Paul Newman & Karampal Singh: About Karma. Linda Stein-Luthke. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Linda Stein-Luthke
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456613143
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frequently by Paul who helped me understand why I ended up in the hospital. In the weeks leading up to the accident, I had neglected the book, neglected sitting for deep meditations or allowing myself much time to do any Light work at all. Everyone else and everything else in my life had become more important. I was trying to be all things to all people -- except myself. This has always been a tendency of mine, and this time, it had rather disastrous consequences. The day my arm was broken I was eager to make sure our dog traveled with us while I drove the children to school. The bus goes right by our door, but I was trying to keep everyone happy with the same routine that Martin had been following before he accepted a position at a distant clinic.

      During Paul's visits at the hospital, he began commenting on a book I was reading at that time about the history of Jerusalem. He said it was no coincidence that I'd chosen this book because it could help me remember my time with him and Martin when Paul was the biblical King David. His exact quote was: "My last life wasn't the only life where I was a talented 'pretty boy' that everyone adored!" Leave it to Paul to "tell it like it is"!

      I was stunned by Paul's revelation about his life as King David. But as I lay in my hospital bed in a somewhat dreamy stupor from the medication, I did go back with him to that time and saw details that left it clear that we were members of his court when he ruled Jerusalem. In that life he did fall from grace when the messages he was receiving from the Light did not keep him from giving in to what he called, "wine, women and song." He said the Bible painted a much kinder picture of him than how he viewed himself upon disembodiment. In that lifetime Martin was an adviser who tried to keep him on the straight and narrow when he was David, but to no avail.

      The morning Martin arrived at the hospital to take me home, he found me in tears – not from the physical pain but from the powerful messages that Paul had given me during his visitations. "Don't forget who you are, Linda. You have work you've agreed to do. So do it!"

      For quite some time after I broke my arm typing was painful – a nagging reminder of the lessons I wanted to learn.

      .. .. ..

      After all this background information it is time to get to the meat of the matter. We hope you find the messages contained in this second book from the authors useful and enjoyable.

      Many Blessings of Love and Light,

      Linda and Martin

      • • • • • •

      Chapter 1

      The Concept of Karma

      This is a difficult choice for me to make. Both Paul and Karampal, or K.P. as we would call him, would like to come through. In the last book, they each took turns for a chapter. We'll just have to see how it goes this time! Now that Martin is doing more work out of our home, I am under a time pressure to write, write, write! Not only is this coming from Paul and K.P., but from my husband as well.

      I guess it's time to get cranking…

      Paul and K.P. have said that this book is to be about living, dying, and karma. Nothing shallow about that. How do we approach life? How do we live it? Why do we choose certain experiences during our embodiments as well as on the higher planes? All of this has been addressed many times through the centuries by various religions, scientists, and philosophers. It concerns the very essence of our existence. It should be interesting to see what these two have to say about it here.


      Thank you, dear Leia [Linda], for allowing me to speak first. The attention and love you and Martin have given to my children has aided them both and I want to thank you for your continued support. They both completely understand that you, Martin, and I are linked as one on the higher planes and so even though you did not give birth to these children as you did not give birth to Anya and Evan [our adopted children], we are still profoundly linked to all these children by the Light. This is abundantly clear in all cases.

      How we are all linked is karmically correct as well. And that is what I wish to discuss here: the concept of karma. For this concept is at the root of the ancient teachings initially written in Sanskrit thousands of years ago. It is a concept that actually predates the existence of humans upon this planet. For all who live here now have come from other portions of creation, and embodiment upon Earth was not the first incarnation for any who reside here. Yes, we have all come from somewhere else. All. This includes every living thing on your Earth. This was surprising for me to realize as well once I understood the vastness of this concept. Planet Earth was not the first act of creation by the Creator Source, that which I called Brahma in my last lifetime.

      You have called this concept Infinite Source at the urgings of the Ascended Beings. That is an excellent term also. We can use that term here for the sake of brevity. But do be aware that any term we use is limited because that which has created everything is beyond description. That is why in the Hebrew scriptures, it is not even written and is never depicted in any way. This is true, as you remember, in the Hindu tradition as well. There is no depiction of Brahma. The Muslims adhere to this principle also. How do you describe the indescribable?

      So, please keep this in your awareness as I continue here.

      Leia remembers how, when we first met and I began to describe the concept of God in various religious traditions, that she was enchanted by the vastness of my knowledge of these matters. But I will tell you, Leia, what I knew then compared to what I know now is completely beyond your comprehension. There simply are no words to describe how I have seen the Creation continue. For it does continue.

      The first fundamental rule to learn is that nothing that exists has never not existed, nor will anything ever cease to exist. It changes form, most certainly. But all the atoms, which are the building blocks of creation, are eternal structures that just reassemble in various ways as they continue existing.

      So, now you may be sitting in a chair, at the computer typing away on a machine and think that someday you will die, the machine will fall apart, and maybe this will even happen to the chair. Maybe so. But even if that does happen, you and all that created the chair and the machine will still exist.

      So, what guides the process of reassembling these atoms?

      Ah! That is what we call karma. The wheel of life -- that which cycles through creation and creates the assignments of atoms into different forms. Now, what you may find to be even more interesting is that even your chair and machine have karma! You'd like to think of these things as inanimate objects without any consciousness other than that which you've programmed into the computer. But your scientists now know that this is not true. They are busily looking for the “God particle,” or that which you'd call the “first cause.” And what have they done to look for this? Created “atom smashers” to look at the particles that create the atom to see how they function outside of the atomic system. And what have they discovered? That these particles appear to take on a consciousness when they are observed.

      Why might that be so? Because the atoms agree to participate in our karmic drama and form what we need to dance and play in the third dimension as you live on Earth. They become what we need in order to fulfill our karmic agreements while we are on Earth. That is their karmic agreement.

      It is very interesting to realize this.

      So, how did you arrive at all those karmic agreements with your world there? How did you decide on your body, your parents, your children, your mates, and your life? How did you decide to assemble all these atoms in a certain way?

      Well, you had a great deal of help. And Paul would like to explain this further to you. He's enjoyed learning about these factors. It has been exciting for him to realize that being a “powerful movie star” wasn't the only way that power was manifesting in his world. Just as the fact that I came from a powerful civilization, and you and Martin did also, was not really the most important factor to consider in our lifetimes.

      There is something far more important to pay attention to, far more important! It is called the balancing of life as we traverse the wheel of karma. It is why we continue to be born somewhere in Creation. For Creation must remain in balance in order to continue to exist. It is why the stars do