Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Li Dong
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910908
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chǐ 168 革 革 gé 鞋 xié 169 是 匙 shì 题 tí 170 食 餐 cān 食 shí 171 鬼 鬼 guǐ 魂 hún 172 音 音 yīn 173 麻 麻 má 摩 mó 174 黑 黑 hēi 墨 mò 默 mò



      ā 阿 PREFIX (used to address certain relatives or friends to convey sentiment of intimacy)

      Ālābówén 阿拉伯文 N the Arabic language (especially the writing)

      Ālābóyǔ 阿拉伯语 N the Arabic language

      āyí 阿姨 N mother’s sister

      ā 啊 I INTERJ (used to express strong emotions such as surprise, admiration, regret etc.) oh, ah II PARTICLE (attached to a sentence to express strong emotions such as surprise, admiration, regret etc.)

      āi 哎 INTERJ (used to attract attention or express surprise)

      āiyā 哎呀 INTERJ (used to express surprise or annoyance)

      āiyō 哎哟 INTERJ (used to express surprise or pain)

      āi 唉 INTERJ 1 (as a sigh) alas 2 (as a response) yes, right

      āi 哀 I V mourn II ADJ grieved

      āidào 哀悼 V mourn

      āiqiú 哀求 V entreat, implore

      ái 挨 V undergo (some painful or unpleasant experience)

      ái 癌 N cancer

      ǎi 蔼 TRAD 藹 ADJ amiable, friendly (See 和蔼 hé’ǎi)

      ǎi 矮 ADJ (of a person or plant) of short stature, short

      ài 爱 TRAD 愛 V 1 love 2 like, be fond of

      àidài 爱戴 V love and esteem

      àihào 爱好 I V like, be interested in, have as a hobby II N hobby, interest

      àihù 爱护 V care for and protect, cherish

      ài miànzi 爱面子 V be overly concerned about one’s image

      àiqíng 爱情 N romantic love

      àirén 爱人 N husband or wife

      àixī 爱惜 V cherish, value highly

      ài 碍 TRAD 礙 V hinder

      àishì 碍事 V be in one’s way

      ài 艾 N mugwort

      àizībìng 艾滋病 N AIDS

      ài 隘 ADJ narrow (See 狭隘 xiá’ài)

      ān 安 ADJ peaceful, safe

      āndìng 安定 ADJ peaceful and stable

      ānjìng 安静 ADJ quiet, peaceful, serene

      ānlèsǐ 安乐死 N euthanasia

      ánníng 安宁 ADJ calm, composed

      ānpái 安排 V arrange, make arrangements, plan

      ānquán 安全 I N security, safety II ADJ safe, secure

      ānwèi 安慰 V comfort, console

      ānwěn 安稳 ADJ safe and secure

      ānxiáng 安详 ADJ (of facial expression) serene, composed

      ānxīn 安心 ADJ be relaxed and content

      ānzhì 安置 V find an appropriate place (for people)

      ānzhuāng 安装 V install, fix

      àn 岸 N bank or shore (of a river, lake, or sea)

      àn 按 PREP according to, in accordance with

      ànjiē 按揭 N mortgage

      ànmó 按摩 N massage

      ànqī 按期 ADV on schedule

      ànshí 按时 ADV according to a fixed time, on time

      ànzhào 按照 PREP according to, in accordance with (same as 按 àn)

      àn 案 N case, plan

      ànjiàn 案件 N case, legal case

      àn 暗 ADJ dark, dim

      àn’àn 暗暗 ADV secretly

      àndàn 暗淡 ADJ dim, gloomy

      ànshā 暗杀 V assassinate

      ànshì 暗示 I V drop a hint II N hint

      ànshì 暗室 N darkroom (for developing films)

      ànzhōng 暗中 ADV in the dark, in secret

      āngzāng 肮脏 ADJ dirty, filthy

      áng 昂 V hold (the head) high

      ángguì 昂贵 ADJ very expensive, costly

      ángyáng 昂扬 ADJ in high spirits

      āo 凹 ADJ concave, sunken, dented

      áo 熬 V stew, boil

      ǎo 袄 TRAD 襖 N a Chinese-style coat/jacket

      ào 傲 ADJ arrogant (See 骄傲 jiāo’ào)

      ào 奥 ADJ deep, profound

      Àolínpǐkè Yùn dònghuì N 奥林匹克 运动会 Olympic Games

      àomì 奥秘 N deep secret, profound mystery

      àohuǐ 懊悔 N, V regret

      ào 澳 N deep waters

      Àodàlìyà 澳大利亚 N Australia


      bā 八 NUM eight

      bā 捌 NUM Same as 八 bā

      bā 扒 V 1 strip off, take off (clothes, etc.) 2 hold on to, cling to

      bā 叭 ONOMATOPEIA crack

      bā 巴 N cheek

      bājie 巴结 V flatter, fawn on

      bā 芭 N flower

      bāléiwǔ 芭蕾舞 N ballet
