Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma. Linda Stein-Luthke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Linda Stein-Luthke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613143
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in karmic balance also. All Creation continues to exist as it fulfills the act of karmic balance.

      And you are the one who agrees to participate in this karma. You know it is essential to existence. You know this in the very core of your being. We are just reminding you here.

      • • • • • •

      Chapter 2

      The Breath of the Cosmos: Beginnings and Endings

      Well, it is happening just as I expected. As soon as I seriously began writing what K.P. was transmitting, my brain would not stop. I made lunch for the family, received congratulations from Martin about how well the first chapter had gone, and then we all took time to have an afternoon siesta. Only, I didn't rest. My brain wouldn't stop. Each time I opened myself to meditation, I saw very clearly what K.P. was conveying. I saw how everything is really interconnected in ways I'd never understood before.

      Then I wondered how I'd never seen that before. How many books have I read on metaphysics, religion, and spirituality? Why had this clarity never come to me before? My ego mind wanted to go everywhere with this. And when I finally quieted my mind from these thoughts, Paul began to come through to convey his message for this chapter. So, instead of spending the quality time I've agreed to with our son, I'm back sitting on my chair at the computer typing as part of the karmic agreement of the atoms in my chair, my computer, and the person I've come to know as me. Go for it, Paul!


      Well, hello Linda! Long time no see. Yep, it's been awhile since you've let us come through to write with you. Of course, we don't have time here as you know it. But you do have time there, and while Martin has done a respectable job of getting the first book out there for people to see, you could have been working on this one, but you weren't. And although that might have been a good idea, still it wasn't part of your karma to begin the second one so soon.

      You see how that works? It appears that we all make mistakes or don't do things quite right while we are there, yet once we get here we see it all happened perfectly. It all remained in balance. In karmic balance. You had other matters to attend to and you did. But you knew we were here waiting, and that bothered you. You had some guilt about it. And although guilt has seemed to be a useful commodity, employed by all of us when we are human, it really didn't matter from our perspective. We could see that the time wasn't right. And, as you've often heard, timing is everything. It certainly is part of what makes the karmic wheel go round.

      I know where you'd like to take this whole discussion. You want to go through some well-trodden territory. What about all the terrible things that have happened to folks through the centuries? The Holocaust and all the other atrocities committed by humans. And what of the natural disasters? How does all this fit into the karmic balance we are discussing here?

      Let me begin by asking you to think of the photos you've seen of stars exploding into being in space. Each time one of these massive explosions occurs, another part of this Creation comes into being. Now, if you as a bunch of atoms called a human were to go anywhere near such an event, you wouldn't stay in that form very long, would you? And yet, you'd still continue to exist, wouldn't you? Your consciousness would survive that event, but the atoms that have agreed to be you would scatter.

      Such is the nature of the cosmos. In essence, it is constantly breathing in and out. Just like you. Each of your breaths is a balancing act, a karmic interaction, isn't it? It’s all done in agreement with you to keep you going -- until you stop breathing and another experience happens. You leave your body. And the atoms that agreed to be part of you go on to form something else.

      Such is the case of every catastrophe, man-made or otherwise, that you see there on Earth.

      Things begin and things end. We may think that each time something like that occurs it is a horrible and excruciating experience. And for the living beings, human and otherwise, that may be so. It may be cataclysmic in every way possible.

      We are obsessed as humans with fears about such events. Sometimes, in our various lives we've participated in these events in one way or another. Sometimes we were the bad guys that made terrible things happen to other people or caused natural disasters to unfold. Yes, we do have the power to do that, too. Many on Earth are doing that now. Earth changes or global warming is what it's being called. But humans are creating that too.

      In other lives, everyone has been what you would call a victim, suffering at the hands of those who once suffered at your hands in other lives. As awful as all these events may appear, everyone has helped create each of these events in one way or another.

      Now you are living in Germany where your people were murdered. Hell, you even married a German! And that was all part of a karmic agreement.

      Why are you Jewish now? You know why. Because in your last life you thought Jews were horrible and should have been persecuted. Then, while you were waiting to be reborn, you went to the camps where the Jews were dying, and you and Martin helped many of those folks move into the Light.

      You saw that as each one perished they immediately became filled with the most glorious Light and found a freedom, peace, and joy they had never, ever realized was possible while they were alive. Death is a resurrection. And you saw that the destruction that Germany endured at the end of the war has led to a resurrection, a cleansing and healing for the whole country. Sure, there are still pockets of crazy people there, just as there are everywhere. But the horror led to a renewal of the Light. The karma balanced.

      Now, I'm not saying that this is a reason why one should start a war or create a cataclysm. Not at all. In fact, your job there is to help people understand that they don't need to go through those horrific events ever again to bring in an era of peace, balance, and harmony into the whole Earth. That's just how the Earth has achieved balance to this time.

      But you know you are reaching a time of change in how the system operates. You know it doesn't have to continue to be a case of suffering first to then achieve balance and harmony later. You know that once you are completely open to your Light, even if you stand next to an exploding star the only thing that could happen to you is that you'd think it was really, really beautiful to see. I know, I've done that now. And it's really a wonderful thing to do.

      The dense, human forms that you all possess there are lightening up now. Literally. You know some of my history now. I was a Pope a couple of times. I've had quite a few lifetimes where I thought I truly was someone special. Lifetimes when I commanded whole armies to wipe out large groups of people -- and they didn't do that nicely. And then I was someone who got wiped out a few times myself. And that didn't happen nicely either.

      No one is a “boy scout” of impeccable honor there. But it doesn't mean that anyone deserves to suffer. It just means you all make agreements to balance karma and probably will be very open to the idea that as your planet moves into some more pleasant frequencies, you can all let go of the need to keep that kind of drama going. If you all agree.

      Some will. Some won't. But here's the idea. It is possible now. And yes, that would continue to balance the karma for the whole planet and everything on it.

      • • • • • •

      Chapter 3

      Understanding and Misunderstanding the Concept of Karma

      It seems that Paul and K.P. have both covered a lot of ground already and yet, I know they have more to say. It is Sunday and Martin has taken the kids ice-skating so I can keep my agreement with my computer. Over night, I did hear more from both Paul and K.P., so I will tell a little bit of that here.

      Paul reminded me that he'd informed Martin and me during a channeling session of his having been Pope Julius I and Pope Julius II. When I asked him why he'd kept the same name as Pope, he simply replied that he liked the name.

      In both those lifetimes he did a great deal to reform the Catholic Church and consolidate its power. We encourage all