bongésang pass be caused to be broken and lost.
bongésin pass be broken and lost by someone.
bonggan n pride; adj proud.
bongkah (=bungkah) intrans open, be opened.
bongkak 1 (=blongkakan) adj proud.
bongkak 2 n part of a coconut shell used as a vessel.
bongkal n a weight used in weighing gold.
bongkang 1 n ant hill.
bongkang 2 intrans (mongkang trans) make a big hole in sth.
bongkangang, bongkangin pass have a big hole made in it.
bongkangbongkéng adj (fruit) damaged by birds.
bongkar 1 intrans (Raf) heave, lift.
bongkar 2 intrans break into sth, demolish, uncover (mongkar trans).
bongkaran n sth broken into, broken open, demolished.
bongkarang pass be broken into.
bongkarin pass be tried to be broken into.
bongkek 1 n a large tumor, boil.
bongkek 2 (=bongkar) intrans be broken into.
bongkéng 1 adj hard.
bongkéng 2 n a large wound.
bongkling (=bungkling) n in Pan Bongkling (or Ketut Bungkling), the name of the hero of a popular poem which makes fun of the ceremonies of cremation and of the padandas’ explanation of their meaning.
bongkol n stem, trunk of a tree; the lowest part of sth; the rearguard of an army; the foundation, origin, or cause of sth; bongkol humah the foundation of a house.
bongkos intrans (mongkos, mungkusin trans) wrap (in a cloth); n loincloth, wrapping (=bungkus, hungkus); bongkos nangka a style of wearing the head cloth which leaves none of the hair visible.
bongkosa pass (it) was wrapped.
bongkot 1 n young shoots of the galingale (=kecicang, a tuberous plant).
bongkot 2 n a piece of wood with many knots in it, making it hard to split.
bongkotan n a species of large fish.
bongoh 1 n an evil-smelling disease of the nose.
bongoh 2 intrans speak through the nose.
bongok intrans the feeling of having lost something.
bongol adj deaf; n deafness (nénten mireng H ‘not hear’).
bongolang pass be made deaf, deafened.
bongolbongolan adj somewhat deaf.
bongolbongolanga hibané ‘(he) is made rather deaf by himself’ =he is not as deaf as he pretends to be.
bonyo (=bonyoh) adj quaking, quivering, especially of flesh; putrid, bad.
bonyok intrans be soft and sticky (ground).
bor (=hebor) n drill, borer (D boor); intrans (ngebor trans) drill, bore holes.
borang, borin pass be tried to be bored.
bora (=boro) in sabab bora n a tray woven of palm leaves, which may also be used as a lid or cover.
borang adj quite blind, having cataracts.
borbor (=bobor) intrans (morbor trans) burn.
borboranga pass was burned by someone.
boréh n face powder; whitening spread on the body; a mixture formerly used by women to spread on the breasts.
boréhang pass be powdered.
boréhin pass have powder put on one by someone.
boro (=bora) in sabab boro n a tray woven of palm leaves.
borong intrans (morong trans) make a contract, contract for.
boronga pass was contracted for.
borong-an n contract, legal arrangement.
boros 1 L intrans (moros trans) hunt, chase (buru C).
borosin pass be hunted, chased.
boros 2 intrans leak, trickle out, get loose; n a leak; adj leaky.
kohos boros adj very leaky, unlucky.
sakit boros n diarrhoea.
bosbos H n moment (kejep L).
ha-bosbos H adv one moment, a few seconds (hakejep L).
bosét (=busét) n a white monkey.
boso (=baboso) n a species of freshwater fish with black scales.
bosog adj damp, moist, humid.
bosok (=bosrok) adj rotted, moldy, rotten.
bosor adj leaky (=bésér); n diarrhoea; intrans (mosorang trans) leak, drip.
bosorang pass be made to leak.
bosrok (=bosok) adj rotted, moldy, rotten.
botoh intrans (motoh trans) dice, gamble (see hetoh).
botol n bottle (D bottel) (pucung L); bohong botol (Badung) have a neck like a bottle.
botor n the stone of the kalongkang (a sort of pod-fruit); n a kind of climbing plant with pods (like beans).
botor majehet be stingy, closefisted.
bowaka (=bohaka) L n beginning, origin, cause (hawit H).
bowangit n the edible white lagonsa.
bowaya (=bwaya) n crocodile.
boya H neg dem pron not that (tidong L).
moyanin, mboyani trans deny.
boyongan intrans have been stolen; barang boyongan n stolen goods.
bra- a prefix denoting ‘like to, enjoy.’ bragedegan enjoy being hostile.
brahamahhan enjoy eating.
brahomongan enjoy talking.
brakapakan boastful.
bracuk (=blacuk) intrans talk nonsense; speak meaningless words.
brag 1 (=berag) (Raf) n flock (of animals).
brag 2 (=berag) adj slender, lean.
bragan n leanness, slenderness.
bragbragan adj the slenderest.
brahan n in the phrase pura di brahan ‘a small temple in the rice fields.’
brahébrahé adj having tassels.
jalér brahébrahé n tasselled trousers.
Brahma n the name of a god (S brahman ); the sixth day of the seven-day week; K fire.
brahmabawana n the heaven of Brahma.
brahmacari K n law, religious duty (=dharma).
brahmana n brahman, the highest caste (brähmaņa K).
brahmana budha n Buddhist priest.
brahmandapurana a Kawi story of creation.
brahmani n female member of the brahmana caste.
brahmanti (=brahmatiya) K n great anger.
brahmantiyang pass be greatly enraged.
brahmara (=bramara) K n big black bees (tamblilingan L).
brahmatiya (=bramatiya) K n great anger.
brahu intrans be unclear (of color).
baraké brahuwan the red is not clear.
brajag Jav n hooks strewn on the ground to hurt bare feet and deter thieves.
brajagin pass be strewn with these