bikakang pass be straddled.
bikal adj thick, dense (fog) (mabikal intrans).
bikang n a sort of sweetmeat.
bikas 1 L n behavior, manner, fashion, action; intrans (mikasang trans) behave, act (polah R, hulat, tingkah, titah H).
bikasné his behavior.
bikas 2 n a pattern of cloth.
bikasbikas intrans (Raf) prevaricate.
biket n scar, mark of a wound.
bikuh intrans be open, spread out.
bikul n mouse, rat.
bikul-an n a bulging muscle (biceps etc.).
bikul pisuh intrans cause confusion, increase confusion.
bila n bhil-tree; a species of mango.
bilang 1 L adj every, each; adv every time (=sabilang).
bilang dangka adv everywhere.
bilang ja mahi every time (he) comes here.
bilang Redité adv every Sunday.
bilang sisi adv on every side.
sakit bilang buku ‘illness of every joint’ =arthritis.
bilang 2 H intrans (milang trans) count, reckon (peték L, hitung M).
bilbil L intrans put someone to shame (pilipili R) (usually kabilbil pass ‘be put to shame’).
biled intrans (NBali) be under a curse.
bileh intrans (mabilehan trans) move.
bilih R adv maybe, perhaps.
biluh n a species of plant.
biluk 1 intrans (miluk trans) swing about, turn.
bilukang pass be swung about, turned.
biluk 2 intrans be obstinate, stubborn.
biluluk (=beluluk) n the sago palm, whose fruits cause itching (biluluk intrans).
Bima n a name of Siwa (S Bhïma-); the name of the hero of an epic.
bimaniyu n one of the sons of Arjuna.
bima swargga the name of a book.
bimbang intrans hesitate, be confused.
bin 1 (=hubin) in batu bin n paving stone, flagstone.
bin 2 (contr of buwin) L adv again, yet.
bin habesik one more.
bin mahi (come) here again.
bin pidan adv when? (in the future).
bin pwan, bin pwanné adv the day after tomorrow; prep with, to; conj and.
bin telun in three days’ time; a third time.
bina H adj other, different (lén L).
mabinayan H intrans be different.
binékatunggalika adj differing, though still one.
binal a dj happy and active; luxurious, wanton; wild (horse).
binas n a species of sea fish; a minnow.
binasmiyan K pass be reduced to ashes (basmi ashes) (S bhasmï-).
bincang (=hincang) intrans wander from side to side on the road; wing to and fro; tack (sailing).
bincuh intrans be first in order; be very busy.
bindeng (=hindeng) intrans go off alone with no goal, stroll about.
binder 1 intrans (minder trans) turn round, rotate.
binderang pass be rotated, be carried around.
binder 2 intrans provide sth for determining a sacrifice.
binih (=winih) n seed rice; rice seedling; plant.
binihan (=biniyan) n seed for sowing.
binjat (=bebinjat) n an illegitimate child, child of an unknown father; intrans be forbidden, be illegitimate.
binjul (=bénjul) intrans be haughty; find someone funny.
bintang L (lintang H) n star.
bintang hawan n a meteor.
bintang kaja n south pole (star).
bintang kelod n north pole (star).
bintang kukus n comet.
bintang kertika, bintang siyang n the morning star.
bintang pameneh n the evening star.
bintang tenggala n the Plough (Orion in Bali).
bintawan n a species of tree.
binté (=bénté) intrans kick.
bintenu n a species of tree.
bintil n a small abscess, ulcer.
bintit intrans (mintitang trans) run fast.
bintitang pass be made faster, accelerate (car).
bintul n insect bite, small wound (mintul trans).
bintulu n varicolored cotton; adj varicolored.
binusanan pass be splendidly clothed (=bhu-sana).
bin-yan (=binihan) n seed.
bin-yané the seed.
bingar n the radiance of a newly-opened flower; the fresh coloring of one who has just recovered from illness; adj having a bright appearance; intrans have a happy outlook.
bingbang (=bimbang) adj irresolute, wavering, unsure.
bingin n banyan tree (contr of bahingin).
bingkih intrans gasp, pant, sigh, labor under a heavy burden.
bingkot (=béngkot) adj crooked.
bingung L intrans be enraged, distracted, perplexed, confused, mad (hémeng R).
bir n a dish made of grated unripe coconut, water, and sugar; n beer (D).
birahi n love (Jav).
birat intrans be insolvent, unable to pay one’s debts.
biribiri n sheep; biribiri klahu n fat-tailed sheep.
biring n a weapon, a lance, a kris.
biring hagung a small lance.
biring halit a big lance.
biru 1 L adj dark blue (pelung R).
biru 2 adv e.g. in nyarunyaru biru pretend enthusiastically.
bis 1 (=bes) adv too, very, then, at that time.
bis 2 n motor bus; n a concrete tank for water.
bisa 1 n a kind of prepared food.
bisa 2 L intrans be able because one has knowledge or skill (huning H).
bişa intrans be able, be possible.
bisahang pass be made wise, become wise.
bisah 1 n a species of tree.
bisah 2 n the symbol for h at the end of a syllable (S visarga-).
bisakan n an itching disease of the feet.
bisama C n vow; nahur bisama pay a vow.
bisanja adv last night (from hibi sanja).
bisbis (=bésbés) intrans disentangle, loosen, unravel a tangle of thread.
biséka 1 C n name, nickname; title, inauguration.
biséka 2 n disaster, calamity (misékahang trans).
bisik H intrans whisper (kisi L).