Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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      17. There will I cause to spring up a horn for David;

      I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.

      18. I will clothe his enemies with shame,

      but upon himself my holiness

      shall flourish.”

      Psalm 132

      1. Behold indeed! What is so good

      or so pleasant,

      as for brothers and sisters

      to dwell together?

      2. It is like precious ointment

      upon the head,

      running down upon the beard,

      even the beard of Aaron,

      running down to the fringe of his robe.

      3. It is like the dew of Hermon,

      which comes down on the mountains

      of Zion,

      for there the Lord invoked the blessing,

      life for evermore.

      Psalm 133

      1. Now, I pray you,

      bless the Lord,

      all you servants of the Lord,

      who stand in the house of the Lord,

      in the courts of the house of our God.

      2. Lift up your hands by night

      in the holy places,

      and bless the Lord.

      3. May the Lord bless you out of Zion,

      the maker of heaven and earth.

      Psalm 136

      1. By the rivers of Babylon,

      there we sat and wept,

      remembering Zion.

      2. Upon the willows

      in the midst of it,

      we hung up our harps.

      3. For there our captors asked us

      the words of a song,

      and those who carried us away,

      asked for a hymn:

      “Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”

      4. How could we sing the Lord’s song,

      in a foreign land?

      5. If I should forget you,

      O Jerusalem,

      let my right hand be forgotten!

      6. May my tongue cleave to my throat,

      if I should not remember you,

      if I do not prefer Jerusalem,

      as the chief subject of my joy.

      Psalm 137

      1. I will give thanks to you, O Lord,

      with my whole heart,

      and I shall sing psalms to you in the presence of the angels,

      because you have listened to all the words of my mouth.

      2. I will worship

      before your holy temple,

      and I will give thanks to your name,

      on account of your mercy

      and your truth,

      for you have magnified your holy name above all else.

      3. On whatever day I invoke you,

      speedily answer me,

      thus you shall abundantly supply me

      with your power in my soul.

      4. Let all the kings of the earth,

      render you thanks, O Lord,

      for they have heard

      all the words of your mouth.

      5. And let them sing

      in the ways of the Lord,

      for great is the glory of the Lord.

      6. For the Lord is on high,

      yet looks after the lowly,

      and knows lofty matters from afar.

      7. Though I should walk,

      in the midst of affliction,

      you will grant me life.

      Against the wrath of my enemies,

      you have stretched forth your hand,

      indeed, your right hand has saved me.

      8. O Lord, you will repay them,

      on my behalf.

      O Lord, your mercy endures forever;

      do not overlook the work of your hands.

      Psalm 138

      1. O Lord, you proved me,

      and you have known me.

      2. You know my sitting down

      and my rising up.

      You understand my thoughts from afar.

      3. You have kept track of my footsteps and laying down,

      indeed, you have foreseen all my ways.

      4. For there is no unrighteous word,

      to be found upon my tongue.

      5. Behold, O Lord, you know all things:

      the last as well as the first;

      you have fashioned me,

      and placed your hand upon me.

      6. This knowledge of yours is too marvelous for me,

      I cannot even come close to it.

      7. Where could I go from you Spirit?

      And where can I flee from your presence?

      8. If I should ascend to heaven,

      you are there;

      if I should descend to the grave,

      you are present.

      9. If I wing my way to the rising sun

      in the east,

      or dwell in the farthest reaches

      of the western sea,

      10. even there your hand

      would guide me,

      and your right hand would hold me.

      11. When I said: “Surely darkness will trample me under foot,”

      then to my astonishment,

      night became luminous.

      12. For darkness cannot grow dark

      apart from you,

      and night can be made

      as brilliant as day;

      the darkness of the one, as the light of the other.

      13. For you, O Lord,
