Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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her path

      and knows where her dwelling place is.

      For he surveys the ends of the earth,

      and observes everything beneath

      the heavens.

      When he established the weight

      of the wind,

      and gauged the measure of the waters,

      when he imposed rules on the rain,

      and mapped a trek for thunderstorms,

      then he beheld Wisdom

      and assessed her,

      looked her through and through,

      and appraised her.

      Job 32:6–9 TNK

      Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, responded and said:

      “I am still young and you are aged,

      thus I was timid and hesitant

      to impart to you my knowledge.

      I thought, Days of experience

      should speak

      and many years should teach wisdom.

      But the Spirit, she who dwells

      in humanity,

      even the Breath of Shaddai, she grants understanding.

      Many days do not guarantee wisdom,

      nor do the aged necessarily understand correctly.”

      Job 33:1–6 TNK

      But now, Job, listen to my speech;

      pay attention to all my words.

      Behold, I open my mouth;

      my words are on the tip of my tongue.

      I utter words from an upright heart,

      and my lips sincerely profess knowledge.

      The Spirit of God, she has made me;

      the Breath of Shaddai—

      the Breasted One,

      she gives me life.

      Answer me, if you can;

      prepare yourself and refute me.

      Behold, I am just like you before God;

      I, too, was molded from a piece of clay.

      Job 38:1–11 TNK

      Then Yahweh answered Job from out of the tempest.

      “Who is this that obscures divine counsel with ignorant mutterings?

      Brace yourself and muster

      up your strength.

      Now I will pose the questions

      and you will answer me.

      Where were you when I set

      the earth’s foundations?

      Pray, tell me, since you possess

      such understanding!

      Who determined its dimensions? Surely, you know.

      Or who stretched the measuring line across it?

      Into what were its pillars sunk?

      Or who laid its cornerstone,

      while the morning stars sang

      in harmony,

      and all the angelic hosts shouted for joy?

      And who pent the sea up behind

      locked doors,

      when it bolted forth from my womb?

      when I wrapped it in a raiment of billowy clouds,

      and made enveloping darkness its swaddling bands;

      when I fixed its limits,

      and set bar and door in place,

      saying, ‘This far you may come

      and no further;

      here your haughty waves must halt!’”

      Job 38:1–3, 22–29 & 40:2 TNK

      Then Yahweh answered Job from out

      of the tempest.

      “Who is this that obscures divine counsel with ignorant mutterings?

      Brace yourself and muster

      up your strength;

      Now I will pose the questions and you will answer me. . . .

      Have you taken a tour of the storehouses of snow?

      Or have you inspected the treasury

      of hailstones

      which I reserve for seasons of distress,

      for days of battle and war?

      What is the way from whence the lightning is dispatched,

      or the place from whence the east wind blows over the earth?

      Who forges a channel for

      the torrents of rain,

      or plots a path for the thunderstorms,

      to water the land where no one lives,

      a barren desert with no one in it,

      to slake the thirst of a desolate land,

      and make a wasteland

      sprout forth grass?

      Does the rain have a father?

      Or who begets the drops of dew?

      From whose womb comes the ice?

      And who gives birth to the hoarfrost of heaven? . . .

      Will the one who contends with Shaddai correct [her]?

      Let the one who accuses Eloah

      answer her.”

      Job 5:17 TNK versicle

      Blessed is the person

      whom Eloah corrects!

      Therefore do not despise the discipline of Shaddai.

      Job 6:14 TNK versicle

      Whoever withholds faithful love

      from a friend,

      forsakes the fear of Shaddai.

      Job 8:3 TNK versicle

      Does God pervert judgment,

      or Shaddai distort justice?

      Job 8:5 TNK versicle

      Look to God

      and plead with Shaddai.

      Job 11:7 TNK versicle

      Can you fathom the depths of Eloah,

      or probe the far reaches of Shaddai?

      Job 13:3 TNK versicle

      I wish to speak with Shaddai;

      I desire to argue my case with God.

      Job 22:26 TNK versicle

      Surely you shall delight in Shaddai,

      and lift up your face to Eloah.

      Job 27:10 TNK versicle

      Will the godless take delight in Shaddai,

      calling on Eloah at all times?

      Job 27:11 TNK versicle

      I will teach you about the power of God;
