LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter. Deborah Maragopoulos FNP. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456607647
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in Teoma’s chest as he strokes my hair, I cannot be comforted. With a dark flapping, the crow startles my mother, whose rage precedes her. Shielding me with his form, Teoma carries me inside and sets me down on a cushioned lounge, but I do not release him. “Please take me home, do not leave me here.”

      Blue eyes fill, he touches my cheek gently, “I will not return without you.”

      Ima tends to me as best she can, but I yearn for Miriam’s healing touch. “Please, I will be fine. Sarah will miss me.”

      “You must wait for a few days. Your injuries will upset her.”

      What injuries? Shaken up and roughly handled but thank goodness, that is all. My mouth feels bruised and tender, but I just want to go home.

      “Please, Teoma will take good care of me.”

      “If it wasn’t for him, this would have never happened.”

      Teoma stands rigidly as I rise. “Ima, if not for him, that man would have raped me.” She is shaking with emotion. “I should have paid attention to my intuition, but unfortunately I did not. I will not make that mistake again.” With trembling lips, I end, “Yeshua trusts Teoma implicitly. So should you.” I gingerly kiss her cheek and then Abba’s.

      Under the healing energy of the stars, Teoma escorts me home. Miriam is waiting for us in the study. Upon seeing my face she rushes to my side, “Mary, Teoma, what happened?” I explain in as much detail as I can remember, but my fear seems to have blurred it all. Before completing my story, I begin trembling uncontrollably.

      Having sat us down side by side, Miriam kneels before us, eyes welling with tears. “I should have insisted that your parents come here.” Teoma slumps forward, his head in his hands. She touches his knee, “How are you doing?”

      “Not well, Ima. All I can think of is how selfish I was.” He rises impassioned but pacing the room only heightens his angry despair.

      “Please, Teoma.” Miriam motions for him to sit. “There is an energy here that must be released. Each of you in turn reacted with guilt, blaming yourself for what happened. I did the same thing.”

      What am I going to tell Yeshua? He will be so upset! Teoma’s sigh brings me back to the moment and I try to focus. Perceiving the darkness of guilt, images of my hesitancy to open the door before the attack go through my mind. Miriam holds the hayye as we sit before her. All the tender areas on my body inflame, burning into my core. Teoma softens as Miriam speaks.

      “You are now being given the opportunity to forgive, not one another, but yourselves. Teoma, you hold within your hayye a powerful energy of devotion, but it is wrapped around a core of guilt. Time to release the guilt and forgive yourself, then you will find your devotional energies will bring you much joy.” His smile is tightly laced with doubt.

      Miriam turns to me. “Guilt is a magnification of your judgment of the human condition. You are learning to be more gentle with yourself and those around you. You have the opportunity to love yourself more deeply by forgiving yourself for making mistakes.”

      “But I am concerned about telling Yeshua. He will know!”

      “Remember that this is Yeshua’s lesson in forgiveness as well.”

      Teoma murmurs, “I pray that he forgives me.”

      “First, you must forgive yourself for your human errors and weaknesses.” This is difficult for him. “Teoma,” Miriam continues, “you deserve to have time to yourself.” His cheeks redden. He was with a woman!

      Miriam leaves to prepare healing herbs. Teoma and I are alone. Hesitantly he ventures, “I am so sorry. How can I make it better?”

      “Sarah would suggest a kiss.” When he tenderly kisses my bruised cheek, I feel safe and comforted.

      Miriam stays up a long while tending me, rubbing healing creams into my bruised skin, placing poultices on the swollen areas. Gratitude fades the images of the attack. I surrender my guilt and intend to heal fully in body, mind, and soul, praying that Teoma will be relieved of his guilt and find forgiveness in his heart. Then I pray that Yeshua will be open to this lesson as well. I ask that my attacker be healed, for I wish no others to suffer from his fear. Finally, I give thanks for this experience that shall bless me with greater compassion for my humanness. When Miriam finishes, my prayer is complete.

      Only Archangel Uriel appeared, and while I feel immense gratitude for his love and devotion, where were the others? Only the light of Eloha can penetrate the veil of fear. Gavriel explains, That is why Uriel was given dominion over the earth as the human experience encompasses all emotions including overcoming fear. Only Uriel can bring one through her darkest time and back into the light of love where Source and it’s host of angels can minister to her soul.

      I express my deepest gratitude to my savior, the morning star.

      Dod Joseph,

      You have yet to return from Britannia, but I must record my feelings while they are fresh. I told you about the legionnaire notorious for his crude treatment of women. While under the auspices of the zealot command, in Roman disguise, I could do nothing about his behavior. How I wish that I might have castrated him the last time I witnessed his cruelty toward an Indumean woman in Hebron.

      I am unworthy of Yeshua’s trust, for under my care, his wife was attacked by the brute. Barely in time did I arrive, called to the scene outside her family home by a thunderous pull. Lucias will no longer frequent the gymnasia, for I have marked him as a Hebrew, crudely albeit. While he still lives, may his lust wrought him nothing but pain.

      Still Mary entrusts herself and her dear child to my protection. I vow that never again will one under my care be hurt. When I am released from my post, I pray that I finally see some action with the zealots, for my sword has a great lust of its own.



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