Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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      8. “He hoped in the Lord, let him

      deliver him,

      let him save him, since he delights

      in him.”

      9. For you are the one who drew me out of the womb;

      my hope from my mother’s breast.

      10. I was cast on you since

      my very birth;

      from my mother’s womb you have been my God.

      11. Don’t keep aloof from me, for trouble is near,

      for there is no helper, [save you].

      12. Many bulls have encompassed me—

      fat bulls beset me round about.

      13. Against me they have opened wide their mouth,

      like a ravenous lion, a roaring lion.

      14. I am poured out like water

      and all my bones are distended;

      my heart sinks within me like

      melted wax.

      15. My strength is dried up like a potsherd,

      and my tongue is glued to my palate;

      you have brought me down to the dust of death.

      16. For many dogs have encircled me;

      the assembly of the wicked has encompassed me;

      they have pierced my hands

      and my feet.

      17. They have numbered all my bones,

      have stared at me, observing me.

      18. They distributed my garments among themselves,

      and have cast lots for my raiment.

      19. Therefore, O Lord, delay

      not my help.

      Draw near to my assistance.

      20. Deliver my soul from the sword;

      my only-begotten from the power

      of the dog.

      21. Rescue me from the mouth

      of the lion;

      and this lowliness of mine from the unicorns’ horns.

      22. I will declare your name to

      my brethren;

      in the midst of the congregation I will sing praise to you.

      23. Let those who fear the Lord

      praise him!

      All you offspring of Jacob glorify

      the Lord!

      Let all the seed of Israel fear him!

      Psalm 22

      1. The Lord tends to me as a shepherd,

      thus I shall want nothing;

      2. in a verdant pasture, has caused me

      to dwell;

      near restful waters, has refreshed me.

      3. The Lord has restored my soul,

      guided me on the paths of righteousness,

      for the sake of the Lord’s name.

      4. For even if I walk in the midst of the shadow of death,

      I will fear no evils, for you are with me;

      your rod and your staff, these have comforted me.

      5. You have prepared a table before me,

      in the presence of those who afflict me.

      You have anointed my head with

      fine oil,

      and your cup of choice wine is

      the very best.

      6. Surely your mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;

      and my dwelling shall be in the Lord’s house to the length of days.

      Psalm 24

      1. To you, O Lord, I have lifted up

      my soul.

      2. O my God, in you have I placed

      my trust;

      let me not be ashamed,

      nor let my enemies deride me.

      3. For none who wait on you shall be put to shame;

      let them be ashamed who vainly transgress.

      4. Show me your ways, O Lord,

      and teach me your paths.

      5. Lead me in your truth, and teach me;

      for you O God, are my Savior—

      for you have I waited all the day long.

      6. Remember your compassion, O Lord,

      and your tender mercy,

      for they are from everlasting.

      7. Remember not the sins and follies of my youth,

      but according to your mercy

      remember me,

      for your goodness’ sake, O Lord. . . .

      16. Look down upon me and have mercy,

      for I am an only child and poor.

      17. The afflictions of my heart have been multiplied;

      deliver me from all my distresses.

      18. Behold my humiliation and my trouble,

      and forgive me all my sins.

      19. Behold my enemies for they have increased;

      they have hated me with an unjust hatred.

      20. O preserve my soul and deliver me;

      let me not be put to shame,

      for I have placed my hope in you.

      21. The innocent and upright

      clung to me,

      because I waited for you, O Lord.

      22. God redeem Israel from all affliction!

      Psalm 25

      1. Judge me, O Lord, for I have conducted myself in innocence;

      trusting in the Lord I shall not

      be shaken.

      2. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me:

      purify my innermost being and

      my heart.

      3. For your mercy is ever before

      my eyes,

      and I have taken delight in your truth.

      4. I have not sat with the council

      of the vain,

      and will not enter the company of transgressors.

      5. I have hated the assembly

      of the wicked,

      and will not take my seat among

      the godless.