Our journey neither begins nor ends with a goal but is completely about the experience. We are here to experience the emotions of everything until the feeling of being separate from the divine within us and separate from each other, are no longer felt by the soul. Whether that takes ten more lifetimes or a thousand, it is irrelevant to the divine self. The divine within will experience those emotions through us, expanding in awareness as we grow and evolve. In the script we write for ourselves from wherever it is that we go when we are between incarnations, we make our choices on how the journey is going to unfold. This game plan has all the design foundations of what we want to experience. The purpose of that life script is always about the soul finding resolution for a karmic imbalance and releasing it. Depending on how deeply emotionally imprinted the imbalance is, it may take lifetimes. You and only you decide how long and in what way the game is going to play out in your life journey. You pick the players, the storyline and the tools to help you learn what is needed. It is all you, your life is not a crap shoot rolled by some divine being sitting in the heavens saying…”yeh, snake eyes on this guy”, “His life is going to be one miserable experience.” Just does NOT happen that way.
The players in your life journey are always from your soul family, written in your scripts playing different characters in many lifetimes. They are thrilled to help you and usually the part they play in your life is designed as a learning experience for them too. So do not be so fast to judge a parent, family member, partner or friend for causing you massive pain or harm in your life as everyone agrees to play out their roles for you, just like YOU asked them to. Sometime your worst nemesis is one of your dearest soul family members and is doing a great favor for you. You ask them to make you miserable to get the needed lesson or experience and they say they would be happy to, done deal. It is a dirty job but somebody has to do it for you. Soul Windows also allow you to recognize when a soul family contract is finished, and it is time to move on. Regardless if that soul family member got the lesson or not, you are the one making the choice. Always remember that lifetimes to the soul’s divinity is like taking on and off a set of clothes when they become worn and dirty and then putting on a fresh life. No big deal and it is that emotionally detached. The soul’s life experience should neither be judged bad nor good; just a part you are playing out at that moment in divine time.
It is this concept clients usually had the hardest time accepting when I told them they chose their parents. Their reactions were either one of two…”I did not!” or “What the hell was I thinking?” But you did and the reason why was for the necessary genetic coding to experience your soul’s learning journey. The soul will also choose whether they will have matriarchal or patriarchal mapping, meaning which parent you will genetically bond with to help your experience unfold. You see the effects of a child’s genetic imprinted journey of self-discovery with comments of being a momma’s boy or daddy’s girl. A matriarchal child, will have the mother’s genetic heritage traits that soul needs to accomplish what is necessary to do in that lifetime. The reality of parenting is the matriarchal soul child really does not care who in their soul family the father is as long as the required genetics are there. The attachment to the mother is predominant in their feelings for one another. It does not necessarily mean a harmonious agreement but an understanding between them, nonetheless.
The same rules apply to a patriarchal child, the genetics mapped from the father and the soul not placing much importance on which one from their soul family will physically carry them to full term. It is just timing. When it comes to marriage and producing children, it is like a big conveyer belt. If the energies are right, whoever is there in that linear timeframe slips into that life slot. That is why you always draw in the same kind of partner type, different stories but still very similar. The Soul Window that opens during child bearing years make sure those partners become available. It dashes on the rocks the romantic and spiritual illusion of having the one ultimate soul mate in your life. My theory also does not make claim that a matriarchal child energetically mapped to the mother, does not have attachment to the father, they do. The parent not mapped to the child will experience love more on an environmental element than karmic coding. If they are there, loving and present, the child will bond. This is why you will have a child with a parent who has really bad parenting skills and the child still prefers that parent regardless of the treatment they receive. On the other hand, you will have a parent that would do anything for their child and they are almost ambivalent about that parent. This sometimes explains when divorce happens, you will see a parent able to walk away from nurturing their children while others fight tooth and nail to keep them in their lives at all cost. You can look at any family unit and see the matriarchal and patriarchal mapping with each child. It is all agreed upon before incarnation, so there are no bad guys or mistakes once the child has imprinted with a chosen parent.
So what are the scheduled life cycle signals for? Well the obvious is to guide and direct the soul to make changes as the soul’s vehicle grows into maturity. These energetic life cycle signals open the Soul Windows. The dreaming soul awakens and makes the important choices on the next life cycle of your journey, then energetically re-maps and directs the beginning of something new. It is similar to having a new program downloaded into a computer. When the scheduled life cycle signal goes off and matches up with the present etheric life energies, it allows the soul to look through a Soul Window and see what changes are scheduled for the future. It is a plan of action that YOU wrote. It also allows the soul to make choices regarding those changes. That is what free will is about. At certain ages in our life, these life cycle signals go off and you are compelled to do something new, think something new, feel differently about yourself, your life or you now want different things. If we did not have these scheduled life cycle signals to direct us, regardless of being physically grown up, we would still be in an immature state of mind and emotions stuck in a perpetual life rerun. I sometimes made that point with clients that without these life cycle signals, you would be seeing grandmothers still carrying around their Barbie dolls as role models if not pushed for mature change. When that scheduled life cycle signal goes off, we outgrow the desires of one life cycle and want something different to be, to do, to have or to accomplish. The Soul Windows are part of that handbook we came into this life with to help guide us on the journey we wrote but now do not remember how it is suppose to turn out.
First Soul Window / The Awakening!
The first scheduled life cycle signal goes off around 6 years of age, which is actually the seventh year and will last until around 14 years of age. It is a minor Soul Window but where you begin to see a child start forming a definitive personality, wanting to do things their own way, express themselves differently and have definite opinions of what they like and do not like. It is where the child comes into the age of reasoning, making the first decisions based on what was written for their soul journey. You know the stances the young ones take:” I can do it myself, don’t touch me, and leave me alone”. They start becoming very independent thinkers. This scheduled life cycle signal begins to take form as a new soul identity. The soul discovers it now once again has a life that belongs only to them. This is when the soul is first aware they have choices in a new life to live and experience. The soul in the first few years of life has awareness and even some memory but does not have the maturity or power to make any changes in their external life. They are now capable of making their first choices how they will deal with the emotional responses