The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, Volume VIII. Donald O. White. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donald O. White
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781934536575
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Cat. C:13

       59. Arch. Cat. G:13

       60. North-south across S16 Basement Compartment and northern section of S17’s interior fill

       61. Arch. Cat. E:6 and Arch. Cat. E:10

       62. Plan of the post-A.D. 262 sanctuary additions in solid black

       63. Plan of the S29 Mound

       64. North-south section of surface fill associated with the S29 Mound’s northern ring wall

       65. Child’s skeleton trapped in the earthquake-disturbed masonry capping south of the T20 retaining wall

       66. Plan of the sanctuary at its fullest development toward the end of the second century A.D. Walls shown in stipple were no longer in use by this time

       67. Reconstruction by David Hopkins of the sanctuary at its fullest development toward the end of the 2nd century A.D.


       1. Photomontage of the extramural Wadi Bel Gadir area surrounding the Demeter and Persephone Sanctuary, taken by David Hopkins in the summer of 2007, 29 years after the latter’s final clearance by the University of Pennsylvania

       2. The cleared sanctuary from the northeast at the end of 1979 season

       3. Column reused in the face of wall T23

       4. Wadi drain and S28 bridge abutment cleared by Ghislanzoni from the southeast

       5. Wall T11 from the south, overlapped to the left by wall T20. The G2 doorway and collapsed stairs occupy the center of the picture

       6. Section of wall T12 from the south; Jeffrey Cohen is crouching in foreground

       7. S8 Sacred House from the southwest

       8. Arch. Cat. I:3

       9. Lower righthand corner of photo is occupied by eastern half of the S9 Enclosure where it is interrupted by the northwest corner of the S23/S24 Late Structure

       10. G2 entranceway from the west

       11. S10 mosaic floor from the east

       12. The wall furthest to left is the G6 Doorway seen from east after 1969 season of excavation

       13. S22 Mosaic Corridor from the east

       14. S22’s fragmentary mosaic pavement from the north

       15. Western corner of the Lower Sanctuary seen from the north. The S27 Compartments rises above W14 wall lining the south face of the wadi drain

       16. Detail of T20 retaining wall from the north

       17. Tunnel Vault V3 to left; Tunnel Vault V1/V2 to right

       18. S26 Northeast Annex from the north

       19. The S23/S24 Late Structure north or down the slope from the S15 Portico Structure (at right) and the S16 Basement Compartment (at left). View taken from the southwest

       20. Interior face of north wall of S23 Late Structure. Two drafted blocks of Wall W33 rest on bedrock. The third course of bedrock is the threshold of door G7

       21. Arch. Cat. J:13 built into S24 Late Structure’s northeast corner

       22. Arch. Cat. P:7

       23. S15 Portico Vestibule north of the S22 Corridor from the southwest

       24. S20 Propylaeum from the southeast

       25. Roman propylaeum in Cyrene’s Sanctuary of Apollo from the northwest

       26. Arch. Cat. F:11 in situ

       27. Arch. Cat. E:5

       28. Arch. Cat. L:10

       29. Partially excavated W23 walls from the southwest

       30. Wall W4 from southwest

       31. Eastern two-thirds of the partially excavated S29 Mound from the north. The S5a Sacred House is seen at the left

       32. The S29 Mound’s northern ring incorporating a headless female statue, Kane no. 63

       33. The S29 Mound’s southern ring wall incorporating Kane no. 30

       34. Kane nos. 42 and 54 as found buried in the S29 Mound

       35. Walls W17 and W18 with associated terracotta drain south of S20 Propylaeum, seen from east

       36. S31 Structure from the southwest

       37. Wall 12a and northern half of Wall W16 seen from the east

       38. The junction of Wall W16 with W12a seen from the west

       39. Child’s skeleton trapped in the earthquake-disturbed masonry capping south of the T20 retaining wall seen from the east

       40. Marble head of Libyan man. Kane no. 140 (stolen and not recovered). Late Hadrianic/early Antonine

       41. Marble head of woman. Kane no. 104. Hadrianic

       42. Marble head of man. Kane no. 143 (stolen 2000 and not recovered). Early 2nd century A.D.

       A1. Fragmentary panel of fine-grained marble (A.34)

      Minor Abbreviations

      The abbreviation Arch. Cat., followed by a letter-number combination, that regularly appears in the figure and plate captions as well as in the main body of the text refers to the Architectural Catalogue developed to record architectural frusta separately from the project’s general object inventory catalogue system. Single letters indicate the following categories.

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A Marble column shafts or drums
B Limestone column shafts or drums
C Engaged columns
D Spiral columns
E Capitals
F Bases
H Rabetted and L-shaped blocks
I Door jambs and lintels
J Blocks with mouldings