Hope & Healing for Transcending Loss. Ashley Davis Bush. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ashley Davis Bush
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633410039
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one of spirit and formlessness. Death cannot break the bonds of deep, true love.


      Know that true love always transcends loss.

      January 9

      You may be a different person because of your loss, but you are also a different person because of your love. Think about how your life expanded by loving your dear one and receiving their love. Think about how empty life would be if you had never known them and experienced the blessing of them. Their love is still with you, woven inextricably into your soul.


      Who would you be if you hadn't known your loved one?

      January 10

      You may frequently wonder, how am I going to survive this? How can I endure this unbearable pain and sorrow? Do not think ahead; simply draw your attention back to one moment at a time, one breath at a time, and let it expand into one day at a time. Keep your focus narrow. Day will add to day, and you will live your way into the future. But for now, only this moment.


      Breathe. Focus on the in-breath, focus on the space between breaths, and focus on the out-breath.

      January 11

      Be gentle with yourself. The work of grief is exhausting. You may find that you are forgetful, that you cannot concentrate, and that you are fatigued easily. Grieving requires so much energy! Cut yourself some slack without judgment. Be extra kind to you.


      What kind gesture can you offer yourself today?

      January 12

      How would your beloved want you to live your remaining days? What would they say to you about your time left on the planet? Even as you grieve, know that life is to be lived. You will find a way to embrace life, even with a hole in your heart, because that is what they would wish for you.


      Choose life today in honor of your dear one.

      January 13

      Tears are a way to move emotion through the body. You never need to apologize for your tears. They are emotion overflowing. Let yourself cry in the shower, in the car, in your bedroom. It's far easier to let the tears flow than to try to hold them back. Release and let emotion flush through you.


      Let yourself cry.

      January 14

      Some days will feel like “bad” days, and some days will feel like “good” days. Try not to judge the days too much. Just know that some days the grief is close to the surface and may overflow with strong emotion. Other days, the love feels stronger than the loss and you're able to smile. All of these days are part of the process.


      Just let today be what it needs to be.

      January 15

      Find people who will not be afraid to share memories of your loved one. Be bold in asking friends, family, and colleagues, “What is your favorite memory of ____?” It is healing to remember, to revisit, and even to share a tear or two. Memories are a treasure trove, like golden nuggets that you will want to hold close to your heart.


      Hold a memory close to your heart.

      January 16

      It often isn't discussed, but it's very common to have signs or communications with those who have left the planet. Anything is possible, from strange electrical occurrences (lights turning on or off), to animal sightings, to dream visitations, to pennies appearing out of nowhere. Accept each signal as a gift, a loving intention. Your loved one wants you to know that they are still with you, now and always.


      Be open to receiving a sign from your dear one. If you long for this but it hasn't happened yet, just be open and curious.

      January 17

      I have heard grievers say that they didn't see color or taste food for years after a major loss. But then, at some point, color came back . . . taste was possible. Smiles happened. Laughter, too. Life returned. As you learn to live with loss and integrate sorrow into your heart on a daily basis, be open to the possibility that life is still worth living.


      Breathe in these words: “Life has color.”

      January 18

      Love is a gift. Love is such an immense gift, in fact, that it transcends time, place, distance, and space . . . it even transcends death. Know that the love you have given and received is now a part of you. This love permeates your soul and will illumine your experience of the world. Even as grief weighs heavy, know that love can lift you with its lightness.


      Give thanks for the gift of love.

      January 19

      Many grievers are afraid that they're doing it “wrong.” Trust in your own process . . . if you need to cry, to write, to sit, to stare, let yourself be with your experience. Everyone has their own way of “doing” grief, so let yourself do what feels right and natural for you. Let grief move around you, over you, and through you.


      Let your process be unique to you.

      January 20

      Do not expect to one day return to your old self. Grief has changed you irrevocably. You are growing into a new self, day by day. This new self may be fearful, bitter, and shut down . . . or this new self may be full of increased compassion, heightened understanding, and deep love. Be open to such a transformation. Be open to letting grief break open your heart so that light comes through the cracks.


      Let light shine today through the cracks of your broken heart.

      January 21

      Grief comes in waves—sometimes giant tsunami waves that knock you down and leave you flattened. Other times the waves are gentle lapping rhythms. But the waves keep coming, and keep receding . . . eventually spacing themselves out. Once you start to ride the waves, you will feel less out of control. Expect them and be ready, knowing that the rhythms will come and go.


      Ride the waves of grief today without resistance.

      January 22

      Your loved one is with you . . . when you cry, when you laugh. Your loved one is with you . . . when you hide from life, when you embrace life. Your loved one is with you . . . when you think of them, when you think of something else. No matter what, your loved one is with