Botanical Aspects of Environment and Economy at Gordion, Turkey. Naomi F. Miller. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Naomi F. Miller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781934536506
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number of seeds per period) 5.21 Plants of overgrazed steppe (percent of total number of seeds per period) 5.22 Ruderal plants (percent of total number of seeds per period) 5.23 Galium, ruderal, overgrazed, combined (percent of total number of seeds per period) 5.24 Floodplain types (percent of total number of seeds per period) 5.25 Indicators of irrigation and streamsides (percent of total number of seeds per period) 6.1 Major food mammals 6.2 Caprids, herder animals, and wild:cereal A.1 Flotation sample data sheet example D.1 Apiaceae D.2 Apiaceae D.3 Asteraceae D.4 Asteraceae D.5 Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae D.6 Chenopodiaceae, Cyperaceae, Polygonaceae D.7 Polygonum, Thlaspi, Brassicaceae, Eremopyrum D.8 Dipsacaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae D.9 Geraniaceae, Lamiaceae, Papaveraceae D.10 Poaceae D.11 Poaceae D.12 Frequency of widths of Stipa seeds according to shape D.13 Poaceae, Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Salsola D.14 Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Solanaceae, Verbenaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Unknowns D.15 Unknowns, Beta


1.1 Yassıhöyük stratigraphic sequence
2.1 Ekrem Bekler’s yield estimates
2.2 Seasonal round according to Remzi Yilmaz
3.1 Number of distinct taxa from hand-picked charcoal samples from occupation debris
4.1 Charcoal from occupation debris (% by weight, count, and ubiquity)
4.2 Charcoal from burnt buildings (% by weight and ubiquity)
5.1 Distribution of flotation samples across time
5.2 Density of charred material from flotation samples by deposit type
5.3 Density of charred material from flotation samples by date
5.4 Triticum aestivum/durum measurements from debris and grain concentrations and by grain shape
5.5 Triticum monococcum measurements
5.6 Hordeum vulgare var. distichum and H. vulgare var. hexastichum indicators
5.7 Hordeum measurements for selected samples
5.8 Ecological grouping for common or diagnostic types
5.9 Ubiquity (%) of cultigen taxa appearing in 25% or more of the samples
5.10 Ubiquity (%) of wild and weedy taxa appearing in 50% or more samples (and Peganum)
5.11 Summary chart based on averages by sample
5.12 Comparison of average seed:charcoal ratios, southeast Turkey and northwest Syria
5.13 Summary chart based on amounts of cultigens and summed percents of wild and weedy types
5.14 Sample distribution of the wild:cereal ratio
6.1 Bone counts
6.2 Percent of food animals
6.3 Economic indicators
6.4 Other indicators of plant use

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