Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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God of Israel.

      7. For I have suffered reproach

      for your sake,

      confusion has covered my face.

      8. I have become an alien to my relatives,

      and a stranger to my mother’s children.

      9. For zeal for your house has

      consumed me,

      and the reproaches of those who reproached you,

      these have fallen upon me.

      10. I have bowed down my life

      with fasting,

      but this has become a source of reproach to me.

      11. I put sackcloth on for my garment,

      thus I became a proverb to them.

      12. Those who sit in the gate spoke against me;

      those who drink wine composed a song about me.

      13. But I will offer my prayer to you,

      O Lord;

      it is a propitious time, O God, in the multitude of your mercy;

      hear me in the truth of your saving help.

      14. Save me from the mire,

      so that I may not be stuck;

      let me be delivered from those

      who hate me,

      and rescued from the watery depths.

      15. Let not a deluge of water engulf me;

      let not the watery abyss swallow me;

      nor the cistern shut its mouth on me.

      16. Hear me, O Lord, for your loving mercy is tender,

      according to your abundant compassion look down on me.

      17. Turn not your face away from your servant,

      for I am sorely afflicted;

      hasten to hear me.

      18. Draw near to my soul and redeem it;

      deliver me, in spite of my enemies.

      19. For you know my reproach, my shame and my confusion;

      all those who afflict me stand poised before me.

      20. My soul anticipated reproach

      and misery,

      I waited for a condoler,

      but there was none,

      for someone to comfort me,

      but found none.

      21. They gave me gall for my food,

      and for my thirst, gave me vinegar to drink.

      22. Let their table become a snare

      before them,

      a source of recompense and a stumbling-block. . . .

      29. I am needy and grief-stricken,

      but the saving grace of your face has upheld me.

      30. I will praise the name of my God with a song;

      I will magnify God with praise.

      31. This will be more pleasing to God,

      than a young calf having horns

      and hooves.

      32. Let the poor see and rejoice;

      diligently seek God and you shall live.

      Psalm 69

      1. O God, come to my assistance;

      O Lord, make haste to help me.

      2. Let those who seek my life be ashamed and confounded;

      let those who wish me ill, be thwarted and put to shame.

      3. Let those who say to me, Aha! Aha!

      be turned back and suddenly covered with shame.

      4. Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;

      Let those who love your saving help,

      continually say, God be magnified!

      5. But I am poor and needy;

      O God help me.

      You are my helper and deliverer;

      O Lord do not delay.

      Psalm 70

      1. I have placed my hope in you,

      O Lord,

      let me never be put to shame.

      2. In your righteousness, deliver me and rescue me;

      incline your ear to me and save me.

      3. Be for me a protecting God

      and a stronghold to save me,

      for you are my fortress and refuge.

      4. Deliver me, O God, from the grasp of the sinner,

      from the hand of the transgressor and unjust person.

      5. For you are my support, O Lord;

      you are my hope, O Lord,

      from my youth.

      6. I have depended on you

      from the womb;

      from my birth you have been

      my protector.

      I continually sing hymns

      concerning you.

      7. To many I became a wonder,

      as it were,

      but you have been my strong helper.

      8. Let my mouth be filled with praise,

      that I may sing of your glory and majesty all day.

      9. Do not cast me off in the time of my old age;

      do not forsake me when

      my strength fails.

      10. For my enemies have spoken

      against me,

      and my assassins have taken

      counsel together,

      11. saying, “God has forsaken him,

      pursue and take him, for he has no deliverer.”

      12. O God, do not be far removed

      from me;

      O my God, draw near to my assistance.

      13. Let those who plot against my life

      be ashamed and utterly fail;

      let those who seek my ill

      be clothed with shame and dishonor.

      14. But as for me,

      I will continually hope,

      and I will praise you more and more.

      15. My mouth shall declare your righteousness,

      your saving help all the day long;

      for I know no other practices.

      16. I will go forth in the might of the Lord,
