Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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soul was filled with illusions;

      and there is no healthy soundness

      in my flesh.

      8. I have been afflicted and exceedingly depressed;

      I have roared because of the groaning of my heart.

      9. But all my desire is laid before you,

      and my groaning is not hidden

      from you.

      10. My heart panted, my strength

      failed me,

      and the light of my eyes has left me.

      11. My friends and neighbors stayed away from me,

      they drew near but stopped;

      even my nearest relatives stood aloof.

      12. And those who sought my life pressed against me;

      those who sought my ruin

      spoke vanities,

      they devised deceits all the day long.

      13. But I, as someone deaf, heard not;

      and as someone dumb, opened not

      my mouth.

      14. In fact, I became like a person who doesn’t hear,

      and in whose mouth no reproofs

      are found.

      15. For in you, O Lord, I placed

      my trust;

      you O Lord, my God will hearken.

      16. For I said, Perhaps my enemies will rejoice over me,

      Indeed, when my feet slipped, they boasted and gloated.

      17. For I am prepared for plagues,

      my terrible situation continually

      before me.

      18. For I will declare my lawlessness,

      and express sorrow for my sin.

      19. But my enemies live and are stronger than I!

      And those who hate me unjustly are multiplied!

      20. Those who reward evil for good slandered me,

      all because I follow righteousness.

      21. Do not utterly forsake me, O Lord, my God;

      do not stand far away from me.

      22. Draw near to my aid,

      O Lord of my salvation.

      Psalm 38

      1. I said, I will watch my ways,

      so I won’t sin with my tongue.

      I set a guard over my mouth,

      while the sinner stood in my presence.

      2. I was dumb and humbled myself,

      and kept silent from profitable speech,

      yet my grief was renewed.

      3. My heart grew hot within me,

      a fire would be set ablaze by

      my musings,

      thus I spoke with my tongue:

      4. O Lord make known to me my end,

      and the number of my days, what it is,

      that I might know what I lack.

      5. Behold you have made my days old,

      yet my existence is as nothing

      before you.

      The universe is nothing but vanity,

      and every living person.

      6. Surely Man walks about in an illusion,

      still he is disquieted in vain.

      He stores up treasures,

      yet knows not for whom he shall

      gather them.

      7. And now, what is my expectation?

      Is it not the Lord?

      In you is my sustaining hope.

      8. Deliver me from all my transgressions.

      You have made me a reproach

      to the foolish.

      9. I was dumb and opened

      not my mouth,

      because you are the One who made me.

      10. Remove your scourges from me,

      I have fainted because of the strength of your hand.

      11. With rebukes you have corrected Man for iniquity;

      and caused his life to vanish like a spider’s web,

      nevertheless, everyone is disquieted

      in vain.

      12. Give ear to my prayer, O Lord,

      hearken to my supplication.

      Attend to my tears, be not silent,

      for I am a sojourner in the land,

      and a stranger as all my ancestors were.

      13. O spare me,

      that I may be refreshed,

      before I depart,

      and be no more.

      Psalm 39

      5. O Lord my God, you have multiplied your marvelous deeds,

      and in your thoughts none shall be likened to you.

      I declared aloud and spoke of them,

      they defied all numbering.

      6. Sacrifice and offering you desired not,

      but a body you prepared for me;

      whole-burnt offerings and sacrifices

      for sin,

      these, you required not.

      7. Then I said, Behold I come,

      in the volume of the book it is written regarding me:

      8. I desired to do your will, O my God,

      your law resides in the midst

      of my heart.

      9. I have preached righteousness in a great congregation,

      Behold I will not refrain my lips from speaking,

      You, O Lord, can bear witness.

      10. I have not hidden your righteousness in my heart,

      your truth and your salvation I have proclaimed.

      I hid not your mercy and truth from the great assembly.

      11. But you, O Lord, remove not your compassion from me,

      your mercy and your truth have helped me constantly.

      12. For innumerable evils have encompassed me,

      my transgressions have taken

      hold of me

      —thus I could not see clearly;

      they are more numerous than the hairs of my head,
