Soul Windows....Secrets from the Divine. Susan Z Rich. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan Z Rich
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456608774
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gold ring. Depending on someone or something outside of yourself to feel whole, safe, loved or of value is always going to be just out of your reach. It is like holding your breath; sooner or later you will realize there is someone who is one-step ahead of you in the need department and about to collect it from YOU! No matter how slick you are, how nice you are, how smart you are, how controlling you are or how clever you think you are, you are going to meet your match to force you to grow out of that need. YOU designed it that way! You are finally going to understand the situation is not what you thought it was or they are not doing what you expected them to do. When that happens, all the illusory foundations come out from under you. Then your defense mechanisms will kick into gear: feeling fear, anger, violence, blame, control, withdrawal, manipulation or whatever is your tool of choice. Your other choice is being humble and in gratitude of being shown where NOT to travel. This choice is never one the ego prefers as it forces you to take full responsibility of co-creating your circumstances. When a Soul Window opens, the ego must step back and allow space for change as divine truth will always overrule ego’s falsehoods. The ego is never happy about that!

      I had many metaphysical and spiritual clients but also some that were not into spirituality but knew there must be some version of a God and some kind of plan, or hoped there was. I even counseled atheists who took the approach of what the heck, I am so miserable what do I have to lose. Especially when I explained the Inner Child does not really care if you call God “Sam”, it is the concept of being One and a part of something bigger than they are. They were always relieved to find the counseling program was not all metaphysical woo-woo and full of praise God and Jesus! It just made a lot of sense there had to be something more in the game we were playing called life. Maybe the program should have been called: “Common Sense Spirituality”. Considering the over the top mystical approach to healing is what usually keeps people from grasping the concept that in the end, it is all YOU. No angels, no mystical beings, no punishing or rewarding God, (they always like the part of a non-punishing God but are never thrilled with the idea of a God who does not reward for good behavior) no heaven to reach or hell to be afraid of. This life is just your beautiful soul having a wonderful adventure from a script that you wrote. I am not saying angels and all our wonderful light beings are not there to help, they are just all a reflection of you and your beliefs. One of my favorite sayings to get that point across is, “If you wrote the script for your life, then I would guess you can rewrite it”. Soul Windows open at important life markers, helping to see you have the power to make changes in your life script. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. This life is not the IT or the only game in town. When we do not understand the game we are playing, it becomes scary in the belief that an unseen someone or something is pulling the strings in your life. When we carry this belief, wanting to embrace rescue me energy always interferes with accepting the responsibility for your own success of so-called failures. To get this point across, the first thing I always told clients is your life is not a crapshoot rolled by God. YOU designed it for a purpose and if you examine the patterns in your life, it will become obvious what that life lesson is. Soul Windows open to remind you by creating continual change in your life circumstances and assist you in accomplishing those life lessons. I was blessed with the intuitive ability to see one’s life journey without the ego’s smoke and mirrors defense program that fiercely defends an illusion of separateness and aloneness.

      People who usually showed up for counseling or the therapy program were in the throws of severe life changes such as extreme fear, a health crisis, abandonment and self-doubt. In the past, they were just at a point of being stuck in life but with the new intense energy on earth now, it seemed everyone was going through volatile changes. No one is having the luxury of extended time anymore. They found the old way of pushing things aside, putting off problems, pretending issues did not exist or hoped they would just go away was not working anymore. The Empowered Thinking program taught them to shift the place of responsibility from out there in someone else’s hands as in: It is God’s will, in God’s hands, it is out of my hands, it is Divine will, there is nothing I can do about it, etc. It put the responsibility where real power begins, with YOU! YOU are that divine will in partnership. YOU are co-creating your life with the divine self and YOU are the one making the decisions on how this life is going to unfold. That is free will. Soul Windows are designed to remind you on your life journey, what free will looks like.

      Discovering Life Cycles Through Soul Windows

      After listening to all the different client age groups and their life difficulties, I started having a spiritual awakening myself. I became very disillusioned with reading all the spiritual how to self help books and participating in healing workshops, whether my own or someone else’s. The big zinger came when I found myself to be completely bored with my own emotional addiction program. I recognized this particular jumping off place as I had encountered it before when I created the Empowered Thinking program. Once again, I had that feeling of not accomplishing what I wanted with clients and my own journey of self-discovery. Everything I was hearing at this point was sounding something like this: “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!” I realized I was filtering the same client phrases over and over again. The difference this time was I became painfully aware I was also saying the same old key words. I was not happy or satisfied after each therapy and counseling session. I began hearing stories from spiritually aware people who seemed to be doing all the right things but had finally come to a place in their lives stuck in a loop of behavior or circumstances that would just not go away. No amount of prayer, counseling, workshops or rituals were making much of a difference. There were stories of 27-year marriages just disintegrating overnight. I was also seeing major health issues unexpectedly coming up everywhere and easygoing clients exploding in anger and frustration. I had to ask myself what the HECK was going on here? The boredom of hearing me saying all the cliché support words like: “you have to find your self-esteem, fill your life with the light and love of Holy Spirit of God or now is the time to start feeling your self-worth, etc. was getting intense! All these wonderful spiritual words, metaphysical sayings and belief foundations I had been using for so many years and very attached to the benefits of them were obviously not working anymore. I started noticing client’s eyes glazing over when I used these pat metaphysical phrases. They had heard them all before. It was at that point I became aware that the blah, blah, blah was also coming out of my mouth this time. I was becoming very dissatisfied with the dialogue of the self-empowerment program. The other thing I was fast becoming aware of was an inner dialogue of that divine voice I have always tried listening to. It was chatting me up big time once again.

      What this brought about was an emerging pattern I had experienced before. I was now getting introduced to a new format of spiritual communication that I would eventually recognize as Soul Windows. This would take the Empowered Thinking concept to a new level. An emergence of patterns began to emerge with specific life cycle changes and commands, happening at certain ages in the soul’s growth and journey. The dilemma was how do I make these new soul markers understandable to clients? I went back to my tried and true method of separating client notes, this time by age instead of emotions and feelings as I did with the Empowered Thinking program. When done, I was startled to see how clearly a pattern of soul commands guiding us through our life’s journey. Soul Windows open at selected age groupings, allowing guidance and communication from the divine self. Every age group dealt with the same core issues, each in their own fingerprinted design but still the same emotional issues connected with them.

      The Soul Window concept came about when specific life cycle patterns became apparent observing my clients scheduled appointments. I started having clusters of age groups coming for therapy sessions and intuitive counseling. For example, I would get appointments week after week that were in the age group of 20’s to 30’s. Then for a time, another age group of 40’s to 60’s, then from 30’s to 50’s. I am used to being setup by the divine by now, knowing when that enlightened presence is beginning to direct a spiritual change of perception for me. I have always taken the approach the gifts I use in counseling and helping others is also about my own life’s journey and growth. The big question was how to use this new information on Soul Window life cycles to help clients understand and use it to empower their own life journey.

      Most of the time, all new information makes itself known in my meditations. I do not define meditation as most people do as I meditate