Sex Rules!. Janice Z. Brodman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Janice Z. Brodman
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633535947
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      This is fair because “real” men are reasonable, non-competitive, and totally cooperative. Only animals and women get into outright conflict. When a woman is irritable, irrational, demanding, or fickle, her husband’s job is to quietly appease her. If she plays around, it’s certainly not grounds for divorce or even raised voices. But if he comes home and she’s in their bed with another man, the guy should at least give him a gift.


      But Who’s Counting

      Countries compete in sports, weapons, beauty, and now, sex. An international survey regularly measures countries’ sex ratings.

      Sex how often?

      The world’s average rate of having sex is 103 times a year, about twice a week.

      Country having the most sex per year?

      Greece is at the top at 164 times a year.

      Brazil strides in second with 145 times.

      Poland and Russia are tied for third at 143 times a year.

      Least often?

      Japan, at forty-eight times per year.

      Of course, maybe the Japanese just answered more honestly than other countries.

      How good?

      The average satisfaction with their sexual experience, worldwide — 43%. Alas, not quite half of us enjoy getting it on.

      The countries most satisfied with their sex lives?

      #1 is Nigeria! Where 67% say they are very satisfied.

      Mexico is second with 63% very satisfied.

      India comes in third with 61% very satisfied.

      The USA, by the way, at 48%, is only slightly higher than the average. That’s behind Mexico 63%, India 61%, Poland 54%, Greece 51%, Holland 50%, South Africa 50%, and Spain 49%.

      Maybe that’s why 46% of US women surveyed said, if they have to give up something for two weeks, they’d rather give up sex than the Internet.

      Least sexually satisfied country?

      Japan, with only 15% satisfied. Of course, we all know the Japanese have higher standards.

      Just a few salt grains to toss on these results. Nigeria was the only country that took the survey face to face instead of online. Imagine sitting next to your main squeeze. The surveyor asks how satisfied you are with the sex. Do you say, “Ehh, not so much”?

      Spain apparently wasn’t thrilled with the results, so they did their own survey. It showed that 90% were sexually satisfied. Go figure.

      The Italians also dissed the survey, which showed a paltry 36% satisfied. In a different “sex of the nations survey,” 64% of Italians said they were satisfied with their sex lives.

      How long?

      Surveys show that the length of intercourse directly affects satisfaction.

      Longest intercourse?

      The Nigerians again top the charts at 24 minutes per session.


      Indians, at 13 minutes. Maybe the Indians can devote another 10 minutes and get their satisfaction rate up.

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