berag kégkég, berag tuh adj deathly thin.
beragberagan n being very thin; beragberagan gajahé masih hada mulukné ‘the being-very-thin (of) the elephant also there-is its-fatness’ =even a thin elephant is very thick.
bérang n a long chopper, saber.
berangkat intrans depart, leave (Mal).
beras H n rice, grain (bahas L).
berat H adj heavy, difficult, hard (=habot) (bahat L); n weight.
berathipun its weight.
beratin pass be made heavier.
bérawa n the Bairawa sect (mérawa trans).
berawah n an extensive marsh, quagmire.
berayut in Pan Berayut, the name of the hero of a story (merayut trans).
berber intrans flutter, flap (see ber, hiber, keber).
béré n throng (mabéré intrans).
bérébéré (only in kabérébéré pass).
bered intrans be in a line.
beredang pass be drawn up in line, be drilled.
béréd 1 (=beréd, berud) n scratch, graze; intrans scratch, scrape, graze (the skin).
berédin pass be grazed, scratched (meréd trans).
béréd 2 intrans ask about sth.
bereg n flock, herd, being together in numbers, flocks, troops.
beregberegan n flock, herd; used as class.
berek adj rotted, worm-eaten; half destroyed (a corpse); low, bad, base, depraved (merek trans).
berek-an n rottenness; depravity.
berekang, berekin pass be debased, be depraved by someone.
berem (=brem) n an intoxicating wine made from rice or cassava.
beremin pass be fermented into berem (meremin trans).
bérem n black cloth.
berés 1 n imitation of a sound; mimic.
berés 2 (=beris) n whiskers, beard.
bérés intrans be in order, be well done.
beri n eagle, vulture.
kedis beri vulture.
manuk beri griffon vulture.
béri n a musical instrument, a kind of gong.
berig (=berag) adj thin, lean.
berinik n little pimples; a kind of scurf.
beris adj hairy, bearded.
tangkah beris hairy chest.
beris kalés hairy on chest and chin.
berit 1 adj (=brit) black (skin).
berit 2 intrans be curly (hair).
béro n incest (méro trans).
berok n a hollow in a tree; adj hollow.
bérok n a pennant of peacock (or other) feathers on a lance; n a brightly-colored or multi-colored cloth hung in a rooster’s cage.
bérok-an n a pennant; n the tall stick with a little pennant carried by a duck herder.
beron n kind of lamp.
beros n a gold breast-ornament.
bersih (=bresih) adj clean, pure.
beru 1 adj dull (colors).
beru 2 n an old monkey (bojog an adult monkey; lutung a young monkey).
berubah (=barubah) intrans throw down, overthrow, chop down.
berubaha pass be thrown down by someone.
berubi n a dish of stewed bananas or of keladi (a kind of tuber).
berud n scratch, graze, peeling of skin; intrans scratch, graze, peel off.
berug (=berog) n a baboon, ape; a large monkey.
beruk n an empty coconut shell, used as a vessel (meruk trans).
berung (=busul) L n boil, swelling, inflammation, inflamed wound (maberung trans).
beruwag intrans crackle (of some woods when burnt).
beruwagberuwag intrans crackle a lot.
beruwit (=peritpit) n hair round the anus.
bes (=bas) adv indeed; too (much).
besbes adv excessively.
bes interj (expresses pity).
bés (=kebés) intrans be cracked, be split.
besah intrans (mesah trans) wash with the hands.
besahan n laundry; manner of washing.
besahang pass undergo washing.
besahin pass be washed by someone.
besar n a species of mulberry.
besarran n a species of mulberry tree.
bésbés (=bisbis) intrans disentangle, unravel, tear.
bésbésang, bésbésin pass be torn, unravelled, disentangled.
jaja bésbés n a sort of cake, sweetmeat.
beseg (=baseh) intrans be wet, damp, soak.
besegang pass be put to soak.
besegin pass be made wet, washed.
beseh intrans (mbeseh trans) swell (parts of the body); n swelling.
béséh intrans ‘leak,’ be unable to hold one’s urine.
bésék n a basket for carrying loads.
besen intrans (mbesenang, mesenang trans) order, command, instruct.
besenang, besenin pass be ordered, instructed, sent (mabesen intrans instruct).
bésér intrans be leaky (roof); leak out, drip out; urinate frequently.
bésérang pass begin to leak.
bésérin pass be made leaky.
besi n iron.
besiné the iron.
besinin pass have iron inserted.
besipaku n iron peg, iron nail.
besi panyuluh n the stake on which criminals were impaled.
besik 1 L (siki H) gen class an individual thing.
habesik adj one.
besik 2 n bit, piece.
besik-an n unit.
besikang L (sikiyang R, tunggilang H) pass be united, unified.
besikbesik, seka besik one by one.
besil n a small pimple on the lip; intrans swell from an insect bite.
bésog (=bésogan) n a basket woven of leaves to contain the offering called daksina.
besur intrans be satisfied.
tanpa ka-besur-an adj insatiable.
besus intrans be easily annoyed, be angered.
besusang pass be made angry.
besus polo (Badung) have an angry nature.
bésus L (duka R, bendu H) adj grieved, angry, quick to anger (mamesus trans).
bet (=hebet) n weeds, shrubs; halas bet n secondary forest; adj densely overgrown; bet ngeriyung very densely overgrown.
beté n the weeds, shrubs.