LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter. Deborah Maragopoulos FNP. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607647
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bar Hillel descendent of Solomon bar David descendent of Judah bar Jacob bar Isaac bar Abraham, stand as keeper of the records of Israel, the title given by the Divine to Father Jacob for whom I am named.

      1:2 On the first day of the year 3772, Yeshua bar Joseph of the House of David wed Mary of the Hasmonaean House. The lineage of our people has been patriarchal from the time of Abraham, but through this marriage, the bloodline shifts to matriarchal inheritance.

      1:3 The Oneness separated itself into light and dark, masculine and feminine. In Sacred Unity, the two become as One. Ameyn.

      Bringing Forth Delight

      Esteemed Brother Joseph,

      The tribe of Judah sends glad tidings. The forces of darkness rise from inside the Holy Temple, within the confines of the holy city and beyond the desert of Judaea growing stronger from across the Great Sea. The sons of light cast rays of hope and justice to keep the darkness at bay, yet more Hebrew blood pours down the stony mount. These are dangerous times we live in, my friend, and I agree with Judas that your mists may be penetrable by the dark shadow. Complacency shall not serve the house of David. The angels of mercy are at your disposal, just ask and you shall receive.

      In faith of arms,


      While packing my things into a small sack, a frown plays at the corners of my mouth. At the onset of my menses over a month ago, I had a dream that the conception was to take place in the wilderness. But Joseph insisted that we are not safe outside the mists without protection and it took over a month for Yeshua to convince him to permit us to leave the property.

      With a sigh, I carry my sack to the back entrance. Miriam is there to bid us farewell. Outside the gate, Yeshua responds to a familiar voice. Teoma?

      Turning to Miriam, I start to complain, but she interrupts me. “Hush, Yeshua convinced Joseph to forego a large unfamiliar guard for the devotion of his friend. Now give this to Teoma and have a wonderful time.” Handing me a small leather pouch fragrant with herbs, she kisses me goodbye.

      Drawing deeply of the cool morning air, Teoma has two donkeys, one packed heavily for the trip, the other for riding. His smile is endearing. “Hello, Mary. It is good to see you.” How could my husband believe that this is better than an unfamiliar guard! Teoma embraces me warmly, “Did Ima Miriam give you anything for me?”

      “Forgive me. I am excited about this trip.”

      He nods his thanks, “I would think you would be very excited about conceiving your first child.”

      If Mother Earth swallowed me up now, I could escape this embarrassment. I turn to glare at Yeshua but he’s busy securing our things to the back of the donkey.

      “Mary, do you want to ride?” Teoma’s blue eyes shine brightly.

      “No, thank you. I’ll walk for awhile.” Why is he so excited?

      “I never expected to be able to accompany you. It is like old times, is it not?”

      No! It is not like old times. We never camped overnight. At least I was never invited. Yeshua smiles at our exchange. Does he not realize my discomfort?

      In frustration, I find myself twisting my shawl. Did Joseph send word to Teoma to return from the desert just on our behalf? I am sure that the baby is to be born in the spring, but if I conceive now she will not be due until after the summer solstice. Oh no, I will not tire myself out by walking, but rather by struggling with the twists of fate that are very much out of my hands.

      Comforting me with his touch, Yeshua speaks silently, Dearest, please relax and enjoy this adventure you so wanted to have.

      Slowly my mood brightens. Yeshua calls up to Teoma. “Mary would like to ride.” Happy that my husband knows my thoughts, I kiss his cheek.

      Stopping, Teoma adjusts the donkey’s riding blankets, while I tie my shawl about my waist and pull the end through my legs. Now I can comfortably ride astride. Teoma sets me upon the donkey’s narrow back shaking his head, “Yeshua, your wife has girded her loins in the manner of a soldier of Yisrael.”

      Although my lower legs are somewhat exposed, my husband shrugs. Teoma dubiously hands over the reins, and I soon find how responsive the donkey is to my silent communication. Patting her neck, I swiftly turn her toward the foothills and encourage her to gallop, intent on piercing the protective mists Joseph has cast about his lands. Something draws me toward a strange rock formation.

      I sense the energy of a sacred space, but cannot see a dwelling or even a cave. Not even arranged in a circle, the basalt stones lie lazily upon each other. Still, there is something here.

      “Come, Mary, you have taken the wrong trail,” warns Teoma, running to catch up.

      “What is this place?” Ignoring me, he grasps the donkey’s reins, leading us away from my discovery. My husband meets us back at the fork and encourages the donkey with a slap, thwarting any questions.

      When the trail gets steeper, I slow the donkey to a walk, then halt. I am being watched. Perched on a stone ledge, a tawny wildcat basks in the sun. The donkey stands unconcerned so I greet the cat silently. She calls me Elat and explains in images that the creatures have been waiting for me. Enchanted, I bid the cat farewell and she leaps over us to disappear up the mountainside.

      In moments, Teoma comes running. “Mary! Are you all right?”

      Yeshua arrives, leading the pack animal. Smiling, I describe the communication. When I get to the part about the place of conception, Teoma gasps. “That is where I am taking you.” A large black crow settles itself in the tree top, cawing loudly.

      Yeshua laughs, “Well, now that heaven and earth agree, let us proceed.”

      A magical place, the sweet wild grove is blessed with the hayye of all the elements. The earth below richly comforting the creek gurgles its praise. The leaves begin to rustle as the element of air joins the dance and I imagine that this evening when we sit by the cooking fire, all will be complete.

      Having set up a fine camp, Teoma goes off to hunt. Yeshua and I could not have provided for ourselves so well, but still I am nervous about tonight with Teoma sleeping so near.

      Yeshua hugs me to his side. “Mary, do not worry. In Britannia, I learned how to create kasa over another, veiling us from any eyes.”

      I understand how to become invisible for even as a child I would disappear when playing hide and seek with my sister and cousins, but Joseph must not truly trust the kasa for he sent us with an escort. So many secrets, I wonder…

      “What was that place that Teoma led me from?”

      My husband studies my face, “It is my father’s. A place for him to practice what he has learned.”

      “What does he do?”

      “He uses the ritual herbs he brought from Britannia to seek enlightenment. I believe he also has special mixes from the Egyptian healers who visit Qumran.”

      “Do you partake of these herbs?”

      Touching my cheek, he whispers, “With my Druid master, I took a journey enhanced by sacred herbs. But it is not my way. I find a much clearer connection to Source in my prayers and meditations.”

      Miriam seems connected. I wonder if Joseph shares the herbs with her.

      Yeshua shakes his head, “I do not believe she knows of this. Besides, Ima