The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, Volume VIII. Donald O. White. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donald O. White
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781934536575
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L Denticulated blocks M Arch and vault components N Altars O Statue bases P Miscellaneous blocks

      In addition, the following abbreviations are used in conjunction with catalogued entries as well as in the general text.

      a.s.l. = above sea level

      Diam. = diameter

      Dpth. = depth

      el. = elevation

      Ext. = external, exterior

      Frag. = fragment/fragmentary

      H. = height

      L. = length

      l., ll. = line, lines

      m. = meter

      Max. = maximum

      mm. = millimeter

      Mpdth. = maximum preserved depth

      Mpl. = maximum preserved length

      Mpth. = maximum preserved thickness

      Mpw. = maximum preserved width

      Mph. = maximum preserved height

      Pres. = preserved

      Rest. = restored

      Th. = thickness

      W. = width

      Abbreviations and Bibliography

      This volume uses the standard abbreviations employed by the American Journal of Archaeology, supplemented here by the abbreviated references to the following bibliographic entries.

      Alexander et al. 1973

      M. Alexander, M. Ennaïfer, J. Gretzinger, G. Metruax, D. Soren, and M. Spiro, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie I, 1. Tunis.

      Alföldi-Rosenbaum and Ward-Perkins 1980

      E. Alföldi-Rosenbaum and J. Ward-Perkins, Justinianic Mosaic Pavements in Cyrenaican Churches. Rome.

      Anti 1928

      C. Anti, “Sulle orme di Callimacho a Cirene,” Africa Italiana 2, 217ff.

      Applebaum 1979

      S. Applebaum, Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene. Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, 28. Leiden.

      Arthur 1973–74

      C. Arthur, “The Ptolemais Aqueduct: A Description of Its Present Condition and Its Course,” LS 5, 24–28.

      Aurigemma 1960

      S. Aurigemma, L’Italia in Africa. Le scoperte archaeologiche a. 1911–a. 1943: Tripolitania. Vol. 1, pt. 1, I monumenti d’arte decorativa—I mosaici. Rome.

      Avi-Yonah 1935–36

      M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements at El Hammam, Bisan,” QDAP 5, 1–36.

      Bacchielli 1980

      L. Bacchielli, “La tomba delle Cariatidi,” Quaderni di archeologia della Libia 11, figs. 2, 5–12.

      Bacchielli 1981

      L. Bacchielli, L’agorà di Cirene. Vol. 2, pt. 1, L’area settentrionale del lato ovest della platea inferiore. Monografie di archeologia libica 15. Rome.

      Bairrao Oleiro 1952

      J. Bairrao Oleiro, Catalogo de lucernas romanos. Coimbra.

      Baldassarre 1976

      I. Baldassarre, “I mosaici ellenistici a Cirene e a Delo: Rapporti e differenze,” Quaderni di archeologia della Libia 8, 193–221.

      Barker et al. 1979

      G. Barker, A. Bonnano, and J. Riley, Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice). Vol. 2, Economic Life at Berenice; Sculpture and Terracottas; Coarse Pottery, ed. J. Lloyd. Supplements to Libya Antiqua, 5. Malta.

      Bates 1914

      O. Bates, The Eastern Libyans. London.

      Beecheys 1828

      F.W. and H.W. Beechey, Proceedings of the Expedition to Explore the Northern Coast of Africa from Tripoly Eastward. London.

      Bell 1981

      M. Bell, Morgantina Studies I: The Terracottas. Princeton.

      Bell 2008

      M. Bell, “Hiera Oikepeda,” Demetra. La divinità, i santuari, il culto, la leggenda. Atti del I congresso internazionale Enna, 1–4 luglio 2004, 155–60.

      Ben Khader 1987

      A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader and M. Ennaïfer, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie 2, fasc. 3. Tunis.

      Benko 1984

      S. Benko, Pagan Rome and the Early Christians. Bloomington.

      Beschi 1972

      L. Beschi, “Divinità funerary cirenaiche,” ASAene 47–48, 133–341.

      Bingöl 1980

      O. Bingöl, Das Ionische Normalkapitell in Hellenistischer und Römischer Zeit in Kleinasien. IstMitt-BH 20. Tübingen.

      Blanchard-Lemée et al. 1970

      M. Blanchard-Lemée, M. Ennaïfer, and H. Sli, Sols de la Tunisie romaine. Paris.

      Boëthius and Ward-Perkins 1970

      A. Boëthius and J. Ward-Perkins. Etruscan and Roman Architecture. Harmondsworth.

      Bonacasa and Ensoli 2000

      N. Bonacasa and S. Ensoli, eds., Cirene. Milan.

      Bookidis and Stroud 1997

      N. Bookidis and R. Stroud, Corinth XVIII, Pt. III: The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Topography and Architecture. Princeton.

      Bookidis 2008

      N. Bookidis, “The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Corinth and Colonization.” Demetra. La divinità, i santuari, il culto, la leggenda. Atti del I congresso internazionale Enna, 1-4 luglio 2004, 99–106.

      Bowersock 1978

      G. Bowersock, Julian the Apostate. Cambridge, MA.

      Bregman 1982

      J. Bregman, Synesius of Cyrene, Philosopher, Bish op. London.

      Broneer 1958

      O. Broneer, “Excavations at Isthmia,” Hesperia 27, 1–37.

      Burkert 1985

      W. Burkert, Greek Religion. Cambridge, MA.

      Buttrey and McPhee 1998

      T.V. Buttrey and I. McPhee, The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports VI: The Coins. Attic Pottery. Philadelphia.

      Cassels 1955

      J. Cassels, “The Cemeteries of Cyrene,” PBSR 23, 1–43.

      Clinton 1992

      K. Clinton, Myth and Cult. The Iconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Stockholm.

      Coates-Stephens 2001

      R. Coates-Stephens, “Muri dei bassi secoli in