Part 3: The Cult’s Final Years: Christianity’s Advent and Impact on the Cult
Appendix: The Inscriptions on Stone and Lead, Joyce Reynolds
Editor’s Preface, Donald White
Catalogue of Inscriptions on Stone and Lead
2. Plan of the early Imperial S6a Sacred House
3. Plan of the early Imperial S8 Sacred House
4. North-south section of fills in S8 Sacred House and continuing south to rear of Middle Sanctuary
7. Plan of the S10 Portico Chamber
8. Elevation of the S10 Portico Chamber’s southern colonnade looking north
12. North-south cross section of S22 Mosaic Corridor’s fill south of S10’s south wall, W29/W29a
13. North-south elevation of the G6 threshold drawn from the north lying behind the east and west walls of the S24 Late Structure
14. Arch. Cat. I:2
15. North-south cross section of Mosaic Corridor fill between the S17 Southwest Building and the S16 Basement Compartment
16. North-south cross section of Mosaic Corridor fill between the S17 Southwest Building and the S15 Porticoed Vestibule
17. East-west elevation of S17 Southwest Building’s northwest corner, marked by the C:4 engaged column base and set behind the south wall of the F2 Fountain House
18. Arch. Cat. C:4
19. Arch. Cat. C:3
20. Arch. Cat. F:22
21. Arch. Cat. B:1
22. Arch. Cat. B:39
23. Arch. Cat. B:37
24. Arch. Cat. B:45
25. Arch. Cat. B:43
26. Arch. Cat. E:9
27. Arch. Cat. E:7
28. Arch. Cat. L:1
29. Arch. Cat. L:12
30. Arch. Cat. I:1
31. Arch. Cat. E:1
32. Arch. Cat. E:1 and A:4
33. North-south cross-section of fills from center of the S17 Southwest Building at left through the Later Imperial S16 Basement Compart to right whose north wall is formed by Wall T8
34. Plan of the S18 Sacred Dump
35. Plan of the later Imperial sanctuary between A.D. 115 and A.D. 262. Features in solid black represent the additions after the Jewish rebellion of A.D. 115–117
36. North-south elevation of collapsing V1 east wall of Tunnel Vault V1/V2
37. East-west elevation of the V1 interior of Tunnel Vault V1/V2, drawn 2.7 m. in from the Wall T20’s outer face
38. Arch. Cat. J:13 and J:14
39. East-west elevation of threshold of doorway G6 between the S24 Late Structure and the S15 Portico Vestibule
40. Arch. Cat. I:7
41. Arch. Cat. B:8
42. Plan of the S20 Propylaeum
43. Reconstruction by D. Hopkins of the east facade of the S20 Propylaeum
44. Reconstruction by D. Hopkins of the south wall of the S20 Propylaeum
45. Reconstruction by D. Hopkins of the principal doorway of the S20 Propylaeum
46. Arch. Cat. G:9
47. Arch. Cat. F:11
48. East-west cross section of the S20 Propylaeum
49. Arch. Cat. E:4
50. Arch. Cat. E:5
51. Arch. Cat. E:8
52. Arch. Cat. L:9
53. Arch. Cat. J:7
54. Arch. Cat. K:4, left, and K:5, right
55. North-south section of fill against interior face of the west wall of the S20 Propylaeum
56. Arch. Cat. G:8
57. North-south section of fill from the south wall of the S30 Enclosure to the north wall of the later Archaic, early Classical S4 Ashlar Structure