1.1 | Yassıhöyük stratigraphic sequence |
2.1 | Ekrem Bekler’s yield estimates |
2.2 | Seasonal round according to Remzi Yilmaz |
3.1 | Number of distinct taxa from hand-picked charcoal samples from occupation debris |
4.1 | Charcoal from occupation debris (% by weight, count, and ubiquity) |
4.2 | Charcoal from burnt buildings (% by weight and ubiquity) |
5.1 | Distribution of flotation samples across time |
5.2 | Density of charred material from flotation samples by deposit type |
5.3 | Density of charred material from flotation samples by date |
5.4 | Triticum aestivum/durum measurements from debris and grain concentrations and by grain shape |
5.5 | Triticum monococcum measurements |
5.6 | Hordeum vulgare var. distichum and H. vulgare var. hexastichum indicators |
5.7 | Hordeum measurements for selected samples |
5.8 | Ecological grouping for common or diagnostic types |
5.9 | Ubiquity (%) of cultigen taxa appearing in 25% or more of the samples |
5.10 | Ubiquity (%) of wild and weedy taxa appearing in 50% or more samples (and Peganum) |
5.11 | Summary chart based on averages by sample |
5.12 | Comparison of average seed:charcoal ratios, southeast Turkey and northwest Syria |
5.13 | Summary chart based on amounts of cultigens and summed percents of wild and weedy types |
5.14 | Sample distribution of the wild:cereal ratio |
6.1 | Bone counts |
6.2 | Percent of food animals |
6.3 | Economic indicators |
6.4 |
Other indicators of plant use