righteousness alone.
17. You have taught me, O God, from my youth,
even still I declare your wonders.
18. Even until I am old
and advanced in years,
forsake me not, O God,
until I shall have declared your might
to all the generation that is yet to come,
even your power and righteousness.
19. O God, the great works you
have wrought
are as high as the heavens!
O God, who can be compared with you?
20. O what trials many and sore have you shown me!
Yet you relented and restored my life,
and brought me back from the depths of the earth.
21. You have multiplied your
saving mercy,
and returned and comforted me,
and brought me back from the depths of the earth.
22. Therefore I will praise you with a musical instrument,
even I, regarding your truth, O God.
I will sing and play to you on the harp,
O Holy One of Israel.
23. My lips shall rejoice
when I sing to you,
and my soul, which you have redeemed.
24. Moreover, even my tongue
shall meditate on your righteousness,
all the day long,
while those who seek my harm,
shall be ashamed and confounded.
Psalm 71
1. O God, give your judgment
to the king,
and your righteousness to the king’s son;
2. that he may judge your people with righteousness,
and your poor with judgment.
3. Let the mountains and hills
raise peace and prosperity for
your people.
4. He shall judge the poor of your people with righteousness,
and save the children of the needy
and lay low the false accuser.
5. He shall endure as long as the sun,
and stand before the moon forever.
6. He shall come down as heavy showers upon a fleece
and as raindrops falling upon the earth.
7. In his days righteousness shall
spring up
and abundance of peace until the moon be no more.
8. And he shall reign from sea to sea,
from the great river to the ends
of the earth.
9. Ethiopians shall bow down
before him,
and his enemies shall lick the dust.
10. The kings of Tarshish and the islands shall bring presents
The kings of Arabia and Saba
shall offer gifts.
11. And all kings shall worship him;
all the nations will serve him.
12. For he has delivered the poor from the oppressor;
and the needy who had no helper.
Psalm 72
1. How good is God to Israel,
to the upright of heart!
2. But as for me, my feet almost stumbled,
my steps had nearly slipped.
3. For I was jealous of transgressors,
seeing how sinners prosper.
4. For there is no sign of reluctance in their death;
they are steadfast in their affliction.
5. They experience not the trials
of others,
nor are they afflicted like others.
6. Therefore haughtiness
has possessed them;
they have clothed themselves with injustice and impiety.
7. Their injustice springs forth
in fat supply;
they have fulfilled the intention
of their heart.
8. They have taken counsel
and spoke wickedly;
they uttered injustice to high heaven.
9. They have set their mouth
against heaven;
and their tongue has wagged
over all the earth.
10. Therefore my people shall return
to this,
and fullness of days shall be found
with them.
11. Indeed they said,
“How does God know?
Is there any knowledge
in the Most High?”
12. Behold, these are the sinners,
the ones who always prosper,
possessing great wealth.
13. Then I said, “I have in vain kept my heart just,
and washed my hands in innocence.
14. All the day long I have been plagued,
and my reproof was every morning.”
15. If said, I will make an open declaration;
I would have been treacherous to your children’s generation.
16. Yet I undertook to understand this,
but alas, it is too difficult for me.
17. When I go to the sanctuary of God,
then I may understand the final outcome.
18. It is because of their crafty dealings,
that you have dealt thus with them.
You have cast them down,
when they thought they were exalted.
19. How they have become desolate!
They have vanished in a flash!
They have perished
because of their lawlessness.