Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and Non-Tagalogs. Paraluman S. Aspillera. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paraluman S. Aspillera
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462901661
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will only endear them to older or senior people.

      Another peculiarity of the Tagalog is the use of the questions Where are you going? or Where have you been? in the same context as Kumustá ka? when meeting people they know. These very common greetings among Tagalogs should not be taken literally by foreigners. Filipinos are not really asking your itinerary—these are the equivalent of the English How is it going? and is simply another way of saying Hello! and striking up a conversation.

Saán ka púpuntá? (informal) Where are you going?
Saán kayó púpuntá? (formal) Where are you going, sir/madam?
Saán ka nanggáling? (informal) Where have you been?
Saán kayó nanggáling? (formal) Where have you been, sir/madam?

      The usual response is Diyán lámang (pô) which means Just nearby (sir/madam). However, you may be specific about the place and say, for example, Sa Quezon City (pô) which means either I’m going to Quezon City (sir/madam) or I’ve been to Quezon City (sir/madam).


      There is no exact equivalent for excuse me in Tagalog. However, there are five different ways of expressing it depending on the situation.

      1. Paumanhín pô is used when one apologizes or asks to be excused, or if one bumps into someone else accidentally.

      2. Pakiraán pô is used when one asks for permission to pass through.

      3. Mawaláng-gálang pô is used when one requests to be heard.

      4. Patáwad pô is used when one apologizes for causing physical injury or emotional hurt to someone else.

      5. Pasintábi pô is used when one gives a warning of something that may be offensive or distasteful to others.

      In which situations can each of the above be used?

      1. When a small group is having a formal discussion or meeting and you need to leave, you may say in a modest tone of voice to the nearest person or to the one presiding the meeting, Paumanhin (pô), aalis na ako or Paumanhin (pô), lálabas lamang ako sandalî. The statements mean Excuse me (sir/madam), I will leave now or Excuse me (sir/madam), I will go out for a while. One does not have to say Paumanhin (pô) in a big meeting where one’s absence is not obvious, unless one is the special guest.

      Another situation that calls for Paumanhin (pô) is when one bumps into someone unintentionally such as at a party or in a crowded area like a shopping mall. This statement is also equivalent to I’m sorry.

      2. When you want to pass through a passage way or hall that is blocked by two persons talking to one another, you say Pakiraán pô (Please let me pass.) then pass.

      3. When you are in a meeting and wish to voice requests or opinions, or interrupt the speaker to make a comment, you say Mawaláng-gálang pô and proceed to make the statement. The phrase literally means May I lose my courtesy? but translates as I beg your pardon.

      This is also appropriate when one wants to ask directions from somebody who is talking to another person, Mawaláng-gálang pô, paano pumuntá sa Ayala Avenue (Excuse me, how do I get to Ayala Avenue?)?

      4. When someone is deeply hurt—either physically or emotionally—by another, the one at fault who realizes his mistake should say Patawad pô or Patawárin ninyó akó, which means Forgive me.

      5. Some people cannot withstand unpleasant stories or photos. To warn them of a forthcoming offensive situation, one should say Pasintabi pô. This is commonly used by news reporters when a gruesome film footage is about to be shown on television. The phrase literally means Please set aside.

      Can one of the above expressions sometimes be used in place of another?

      Yes, Mawaláng-gálang pô may be used for situations 1 and 2 but not for 4.

      Can one use Paumanhin pô instead of Patawad pô?

      No, Paumanhin pô may mean Sorry but it is is too mild to use in cases of physical or emotional injury.


      Tagalogs have common everyday expressions that should be memorized by students of this language. The following expressions have shortened forms that are used in everyday speech just as the shortened form of the English Let’s is used in place of Let us. More shortened forms are listed in Lesson Forty-Three.

Saan kayó nakatirá? Where do you live?
Anó ang pangálan mo? What is your name?
Aywan ko. (shortened: Èwan ko.) I don’t know.
Hindí ko alám. (shortened: Di ko alám.) I don’t know.
Ayaw akó. (shortened: Ayòko.) I don’t like.
Bahála na! Come what may!
Kauntî lámang. (shortened: Lang) Just a little.
Kung mínsan. Once in a while.
Gísing na! Wake up!
Hindî bale! Never mind!
Hindî namán. Not so.
Hintáy ka! (shortened: Teka!) Wait for a moment.
Huwag na. Salámat. No more. Thank you.
Bahálà ka. It is up to you.
Magmadali ká. (shortened: Dali ka!) Hurry up! (literally: Be quick, you!)
Mámayá na. For a while.
Salámat. Thank you.
Maráming salámat. Thank you very much.
Anó pô? (or Anó?) What did you say, sir/madam?
Saká na. Later.
Sandalî lámang. (shortened: Lang) Just a moment.
Síge na! Go on!
Sáyang! What a pity. What a loss.
Tahímik kayó. Be silent.
Táma na. It is all right. It is enough.
Táyo na. (shortened: Tena.) Let’s go.
Totoó ba? (shortened: Totoò?) Is it true?
Túlog na. Go to sleep.
Maráhil. Maybe.

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