Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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      bǎojiàn 保健 N health care, health protection

      bǎolíngqiú 保龄球 N bowling

      bǎoliú 保留 V retain, reserve

      bǎomì 保密 V keep ... secret

      bǎomǔ 保姆 N (children’s) nurse, nanny

      bǎoshǒu 保守 I V guard, keep II ADJ conservative

      bǎowèi 保卫 V defend

      bǎowēn 保温 V preserve heat

      bǎoxiǎn 保险 I ADJ safe, risk-free II V insure III N insurance

      bǎoyǎng 保养 V 1 take good care of one’s health 2 maintain (automobiles, machines, etc.), keep in good state

      bǎozhàng 保障 V secure, insure, guarantee

      bǎozhèng 保证 I V guar antee, pledge II N guarantee

      bǎozhòng 保重 V take good care of oneself

      bǎo 堡 N fortress, castle

      bǎolěi 堡垒 N fort, fortress

      bǎo 饱 TRAD 飽 ADJ having eaten one’s fill, full

      bǎohé 饱和 ADJ saturated

      bǎomǎn 饱满 ADJ full, plump

      bào 报 TRAD 報 I N newspaper (same as 报纸 bàozhǐ) II V respond, reciprocate

      bàochóu 报仇 V avenge, revenge

      bàochou 报酬 N renumeration, reward

      bàodào 报到 V report for duty, register

      bàodào 报道 (or bàodǎo 报导) I V report (news), cover II N news story

      bào’ ēn 报恩 V pay a debt of gratitude

      bàofù 报复 V retaliate, revenge

      bàogào 报告 I V report, make known II N report, talk (at a large-scale meeting)

      bàokān 报刊 N newspapers and periodicals, the press

      bàokǎo 报考 V enter oneself for an examination

      bàomíng 报名 V enter one’s name, sign up, apply for (a place in school)

      bàoshè 报社 N newspaper office

      bàoxiāo 报销 V submit an expense account, get reimbursement

      bàozhǐ 报纸 N newspaper

      bào 抱 V hold ... in arms, embrace, hug

      bàofù 抱负 N aspiration, ambition

      bàoqiàn 抱歉 ADJ apologetic, be sorry, regretful

      bàoyuàn 抱怨 V complain, grumble

      bào 暴 ADJ fierce and brutal

      bàodòng 暴动 N rebellion, insurrection

      bàolì 暴力 N violence, brutal force

      bàolù 暴露 V expose, lay bare

      bàoyǐn bàoshí 暴饮暴食 N binge-eating

      bàoyǔ 暴雨 N rainstorm, torrential rain

      bào 爆 V explode

      bàofā 爆发 V break out, burst out

      bàopò 爆破 V demolish with dynamite

      bàozhà 爆炸 I V explode II N explosion

      bēi 杯 N cup, mug, glass

      bēi 背 V carry ... on the back

      bēibāo 背包 N backpack, knapsack

      bēi 卑 ADJ 1 low and humble 2 mean, contemptible

      bēibǐ 卑鄙 ADJ contemptible, despicable

      bēi 碑 N stone tablet

      bēi 悲 N grieved

      bēi’āi 悲哀 ADJ deeply grieved

      bēicǎn 悲惨 ADJ miserable, tragic

      bēifèn 悲愤 ADJ very sad and angry, filled with grief and indignation

      bēiguān 悲观 ADJ pessimistic

      bēijù 悲剧 N tragedy

      bēishāng 悲伤 ADJ deeply sorrowful

      bēitòng 悲痛 ADJ deeply grieved, agonized, with deep sorrow

      běi 北 N north, northern

      běibian 北边 N north side, to the north, in the north

      běifāng 北方 N northern region

      Běijíguāng 北极光 N Northern Lights

      Běijīng 北京 N Beijing (Peking) (the capital of the People’s Republic of China)

      běimiàn 北面 N Same as 北边 běibian

      bèi 辈 TRAD 輩 N generation, lifetime

      bèi 贝 TRAD 貝 N shellfish

      bèiké 贝壳 N shell

      bèi 狈 TRAD 狽 N a legendary beast, similar to the wolf

      bèi 备 TRAD 備 V prepare

      bèiwànglù 备忘录 N memorandum, memo

      bèiyòng 备用 V reserve, spare

      bèi 惫 TRAD 憊 ADJ fatigued

      bèi 背 I V 1 turn away, leave, go away 2 learn by heart II N back

      bèimiàn 背面 N reverse side, the back of an object

      bèipàn 背叛 V betray

      bèisòng 背诵 V repeat from memory

      bèixīn 背心 N vest, waistcoat

      bèi 被 PREP by (introducing the doer of an action)

      bèidòng 被动 ADJ passive

      bèigào(rén) 被告(人) N defendant

      bèipò 被迫 V be forced to, be compelled to

      bèizi 被子 N quilt, blanket

      bèi 倍 M. WORD (-fold, times)

      bèishù 倍数 N (in math) multiple

      bēn 奔 V run fast

      bēnchí 奔驰 V (of animals and vehicles) run fast, speed

      bēnpǎo 奔跑 V run fast, whizz

      bēnténg 奔腾 V gallop

      běn 本 I N principal, capital II M. WD (for books, magazines, etc.) III ADJ this one, one’s own

      běndì 本地 N this locality

      běnlái 本来 ADV originally, at first

      běnlǐng 本领 N skill, ability, capability

      běnnéng 本能 N instinct, intuition

      běnqián 本钱 N the money with which one makes investments or conducts other business dealings, capital

      běnshì 本事 N ability, capability

      běnxìng 本性 N natural character, inherent quality

      běnzhì 本质 N innate character, true nature

      běnzi 本子 N notebook

      bèn 笨 ADJ dumb, stupid

      bèndàn 笨蛋 N fool, idiot

      bènzhòng 笨重 ADJ heavy and cumbersome