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Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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      cānyìyuàn 参议院 N senate, the Senate

      cāiyú 参与 V participate, involve

      cānyuè 参阅 V consult (a book, a periodical, etc.)

      cānzhào 参照 V use as reference, refer to

      cān 餐 N meal

      cānchē 餐车 N dining car (on a train)

      cāntīng 餐厅 N restaurant

      cán 残 TRAD 殘 ADJ damaged, savage

      cánbào 残暴 ADJ ferocious, brutal

      cánfèi 残废 N handicapped, deformity

      cánjí 残疾 ADJ disabled

      cánkù 残酷 ADJ cruel, brutal

      cánrěn 残忍 ADJ cruel, merciless

      cányú 残余 ADJ remnants, survivors

      cán 惭 TRAD 慚 N shame

      cánkuì 惭愧 ADJ be ashamed

      cán 蚕 TRAD 蠶 N silkworm

      cǎn 惨 TRAD 慘 ADJ miserable, tragic

      càn 灿 TRAD 燦 ADJ brilliant

      cànlàn 灿烂 ADJ magnificent, splendid

      cāng 仓 TRAD 倉 N storage

      cāngcù 仓促 ADJ hasty, hurried

      cāngkù 仓库 N warehouse

      cāng 苍 TRAD 蒼 N dark green

      cāngbái 苍白 ADJ pallid, pale

      cāngying 苍蝇 N housefly

      cāng 舱 TRAD 艙 N cabin (in a ship or an airplane)

      cáng 藏 V hide, conceal

      cāo 操 N drill, exercise

      cāochǎng 操场 N sports ground, playground

      cāoláo 操劳 V toil, work very hard

      cāoliàn 操练 V drill, practice, train

      cāoxīn 操心 V deeply concern, be at pains

      cāozòng 操纵 V control, operate

      cāozuò 操作 V operate

      cáo 槽 N trough

      cǎo 草 N grass, weed

      cǎo’àn 草案 N draft (of a plan, proposal, a document, etc.)

      cǎodì 草地 N 1 lawn 2 meadow

      cǎoshuài 草率 ADJ careless, sloppy

      cǎoyuán 草原 N grassland, steppe, pasture

      cè 册 M. WD (used for books) volume

      cè 厕 TRAD 廁 N toilet

      cèsuǒ 厕所 N toilet

      cè 测 TRAD 測 V measure, gauge

      cèdìng 测定 V determine (the position, speed, etc.) by measuring

      cèliáng 测量 V survey, measure

      cèshì 测试 V test

      cèsuàn 测算 V measure and calculate

      cèyàn 测验 I V test (in a school) II N test, examination

      cè 侧 I N side II V incline, lean

      cèmiàn 侧面 N side, flank

      cè 策 N plan (See 政策 zhèng cè)

      cèhuà 策划 V plan (an event, a theatrical performance, etc.)

      cèlüè 策略 N tactics

      céng 层 TRAD 層 M. WD story (storey), level, floor

      céngcì 层次 N 1 administrative or educational level 2 arrangement of ideas in writing or colors in painting

      céng 曾 ADV Same as 曾经 céng jīng. Used more in writing.

      céngjīng 曾经 ADV once, formerly

      chā 叉 N fork

      chā 差 N 1 difference, discrepancy 2 mistake, error

      chābié 差别 N disparity, gap

      chācuò 差错 N error, fault

      chājù 差距 N gap, disparity

      chāyì 差异 N diversity, difference

      chā 插 V insert, stick in

      chāyāng 插秧 V transplant rice seedlings

      chāzuǐ 插嘴 V interrupt by saying something

      chá 茶 N tea

      cháguǎn 茶馆 N teahouse

      chá 查 V check, investigate, look up

      chábàn 查办 V investigate and punish

      cháhuò 查获 V hunt down and seize (stolen goods, criminals, etc.)

      chámíng 查明 V investigate and clarify, prove after an investigation

      cháxún 查询 V inquire about

      cháyuè 查阅 V search (reference books, documents, etc.)

      chá 察 V examine, look over closely (See 观察 guānchá, 警察 jǐngchá)

      chà 岔 I N branching off II V change the subject

      chà 差 I V be short of, lack in I ADJ poor, not up to standard

      chàbuduō 差不多 ADV 1 more or less the same 2 almost

      chàdiǎnr 差点儿 ADV almost, nearly

      chà 诧 TRAD 詫 V be surprised

      chàyì 诧异 V be surprised, be amazed

      chāi 拆 V take apart, demolish

      chāichú 拆除 V demolish and remove

      chāichuān 拆穿 V expose (a lie, a plot, etc.)

      chāiqiān 拆迁 V demolish (a dwelling) and relocate (inhabitants)

      chái 柴 N firewood (See 火柴 huǒchái)

      cháiyóu 柴油 N diesel oil

      chān 搀 TRAD 攙 V 1 help by the arm 2 mix, mingle

      chán 蝉 TRAD 蟬 N cicada

      chán 馋 TRAD 饞 ADJ too fond of eating, gluttonous

      chán 缠 TRAD 纏 V 1 wind, twine 2 pester

      chǎn 产 TRAD 產 V produce

      chǎndì 产地 N origin of manufacturing

      chǎnliàng 产量 N (production) output, yield

      chǎnpǐn 产品 N product

      chǎnshēng 产生 V produce, give rise to, lead to

      chǎnwù 产物 N outcome, result

      chǎnyè 产业 N property, estate

      chǎnzhí 产值 N output value

      chǎn 铲 TRAD 鏟 N spade

      chǎn 阐 TRAD 闡 V explain

      chǎnmíng 阐明 V explain clearly, clarify

      chǎnshù 阐述 V elaborate, explain

      chàn 颤 TRAD 顫 V quiver, vibrate

      chàndòng 颤动 V quiver, shake
