The Woman's Book of Spirit. Sue Patton Thoele. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sue Patton Thoele
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781609253202
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to what is, right now, without being mired in the past or grasping for the future. Find a quiet moment today and allow your body to settle into a comfortable position. Encourage your body to soften, your breath to deepen, and your mind to be still. Focus on your breath and watch as it automatically begins to slow down. Bring your attention to your heart. Feel gratitude and admiration for it.

      As you relax, create a beautiful scene that is symbolic of your heart. If the picture that first appears doesn't appeal to you, let it fade and create a new one. Explore your heartscape; deeply enjoy and appreciate what it generously offers. Be open to surprise blessings that may arise. You can invite those whom you love to join you, or you may prefer to have a solitary experience. Whatever you choose, trust the intuition of your heart to provide a scene that is right for you now.

      During the day, refresh yourself by taking minute-vacations to come into the present moment. Return to the sacred hub of your heart and roam in it.

      My heart is sacred.

      I am worthy of a heartscape that is beautiful and refreshing.

      Soothing Our Hearts

      BECAUSE WE KNOW BEST WHEN OUR SPIRITS have been mowed down by a Mac truck, or merely nicked by a moped, it's up to us to soothe our hearts and souls and be willing to ask for soothing from others.

      While out on the road promoting Heart Centered Marriage, my heart gave me ample evidence that it needed some lovin' care. It was one of those days that you'd like to erase from the calendar, culminating with a talk I gave at a large bookstore. Six people showed up; one was a heckler and two (including my own escort) fell asleep, and, even worse, only two books were sold at the end of my presentation. My heart felt as if it were petrifying inside my chest and I could scarcely breathe. By the time I limped back to my hotel, I was the lowest of the low.

      I called my husband and a friend for support and neither were home. “See, you're not even important to them!” wailed a vulnerable inner voice before a wiser, more mature, message could make itself heard and said, “Looks like you're on your own for this one, Toots. Practice what you preach.”

      First, as if it were a cherished baby, I held my book over my heart and told it that it was very, very good. You can do this with any creation or idea of yours. Our creations carry an energy that links with our own. As we reassure them, we reassure ourselves. Then I did the following exercise. If you've had a recent disappointment, or felt badly about yourself for some reason, you too might benefit from it.

      With your hands over your heart, pour love into your heart and to the part of you that feels inadequate or upset. Gently soothe your heart with consoling affirmations such as, “I love you. I honor you. You are a wonderful and loving heart. I value you. I take care of you. I listen to you, and I will protect you.”

      We all have vulnerable aspects of our being that need to be soothed on occasion. It is our sacred charge to comfort our hurting hearts.

      I compassionately soothe my aching heart.

      I love and comfort my vulnerable selves.

      Surrendering Head to Heart

      FOR CENTURIES THE HEAD HAS RULED THE roost. “I think therefore I am” has been the credo of our left-brain-dominated society, and, as a consequence, the whole world is out of balance. Individually and universally, we need to return to the balance and harmony that can be achieved only by training our heads to surrender to the wisdom and compassion of our hearts.

      When I broached this subject to Martha, a client of mine who is a very business-oriented realtor, she paled and said, “Sue, you can't be serious! If I follow my heart I won't be able to survive in this competitive, dog-eat-dog field.” I told her that I didn't think her fears would materialize and, skeptically, she agreed to do the following meditation for about three minutes each morning until I saw her again in two weeks.

      At her next appointment, Martha's fears were somewhat quieted. She told me, “Well, I didn't lose any business, but I didn't gain any either! I have noticed a funny thing. I feel less stressed and my clients seem to have gotten nicer.” My bet is that Martha, herself, is sending out a calmer heart frequency that makes her clients feel more comfortable around her. That's not only good for her, but it's also good for business.

      You too can benefit from the balance between heart and head. With your eyes closed, breathe deeply into your heart area and feel it accepting and absorbing the life-giving infusion. Imagine that your heart is expanding and that loving energy is flowing from its center like circles on the surface of a pond. With reverence, physically bow your head toward your heart. Even if it feels awkward, silently tell your heart that your head wishes to cooperate with it, surrender to it, and serve it. Ask your heart's inherent wisdom and love to guide you.

      My head surrenders to my heart.

      My heart is a wise and compassionate guide.

      Softening in the Face of Hardness

      CAMILLA HAD MADE A PROMISE TO HERSELF that, as a part of her spiritual discipline, she would learn to soften her responses, attitudes, and judgments. Because she was prone to feeling defensive when faced with difficult situations or people, she decided to use such events as reminders to soften. Right off the bat, her husband (our mates are always such good teachers) provided her with the perfect opportunity when he surprisingly overreacted to a suggestion she made.

      Feeling as if she'd been kicked in the stomach, Camilla nonetheless remembered that here was an opportunity to soften. Although she managed to keep her response quiet, her judgments where flaring inside and her heart felt hard and constricted. She excused herself and went to a private place where she attempted to tune into her heart. Quieting her mind was like wrestling with a two year old in the midst of a temper tantrum, but finally she was able to get in touch with her heart. First she comforted and forgave the person within her who felt hurt, frustrated, and angry. When she was calmer, she asked her heart what to do in this situation. The answer was an unequivocal, “Relax and back off.”

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