An Endless Quest for Spiritual Truth: A Practical Guide to Everyday Spirituality. Eric Chifunda. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Eric Chifunda
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633383234
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that our dependency on our limited physical eyes and ears do not allow us to see spiritual realities because they are outside the range of our physical senses. Hence, to view spiritual truth we have to forego the use of our limited physical senses and use our spiritual faculties that are designed to gain knowledge of spiritual truth.

      It seems that our need for God grows greater when we are having a difficult time. Our need for help seems to make us want God more. Therefore we tend to be closer to God during these difficult times. And when our needs are fulfilled by the grace of God, we are the last to remember to thank God. At that time, our attention is no longer on God because the need for God is no longer there. Without consistent interaction with God, our understanding of God’s ways will be wanting. Therefore when God speaks, we won’t hear because we are not familiar with Its ways, Its language, Its voice. It seems life’s answers are for those who have learned to hear and see through their spiritual eyes and ears.

      To get answers, one ought to be ready to see and hear when they come. The difficulty is that life’s answers may come in ways that are unexpected. Thus they may come in a way we might not recognize if our hearts are not ready and open to God’s ways. Thus it takes an awakened heart to recognize, receive, and accept answers from God. If we expect to get anything of worth from life, we must do our part—that’s putting in work truthfully. The more we expect from life, the harder we have to work in whatever we choose. That’s the way life works. As we get a good return from life, we must be grateful. Being grateful prepares our hearts to receiving more of life’s gifts. Answers come more easily to one with a grateful heart. Because a grateful heart is an open heart. And an open heart is a receptive heart. A receptive heart is a golden heart. A heart of gold is a loving heart; a loving heart has a direct link to God.

      And therein lies the key to getting answers from God.

      Life is a mystery, yet not so to those whose spiritual eyes and ears are trained and open. Life never stops here when one dies. Life stops here only as an illusion. Death never takes away life in the real spiritual sense. Life goes on, on and on beyond the reaches of human consciousness, to the very heart of God. Beyond death, beyond dreams, beyond the world of appearances as we know it here in the physical world, there’s continuity of life.

      There’s eternal life. Life beyond our reach yet within our reach—higher life than our minds can fathom. In higher life, we find higher truth. Most people don’t want truth. Yet it is in the truth that we discover a new life concept. But we need a paradigm shift to open us to a new world. A world filled with light, love, beauty unmatched here on earth. A higher world imbued with the pure light of God in which we can find wisdom, truth, and freedom. Therefore it is to our spiritual advantage to access this inner world beyond the portals of death that can be traversed in the now. For in the now lies the secret of the eternity of life here and beyond. We don’t have to wait for death to supervene to gain a glimpse of the wondrous hidden heaven worlds. They are here and now.

      God is always good for us. Good in the sense that It provides us all that is needed in the moment if only we can wake up to what’s going on around us and through us.

      But, we have to help ourselves first before It can help us. We can’t sit around whole day, whole life, waiting for Divine Spirit to lower itself down to our level. Doing so, will be working against its true nature and purpose, which is always moving forward, always uplifting those who seek it in truth and sincerity.

      The expression, “God helps those who help themselves” is apt here. Our role in initiating action is vital, for it determines how we receive from God. We need to do enough to open ourselves in order to receive God’s gifts. In other words we have to earn the gifts. And we don’t earn them by not putting effort and time in. We don’t earn them by not working for them. The bigger the gift we expect, the harder we have to work.

      With this attitude, life will reward us a hundredfold. Our relationship with life will continually be harmonious and enriching. Our journey home to God will get easier as we sharpen our survival skills.

      Through an improved relationship with God, our level of consciousness expands. With this expansion comes greater understanding and enjoyment of life like never imagined before. Giving us deeper meaning and purpose for our life as we become aware of our true mission. Divine spirit has the ability to open us to new ways of how God operates. It has the power to heal us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually if we merit it.

      It has the power to protect us in times of danger. But, are we doing enough to allow Divine Spirit in our lives to operate more freely, more willingly, at a more conscious level?

      When you have a question about a situation you want to find out about, check with the inner, the innermost part of ourselves called Soul. Soul, an instrument of God, is equipped with foresight and insight. It has spiritual eyes that have unique ability to see through life’s intricacies. Eyes that can view a situation in its totality, seeing in full view the underlying cause and effect. Effects that manifest as our daily problems we are unable to see and grasp with our limited mind and sight.

      The outer that we so much depend on for answers provides little or none in the true spiritual sense. Real answers come from the inner, where possibilities are illimitable. To access answers from the inner, one needs to place attention on the inner, Divine Spirit. With this, we can get an awareness of what needs to be done. On the inner, we open up to the inner sight and voice. With our spiritual ears now open, we can hear the voice of God. We are now better positioned to tune into God’s impeccable guidance. Its guidance is infallible. Equipped with the knowledge of what to do, we can now move forward, aligning our actions appropriately to meet today’s life challenges. This way we can effectively fulfill our needs and be of help to other people as life unfolds. Sometimes this may require sacrifice on our part in order to render help to another. Love so rendered can have an uplifting effect on the recipient and the benefactor.

      Bear in mind that any act done with sacrifice to help another in need is never in vain. It takes more for one to rise above one’s comfort level in order to meet a greater need where warranted, and to that end, one shall be lifted, leaving one a changed person. Because that is the nature of love from God via Soul as its willing distributor to respond to the needs of the moment, and acting upon them no matter how difficult they might be.

      If you want answers to life, simply look to Soul, the highest and innermost part of each one of us. Because in Soul, we can connect with God, and in that state of connectivity, we can receive answers more clearly. The challenge is how to raise one’s consciousness so as to grow in awareness of oneself as Soul.

      There are a few paths that purport to get one to the state of realizing oneself as Soul. Each person will determine for themselves what fits their spiritual quest till they ultimately find that which can lead them to the realization of oneself as Soul, not just by belief or speculation but in an experiential way.

      People come into our lives for a reason. Often, we don’t realize why someone gets a job at our workplace. Like a gentleman who started working at my workplace. He seemed humble and unassuming in his disposition. His humble and cool demeanor belied his depth. His grace and respect for others made him appear gentle, almost soft. Yet in his own humility and self-effacing mannerisms, he commanded such immense respect. Yet, on the other hand, he was as stern as anyone could be. He was very knowledgeable in his profession. He was highly skilled yet he did not brag about it. He was humble, loving, and compassionate. He treated all with respect.

      I respected him for who and what he was. He was a model therapist