An Endless Quest for Spiritual Truth: A Practical Guide to Everyday Spirituality. Eric Chifunda. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chifunda
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633383234
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Power of Love

      Love is what you need in order to have some measure of understanding about the inner workings of God. Love is what makes you become aware of who you are as Soul. Love does not stop you from engaging in life in a more passionate way. Love enhances your participation in life as it opens new avenues for greater and more adventuresome experiences.

      Love heals wounds at the physical, emotional, or mental level, which may cause instability in one’s life. Love is the key to an abundant life. Abundant, not necessarily in the material sense, but more importantly, in the spiritual sense. Spiritual is that consisting of wisdom, patience, kindness, respect, fairness, compassion, sense of sacrifice, and courage.

      All these put together and made an active part of one’s daily life makes for a remarkable spiritual human being. For love makes all things remarkable. Love in its Divine form has the power to transform one to an awakened spiritual individual, pulsating with love, connected to the essence of God. With pure love, one walks this earth while the heart lives in a joyous heavenly state with God above, making one an integrated spiritual human whole imbued with love, blessed by love, embraced by love and guided by love. So learn to cultivate this Divine love and your life shall be lifted beyond words.

      To love God, is to have love. Love in this case meaning nonattached higher form of love that doesn’t demand anything in return. Love that gives, gives, and keeps on giving. However, for it to be properly expressed, one must be selective. One must use discriminative powers to wisely give it where needed. Because it must be expressed, right action must be taken to manifest it. And action can take any form, such as simply listening to someone, helping someone financially, helping someone out of trouble.

      There are numerous varied manifestations of higher love and their common denominator is in their truthfulness, selflessness underscored by a sense of nonattachment by the person giving out love.

      To do a job well brings out qualities of excellence fueled by love. With love, the quality of the outcome of the deed becomes heightened. With love as the motivating factor, you draw in God’s loving presence. Who better to be in charge of your life than God Itself. And with God as an active part of your life, your life will become an inspiration to others.

      When you have love in its divine form, you have the answer. The answer to unanswered questions. And also to unasked questions. The answer to unknown questions. The answer to all questions. The answer to life. The answer to all things. The deeper answer to known things. Known at a human level, but in an erroneous way. Now they can be known correctly from a spiritual perspective. From the perspective of Soul. From the higher viewpoint, the spiritual state. The unbiased and clearest viewpoint. From this vantage point, we can truly begin to know God. Then only can we consciously begin to express Divine love, and act out of love in the highest and truest sense of the word.

      With love expressed this way, known this way, embraced this way, felt this way, you have God’s answer to life—and that’s Divine Love.

      To live a life of self-responsibility, ensure that you live up to what is expected of you in social, business and spiritual contracts. With such, you will be of service to life more than you would ever imagine. Doing all that you have agreed with others in some way is fulfilling God’s contracts because It works through our actions, what we do, and how we conduct ourselves.

      Through our actions, we bring God’s spirit to bear. To keep our word aligned with requisite action is indeed to honor God. And it’s our duty to do this: To finish off what you started and promised. Continue with what you set out to do, and you will live a life in harmony with the life around you and within you. With that, you will earn God’s cooperation. This will come through your input, your diligent, and honest effort. Without the needed input from you, nothing starts, nothing goes anywhere. So, initiate the action and the flow of invisible forces will be activated, supporting your actions every step of the way. Leading to the eventual fulfillment of your set goal.

      For what are we here for if not to become the best we can be in any chosen endeavor. Getting by is not enough if you wish to amount to anything of worth. Putting in your honest best effort, seeing a plan come to its completion is what counts. One who cares about what they do often wants to ensure that what they do is done well. When something is done well, no matter how small the activity might be, it has the power to touch other people in ways that evokes and inspires love in their hearts. Such an act has a hand of God in it and those with spiritual eyes will see its impression on it and will have their hearts filled with love.

      So, do well, finish what you start, and your life will be ever more enriching in measures beyond your expectations.

      Love in its pure and higher form is the key to unlocking the mysteries that confound us. The unlocking of the mysteries gives you insight into what exists behind the veil of illusion we are always confronted with. There are invisible forces that sometimes make their presence known through feelings or sensations without visible appearance. Sometimes we are faced with puzzles and unexplained circumstances that seem irrational yet have an effect, a real impact on our lives. We’re sometimes faced with situations which seem not to have answers, logical answers at all yet have a real effect in our lives.

      With expanded consciousness, therefore greater capacity for love, we are able to gain insight into these unfathomable and mysterious situations. Love, because it transcends the mind, the driving engine of logic and intellect. Love in its pure form, in its divine form lights up the dark alleys in our lives, opens up our inner eyes to enable us to view life more clearly.

      Love not as we know it in the human state that imposes conditions on everything, but higher nonattached Selfless love expressed for the good of all.

      Since it is love that must be the key factor in your life, it should come first if you want to experience greater love. First, before all actions are considered, the factor of love must precede all you do. This is to ensure that your actions are fair, balanced and more productive. This entails taking time to do something with right discrimination and right amount of effort to accomplish it.

      Act with conscious effort to tune in to the needs of the moment. In other words, learn not to rush through life for love never rushes. Do all in love’s time. When missteps are made, realize that they are there to wake us up to greater love as we learn how to avoid a repetition of such violation. Mistakes and failures along the way are a part of the cosmic plan to teach us how to align ourselves with the law of love. Violating the law of love, repeating the same mistakes over and over only serves to set us up for a life of unnecessary suffering brought on by our failure to do the right thing.

      It’s through acts of love, consideration and fairness that our life becomes enriched, blessed with good fortune that gives us a greater sense of well-being.

      Change is an inevitable and necessary part of growing and it implies moving from one state to another so we can move on in life as a new way unfolds before us. But often we resist change because we are fearful, misread the signs, and sometimes lack courage, understanding, and spirit of adventure. Often we are unaware of what our true spiritual needs are because our sight is not clear. Our sight is oftentimes clouded by our emotions and unconscious or willful