choices. And the response that you choose to experience may not be pleasant. But you will have co-created the response that you will experience. These uncomfortable moments that you may choose will be an instant “course correction” for you. They will not be mistakes as you have judged such things in the past. And they will not be a reason to dwell on recrimination for the choice you have made. Such choices to create discomfort in your life are usually the result of conditioning that has not allowed you the opportunity to know another way to be.

      But now as you have an unpleasant experience, you can see that you can choose another way to respond to your karmic choice. You can heal the karmic energy that inspired that choice and change course. Heal your history and move into balance and harmony.

      Dissonance and disharmony will bring even greater dissonance and disharmony. As always, in any lifetime, the choice would be yours. You may think that there is some outside negative force that would be punishing you. But that simply would not be so. It is you, in every moment, that would be making these choices to either bring discomfort or comfort into your life.

      The Karma of your whole planet is correspondingly being fulfilled