Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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a babe being weaned so is my soul within me.

      Let Israel place its hope in Yahweh,

      now and forever more.

      Psalm 143:7–12 TNK

      Quickly answer me, O Yahweh,

      for my spirit faints.

      Hide not your face from me,

      lest I become like those who descend into the pit.

      At dawn let me hear of your

      steadfast love,

      for I place my trust in you.

      Show me the path that I should take,

      for I lift up my soul to you.

      Rescue me from my enemies,

      O Yahweh,

      in you I take refuge.

      Teach me to do your will,

      for you are my God;

      your benevolent Spirit,

      may she lead me on level ground.

      For your name’s sake, O Yahweh,

      preserve my life;

      in your righteousness,

      deliver me from distress.

      In your steadfast love,

      silence my enemies,

      and destroy all my foes,

      for I am your servant.

      Psalm 145:1–10 TNK

      I will exalt you, O my God,

      the Sovereign,

      I will praise your name forever and ever.

      Day after day I will bless you,

      I will extol your name forever and ever.

      Great is Yahweh and most worthy

      to be praised,

      his greatness is unfathomable.

      Generation after generation will laud your deeds,

      will proclaim your mighty works.

      They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty,

      and I will ponder

      your wonderful works.

      They will declare the power of your dreadful deeds,

      and I shall recount

      your awesome greatness.

      They will celebrate the fame of your great generosity,

      and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

      Yahweh is gracious and maternally compassionate,

      slow to anger, rich in steadfast love.

      Yahweh is generous to all,

      displaying maternal compassion

      to all creatures.

      All your creatures shall thank you,

      O Yahweh,

      and your faithful ones will bless you.

      Proverbs 1:8 TNK versicle

      Listen, my child,

      to your father’s instruction,

      and do not forsake

      your mother’s teaching.

      Proverbs 7:4 TNK versicle

      Say to Wisdom, “You are my sister.”

      Proverbs 1:20–33 TNK

      Wisdom calls aloud in the street,

      she raises her voice

      in the public squares;

      in the intersections she cries out,

      she delivers her speeches

      in the city gateways.

      “You simple people, how much longer will you love your base ways?

      How much longer will mockers make merry in mockery

      and fools despise knowledge?

      Pay heed to my warning.

      I will pour out my spirit upon you;

      I will make my thoughts known to you.

      Because I called and you rejected me,

      stretched out my hand and no one paid any attention,

      since you ignored all of my advice

      and rejected all my warnings;

      I in turn will chuckle at your calamity,

      I will mock when misfortune overwhelms you,

      when catastrophe overtakes

      you like a storm,

      when disaster sweeps down upon you like a whirlwind,

      when distress and anguish befall you.

      Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;

      they will diligently search for me but not find me.

      Because they despised knowledge

      and chose not the fear of the Lord,

      since they did not accept my counsel,

      and have spurned all my rebukes,

      they will eat the fruit of their ways,

      and gorge themselves

      on their scheming.

      For the base are killed by their waywardness,

      and fools are destroyed by their complacency;

      but whoever listens to me

      will live in security,

      experience tranquility,

      and fear no malady.”

      Proverbs 3:13–19 TNK

      Blessed the person

      who discovers Wisdom,

      the person who gains Understanding,

      for she is more profitable than silver,

      and yields a better revenue than gold.

      She is more precious than rosy pearls,

      and nothing you desire can compare with her.

      Long life lies in her right hand;

      in her left—riches and honor.

      Her ways are totally pleasant,

      and all her paths are peace.

      She is a tree of life to those

      who embrace her;

      those who cling to her will be blessed.

      By Wisdom Yahweh fixed

      the earth’s foundations,

      by Understanding, set the heavens

      in place.

      Proverbs 4:4–9 TNK

      Let your heart lay hold of my words;

      keep my commands and you will live.

      Obtain Wisdom; obtain Understanding.

      Do not disregard her or deviate from my words.

      Do not desert her

      and she will protect you.

      Love her and she will watch over you.
