Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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      7. You, O Lord, will keep us and preserve us,

      from this generation and forever more.

      8. The wicked walk round and round

       in circles,

      in your greatness you have observed carefully the children of the earth.

      Psalm 12

      1. How long, O Lord will you forget me, forever?

      How long will you turn your face away from me?

      2. How long shall I ponder counsels in my mind and sorrows in my heart?

      How long shall my enemy be left to exalt over me?

      3. Look down and listen to me, O Lord my God.

      Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep in death;

      4. lest my enemy gloat: “I prevailed against him.”

      Those who afflict me will rejoice if I be moved.

      5. But I have placed my trust in your mercy;

      my heart will rejoice in your salvation.

      6. I will sing to the Lord my great benefactor;

      I will sing psalms to the name of the Lord Most High.

      Psalm 13

      1. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

      They are corrupt and abominable in their designs.

      There is none who does good; no, not even one.

      2. The Lord looked down from heaven

      upon the children of the earth,

      to see if there were any

      who understood or sought after God.

      3. They have all gone astray, altogether become vile.

      There is none who does good; no, not even one.

      Their throat is an open grave;

      with their tongues they have spoken deceit.

      The viper’s poison drools from their lips;

      their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness;

      their feet are swift to shed blood;

      destruction and misery fill their paths.

      The path to peace they have not known;

      there is no fear of God before their eyes.

      4. Will all the workers of iniquity remain ignorant?

      They devour my people like bread;

      they have not called upon the Lord.

      5. They were seized with terror,

      where there was no cause for fear,

      for God dwells among a righteous generation.

      6. You are ashamed of the counsel

       of the poor,

      because the Lord is their hope.

      7. Who from Zion will bring Israel’s salvation?

      When the Lord brings back his captive people,

      let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.

      Psalm 14

      1. O Lord, who shall dwell in your sanctuary?

      And who shall encamp on your holy mountain?

      2. Whoever walks blamelessly,

      and practices righteousness,

      speaking truth from the heart.

      3. Who has not deceived with the tongue,

      nor done evil to neighbor,

      nor given them reproach.

      4. In whose sight an evil-doer is discounted,

      while honoring all who fear the Lord.

      Who makes an oath to a neighbor

      and does not renege.

      5. Who has not lent money at interest,

      nor taken bribes against the innocent.

      Whoever acts likes this,

      shall never be shaken.

      Psalm 15

      1. Preserve me, O Lord,

      for I have placed my hope in you.

      2. I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord;

      for you have no need of my goods.”

      3. Because of the holy places which are in his land,

      he has marvelously displayed all his designs in them.

      4. Their infirmities were multiplied,

      to these holy places they hastened.

      I will no longer assemble meetings for blood-vengeance,

      neither will I remember their names upon my lips.

      5. The Lord is the portion of my heritage and my cup;

      You are the one who restores me my rightful inheritance.

      6. The boundaries have fallen to me in the best of places,

      for this inheritance of mine is the best for me.

      7. I will bless the Lord who has granted me understanding,

      even during the night my instincts have instructed me.

      8. I saw the Lord continually before me,

      at my right hand that I should not be shaken.

      9. Therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue exulted;

      furthermore my flesh shall dwell

       in the hope

      10. that you will not leave my soul

       in Hades,

      nor allow your holy one to see corruption.

      11. You have made known to me the paths of life.

      You will fill me with joy with your presence;

      at your right hand there are delights forever.

      Psalm 16

      1. Give heed, O Lord, to my justification;

      and attend to my supplication.

      Give ear to my prayer,

      not made with deceitful lips.

      2. Let my judgment come forth from your presence;

      let my eyes behold your equity.

      3. You have proved my heart;

      you have visited me by night.

      You have tested me as by fire,

      and found in me no wrong.

      4. May my mouth not speak the deeds of these fellows.

      I, because of the words of your lips,

      guarded myself against hardened ways.

      5. Direct my footsteps in your paths,

      so that my steps may not stumble.

      6. I cried out, because you, O God, had heard me.

      Incline your ears to me and give heed to my words.
