An Endless Quest for Spiritual Truth: A Practical Guide to Everyday Spirituality. Eric Chifunda. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chifunda
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633383234
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unfulfilled. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with material sufficiency for it is part of God’s plan. It is when materiality dominates our lives in such a way that our hearts close, rendering us unkind, unloving, cold and selfish that it becomes objectionable.

      To proceed forward, to acquire true spiritual wealth, we need to learn to make right selfless choices, set clear goals and know where we are standing. We need a sense of clarity. In Divine Spirit, we will find clarity.

      We appear to be many things in life save what we truly are. We may view and identify ourselves in any number of ways: weak, strong, angry, ignorant, stupid, intelligent, important, better than others, etc. But is that really our true nature or illusory nature or perception society has imposed on us or an image we have acquired from society? Whether we like it or not, we’ve become what we think we are and have internalized some of what others say and think we are. These various perceptions have taken root in our psyche. They have colored our lens through which we view the world around us and how we view ourselves. Thus our vision has been affected to the extent that we no longer have clear perception of who and what we are as Divine beings.

      That is the danger of embracing borrowed perceptions and internalizing negative associations and letting them define us as our true identity and reality. To know who we truly are, to reclaim our true nature, we must let go of all old superficial identity, revise our wrong thought processes, recant our outmoded erroneous old beliefs of who we are and in so doing we will begin to chart a new course toward self awareness. We will begin to gradually awaken to that which is our true nature—Soul.

      To the extent that we are alive, the spirit of God exists in all of us, irrespective of differences in belief systems. It is what sustains our true identity as Soul.

      It exists in the manner that you often don’t recognize. Because you think yourself as merely this human being called by so and so name. Meaning your self-identity as emotions, mental and physical associations or outer Self. But you are greater than this. You are Soul to start with. You are Godlike in your true latent spiritual nature, a spark of God to put it more accurately.

      When they say God is within you, that means the essence of God is within you. It’s an aspect of you that rises above normal thought processes. That tells you what is right and what’s wrong. That guides you to the right actions. That sends nudges to prod you to do something right, that may defy logic. However, nudges are not always easy to act on because they require an overcoming of self doubt and fear in order to do something that will take you beyond your comfort zone.

      The more self-discipline you have in the ways of God without fear, the more of the spirit of God becomes an active part in your life. So, stay disciplined, seize the moment, rearrange your life in an uplifting manner and you will stay connected with the essence of God on a daily basis.

      In the outer we have certain human wants we seek so our lives are fulfilled, so we believe. We have concerns, fears, questions, that dog our lives. So, in seeking guidance from God, we ask with the backdrop of these underlying human wants, fears, passions, and anxieties. Therefore our quest for answers from God has built in expectations colored by the need to rid ourselves of these fears, or fulfill certain immediate human wants, understandably so. So that when answers come to us through dreams or our outer life, our perception is often influenced by our expectations of what we want. When they come in a way that does not seem to relate to our current condition directly, we don’t recognize them so we disregard them and look the other way.

      So, truth remains elusive and always unavailable to us and our endless questions appear to go unanswered. To get the truth, therefore, we should not expect anything, since God knows what we need better than we know at our limited mind level.

      To get answers from God, it helps to stay open without expectations of how the answer will come. The attitude of expecting nothing yet expecting whatever divine spirit gives us is the best way to open ourselves to recognizing and receiving answers from God when they come.

      Your assignment today is listening more to the voice of Divine Spirit. The more you listen, the more you can hear God’s voice, and the more you know what guidance is coming from Divine Spirit. The more you can do what is needed to be done.

      That itself is practicing the law of economy. Such actions, so in tune with the Divine Spirit, can help keep you connected with the Divine Spirit. You are in effect making God a reality in your day to day life.

      So keep listening to that inner subtle voice of God. Till you reach a level where you don’t do conscious effortful listening, but the voice of God is now heard effortlessly and naturally because your inner ears are trained. Our life becomes highly spiritual as we live more by the spiritual laws and within the spiritual laws.

      With expanded awareness, we can hear more and clearer. Consequently, we can live our lives better. This is what learning to live in God is. Simply by learning to listen to the voice of God and following through with our actions. This does not mean you will always hear the voice the way you may expect it. God will communicate with you in its own way, on its own terms, through its own channels, sometimes subtle and covertly and other times overtly. Learning how to listen to God does not mean you will not make mistakes; you will, because making mistakes is part of growing. God may withhold something from you so you can learn by experience.

      Love is what makes you special as Soul. With this realization you will be filled with joy, beauty, inner peace and a profound sense of good will. You will begin to love life more because you see more beauty, more good, more love, more connectedness, more integration than before the realization dawned. It is to one’s benefit to continually look to God for love. For love comes from God through all of us although expressed in varying degrees and ways to others depending on the nature of our relationship.

      Realize that all living forms are created by God. Hence through loving God’s creations, we get to begin to love God. Because each one is the same spark of God, it’s an integral true part of God, God as Divine Spirit in action. This realization should help you change your attitude toward others. With this changed loving attitude, you are able to love God more. This is expressed through loving others, its creations, shown by the way you relate and treat them.

      To love God to the fullest extent, one must totally submit to IT daily in order to re-gain the attained spiritual state. But the task for us is to learn how to weave this commitment minute by minute until it becomes effortless and organic. The key lies in one’s ability to let go of all life. In letting go of all life, we are allowing God to step in. It sounds easy in theory, but its application can be challenging.

      Think about it this way, when you let go of all things, only the things that are natural and beneficial to us spiritually stay in our lives, if anything, they come closer to us. This is so because the clutter of the unwanted material has been let go thereby creating room for what is needed. Life speeds up; life becomes spiritually abundant because every minute becomes transformed into moments spent in eternity, closer to God, in God’s arms.

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