Soul Windows....Secrets from the Divine. Susan Z Rich. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan Z Rich
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456608774
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There are times when I have done the whole three miles and do not remember walking a step but had lots of Aah Hah moments! I would love to say these amazing spiritual breakthroughs come from that 2:30AM spiritual window when you sit straight up in bed and have that incredible clarity. Instead, I have had many of those moments mid stride on my walks. I am very sure the people who have seen me walking this circle for years talking to myself have long gotten used to me stopping and yelling something glorious! I am also used to being labeled a little bizarre in my thinking and how I react to things, so I am completely detached from the good opinion that I am that very nice woman but yes just a little odd.

      I am once again on a new spiritual quest! When walking at full speed, I am praying and asking to be shown what I have to know to make sense of all of it. I am now driven and know my divine self is trying to show me a great teaching tool to take my counseling to the next level, but what the hell is it? This is when I usually move into what I call my OCD mode; you know…obsessive, compulsive, disorder! I totally go into that energy when I know spirit is pushing me to awaken to some new truth.

      The first piece of information given to me was that I was completely bored with the dialogue used in counseling sessions. I had enough of watching my clients eyes glaze over using all those old worn out spiritual phrases that are textbook healing tools. For example, I started saying your self-confidence or inner strength is your “Muchness”. How many times do we say in our day of activities that we would like to have much more of this or much more of that? The concept is; being much more than you believe you are in the moment and believing that you are capable of even bigger boundaries. I would explain being in your Muchness is feeling fearless in the belief of total faith and trust in your own self-confidence and self-empowerment. Faith and trust in your own decisions being guided by the knowing voice from within regardless of how things may appear in the moment. Knowing everything will somehow turn out wonderful for you. You do not need anyone to tell you or try to control a guarantee from God or someone else that is out there for that truth. Of course, teaching clients that concept and having all of them getting it, would put me out of a job! Lol.

      What most fearful people do not understand about being fearless, is they believe the fear must completely go away. Then they will be brave enough to say, do or have what they would like. Fear is not that bad of a thing, as it is a very powerful tool used by your divine self to bring about change. The bottom line reality of having Muchness is what I call experiencing the moment of spitting in the devil’s eye (another name for one’s arrogant, manipulating and taunting ego). You know you have the fear but you finally come into what is the first transition of the healing phase, Righteous Anger. You have had enough! That is when you make the announcement to yourself and the universe: “Alright, I know I am afraid but I am going to do it anyway! That is the first stage of healing, finding your Muchness through Righteous Anger or “spitting in the devil’s eye”. Soul Windows will challenge your fearlessness many times throughout your life journey to help you face this lesson.

      It was at this time I also started giving clients a new affirmation called the “Fake It Till You Make It” affirmation. It goes something like this: “Regardless of how things may appear in my life at the moment about (fill in the blanks) and this challenge.” “Regardless of how I feel about this life challenge, I know with every fiber of my being and without a doubt this will turn out wonderful for me, somehow, someway.” “Why? “Because God and Divine Self have my back and is helping every step of the way.” What that affirmation does is keep your emotional Inner Child from painting you into the corner of “IT”, meaning if you do not have, get, be or create a certain outcome, the world will come to an end for you or you will DIE! If you think that statement is a little over the top, you must remember you are dealing with a child’s feelings of fear that has no gray area of reasoning like an adult. The affirmation helps give your fearful Inner Child hope there is a way out beyond what they can see in that moment. That is the key to containing fearful, out of control behavior and feelings. You have to give strong hope of a better outcome to erase the irrational childlike fears the adult is experiencing.

      The second part of the dialogue change I made was explaining what happens after you get your Muchness for the first time. The first stage of this process being Righteous Anger, you get pissed off! Soul Windows will set up many emotionally challenging life circumstances for you in order to push the buttons needed to make you intensely react. The difference now is you are not angry with anyone or anything, nor is there any blame game going on. It is the kind of anger that you slap yourself on the forehead and make the statement, “What the hell was I thinking?” The second stage of the healing process is Introspection, where you start taking a good look at who you really are and the choices you have made in the past. Once you are in your Muchness mode, you now have the tools to be brave enough to look at the good, the bad and the ugly about yourself. The third part of the process is a Metamorphous of your behavior, emotional reactions and responses. This is where I would always tell clients to ask to be filled with the light, God’s love, Holy Spirit and pray to find your inner light. Those glazed eyes would happen again! One day on my meditation walk, I looked at one of the pond fountains and as the sun caught the water spray, it just sparkled. It stirred the memory of asking to see the true form of one of my angel guides, Archangel Michael. What I saw was the sparkling light show of a dazzling, iridescent, gel like helix form. I remember being totally blown away by the sheer luminescent properties of what I was seeing but also a little disappointed there was no huge white winged apparition which so many of us associate as being angels. It was at that moment seeing the sparkling fountain that I came up with the definition of the “God Sparkle” within. I started using that phrase to explain being filled with God, divine light or Holy Spirit. I would say to clients when the whining and victim energies would start,”You need to get into your Muchness and get your God Sparkle on, girlfriend!” The reactions I was getting from that statement was, “Oh yeh, I like the way that makes me feel.” “I know what you are trying to get me to see now”. I started seeing clients making the connection and paving the way for the final stage of healing called the Epiphany. That shift of perception puts you into a new dimension of life and commonly called a miracle of change. The foundation for this is basically, once you see you cannot un-see. The Soul Windows help you open your eyes and experience authentic feelings to assist you in these shifts of perception.

      The final dialogue change came from the self-confidence, worthiness and value shift I was looking for. I started using the phrase, ”you need to get a “Tude” about who you are and what you are if you are going to get what you want”. Of course, the inevitable question would be, “what is a Tude”? I would put my hand on my hip; stick out my chest and say, “attitude, attitude, girlfriend”! “ You have to believe YOU ARE ALL THAT and coming to the table with valuable stuff, not always looking and hoping that someone is going to bring you something valuable so you feel good about yourself!” I could see I was now starting to get somewhere with this new approach. I do so apologize to all the male readers in staying in the feminine gender, as I did have many male clients also. Obviously, when I had a male client I changed the approach just a little and put more testosterone into the delivery. What I finally began to see was the emotions and feelings of a new idea getting across to them. This was the new awareness I was looking for, it was ALL based on the feelings you have about yourself. Your childhood situations and the adults that decided your life choices when you were young formed the adult emotions you were now dealing with. Soul Windows open at specific emotional ages to bring about maturity and wisdom. They also start the process to help you un-do any childhood defenses. The agenda was to get you to embrace the feel good emotions about yourself, you would then know the difference between being a victim and being in charge of your life.

      The next step to this new Soul Window concept was to catalogue client’s counseling sessions by age group. Since I completely embrace the belief that we write the scripts for our life journey and we certainly do not arrive here without assistance, then we must have some kind of handbook we brought along with us. This is what that handbook looks like. We have energetic scheduled life cycle signals that go off within our etheric life field (and no, I am not talking about the so-called alien implanted chips that healers claim to find in their subjects, although anything is possible). These life cycle signals awaken and prompt us to make the necessary changes on our journey to grow and complete what we came here to do. Each one of these scheduled life cycle signals opens a portal I