LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter. Deborah Maragopoulos FNP. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607647
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      Divine Daughter


      Deborah Maragopoulos FNP




      Divine Daughter

      Copyright © Deborah Maragopoulos, 2012.

      All rights reserved.

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter

      Cover designed by Morgan McConnell

      Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination, or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0764-7

      Print books are available at

      Primary Characters

      Belshazzar: Akkadian; protects the king/queen. The king of Aksum who followed the unusual star to find Yeshua and watched over Mary (Mari-a) from birth.

      Eleazer: Hebrew; God is helper. Tzadokim husband of Mary’s sister Martha.

      Eucharia: Greek; grateful. Hasmonaean wife of Syrus, mother of Martha and Mary.

      Hava: Hebrew; life-giver or woman. Mentor of Mary, former high priestess of the temple of Astarte in Qumran.

      Hephziva: Hebrew; my desire. High priestess of the temple of Astarte in Qumran.

      Hillel: Hebrew; praised. Reigning Davidic king of the tribe of Judah aligned with the Essenes, grandfather of Yeshua living in dynastic relationship with his wife, Shoshana in Qumran.

      Jacob: Hebrew; heel. Third in line to the Davidic throne, English translation is James.

      Joseph: Hebrew; God will increase. The direct heir of the Davidic line with alliance to the Chaverim, married to Miriam, father of Yeshua, Jacob and four other children.

      Joshua: Hebrew; God saves. Son of Mary and Yeshua born in their fifth year of marriage.

      Martha: Hebrew; mistress. Mary’s sister, being the eldest daughter of a wealthy Hasmonaean entitled her to properties in Bethany, Magdala and Cana, married to Eleazer.

      Mary: Hellenized version of Mari-a (Egyptian) the perfect one. Born in Migdol to Eucharia of the royal Hasmonaean family. Wife of Yeshua, mother of Sarah and Joshua.

      Miriam: Hebrew; sea of sorrow. Wife of Joseph, mother of Yeshua, Jacob, Jose (stillborn), Judah, Shimon, Rachel and Esther.

      Sarah: Hebrew; princess. Daughter of Mary and Yeshua born in their second year of marriage.

      Syrus: Persian; the sun. Husband of Eucharia, Tzadokim magistrate from a family of sea merchants.

      Teoma: Aramaic; twin. Son of a Roman father and Hasmonaean woman who is the sister of Joseph of Arimathaea. Yeshua’s closest friend and protector of Mary and the children.

      Yeshua: Aramaic; The Divine will save me, Hebrew (Y'hoshua) Greek (Jesus). Firstborn son of Joseph and Miriam, second in line for the Davidic throne. Husband of Mary and father of Sarah and Joshua.


      Hebrew Year 3757

      Far from his home near the headwaters of the Nile, Belshazzar steps from the periphery of drummers into the dance. The Great Sea draws back its curtain of fog from the cragged mountain crevice, leaving salt upon his tongue. Towering high above the pass, the fortress of Migdol glistens as rays of the morning sun lick the marine dew from the pale stone.

      Grasping his walking stick, he beats a path to the palace gate. Servants escort him through lavish gardens into a grand hall. He is greeted by a small child.

      “Hello, I’m Martha. Have you come to see my new baby too?”

      Smiling, he asks gently, “And who else is paying respects to your sister?”

      “A great sorceress from Alexandria.” Martha takes his large dark hand in her small fair one. “Come, I will bring you to her.”

      Spacious enough to house two dozen children and as many caretakers, the nursery is filled not with infants, but animals. Little Martha whispers, “Mary has many friends.”

      Mari-a, of course, the perfect one.

      Birds fly about monkeys climbing the pillars. A spotted leopard stretches lazily upon the edge of the fountain, one paw in the water. Gazelles frolic, their hooves beating charmingly upon the tile floor. In the center of the menagerie stands an imposing figure. Golden bees and an emerald-breasted hummingbird hover about the tiny bundle in her arms.

      “Sahirah, what brings you out of the temple of Isis?”

      Black hair capped in white, the high priestess narrows kohl-painted eyes. “I am here for the child. What brings you so far north, King of Aksum?”

      “I am here by Osaze’s request.”

      Her frown draws dark brows to meet over a sharp nose. “And what right does the Egyptian prince have…”

      “You know very well.”

      “No! Mari-a must be raised within the protection of the temple!”

      Ignoring Sahirah’s sharp tone, Belshazzar looks down at his side. “Martha, please go find your parents for me.” The child skips out of the nursery. “You know what must be done. Mari-a is to be raised in Galilee.”

      “The mother is so terrified of the child’s gifts, she will never develop!” Hearing footsteps coming down the hall, Belshazzar shakes his head but the priestess’ zealous plea will not be thwarted. “And her husband…! She shall be smothered in the patriarchal worship of Yahweh.”

      “How dare you adulterate the divine name!” A slight man of rich bearing enters the nursery shaking with anger. Syrus.

      Coiling down her arm toward the bundle, a young constrictor flicks its tongue but Syrus holds his ground. Sahirah sneers, “Once again the sacred feminine will be inhibited by man,” and steps back just as a frail young woman adorned in rich silks comes through the doorway. The blanket falls away and she screams.

      The babe hovers in the air.

      As Belshazzar catches the swooning mother, Syrus rushes to tenderly enfold the child in his arms. Snakes and cats trailing her furious wake, Sahirah takes her leave. Settling her slender mother upon some cushions, Belshazzar asks little Martha to keep watch before approaching her father.

      “I am Belshazzar, king of Aksum. I am here on Mari-a’s behalf.”

      “I knew you would come.” The babe in Syrus’ arms entices a smile. “I had a vision of her birth and was guided to name her… Mary.” The Hellenized form of Mari-a, Belshazzar nods his approval. “I even saw her marriage… to the king of Yisrael. Could it be the anointed one?”

      Relieved that Syrus has the sight, Belshazzar explains, “Only the messah