The path to the stars. Rolia Kama. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rolia Kama
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005100689
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that we are innocent. You need to immediately appeal against these materials, and you can already go home.

      Returning to the cell, we hear Tanya’s frantic scream from the far corridor. Anya says:

      – Again you have Tanya raging.

      In the corridor of the women’s building, her words are heard more clearly.

      – I’ll kill you, all of you, in the night!»

      I ask the corridor attendant:

      – What happened, did they fight?»

      – As usual when you’re not in your cell.» This time they went too far.

      «Okay, I’m not going in the cell. Bring me an operative or a warden.

      After a while, the operative, Nikolayevich, arrives. He is of average height, well-fed, unsympathetic, but quite a sympathetic person, I tell him:

      – Nikolayevich, do you want a crime to be committed in the cell?!

      «What crime?»

      – There are three mentally ill women in the cell. The nerves of others are already at the limit, they will kill each other. At least you can transfer Tanya to another cell.

      – You know, the other cells threw her out, the solitary cells are occupied. Tomorrow they will go to the colony, and one of them will be taken away.

      At this time, screams were heard from the cell again, and Tanya was the one who screamed the most.

      – Until she is transferred, I will not go to the cell, or we will all go on a hunger strike, why only our cell must tolerate sick women in such numbers?!

      The cells were divided into categories of crimes. There were only six women’s cells, two of them for particularly serious crimes. Since Tanya has a heavy article, the choice was only in two cells.

      We went into the cell together. The women quieted when they saw the operative. Nikolayevich made a stern face and asked:

      – What’s going on here, which one of you is the loudest?»

      The women silently pointed at Tanya.

      «Let’s go talk.»

      The operative took Tanya away. I turned to my cellmates:

      – Quickly pack her things, she is being transferred. Sveta, if you behave badly, you will go to the punishment cell, like Tanya, and it is dark and cold there – " I deceived.

      Tanya was transferred to another cell, and the next day Olga was taken to the colony. Finally, the cell became calm, Light calmed down in the absence of Tanya.

      One evening we heard a guttural and long-drawn female voice- «I want a Man-u-u».

      It looks like she’s shouting from the basement. It turns out that a convicted woman appeared in the hospital cell. She had delirium tremens, convicted of murdering a roommate she found with a mistress. She screamed almost every night. Judging by her voice and the crime, I imagined a woman with large Breasts, with a sexy body shape.

      Today I went to the court again to review my complaint about the recognition of illegal identification Protocol. Investigative actions are not carried out, and fictitious materials are submitted to the court for the extension of the period of detention. We were put in prison and no investigation is being conducted. About the content of the conclusion of the examination of the corpse and the Protocol of identification, they wrote to the Prosecutor’s office and the court, and only responded a month later. They ordered a re-examination and called the court.

      It is cool outside and in the basement of the court where prisoners are held, so I wear a padded leather coat below the knees, like my dress, collar and sleeves in the fur of a silver Fox. From shoes I put on narrow, knee-high boots with heels.

      A dwarf woman with short arms and an ugly face walks past me in the corridor. She was wearing a flowered dress and a white knit hat. I was surprised to see that she was being led into a hospital corridor.

      – Is this the woman who screams at night?» I asked the attendant.

      «Yes, that’s her.

      I have a premonition that she will be taken to our cell, and indeed, when I return from court, I see her in the cell.

      In the meantime, I’m being led to the exit, where the other prisoners are waiting to get into the car. In the corridor, a group of prisoners, two men and women, Russians, are waiting. They are dressed decently enough. One of the men glared at me indecently. I pretended not to notice.

      In the basement cell of the court, I met these women and learned that they were all in the same criminal case for transporting and selling heroin. Tatiana and Natasha are drug addicts with experience and repeat offenders. Timur is also a drug addict, the son of rich parents, in prison for the first time. Alexander, the recidivist, the criminal mastermind, he was the one who was devouring me with his eyes. In a week’s time I will meet him by correspondence.


      February 2010, we are still in prison, no investigative actions are being carried out. We have extended the period of detention for another two months. Investigator Kamchik submitted to court the petition for prolongation of term of detention with the additional testimony of witness Kostiuk. This time, she testifies that after the murder we committed, we allegedly threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the murder. For two years, she was silent for fear of reprisals, but her conscience tormented her, and she decided to reveal the murderers to law enforcement agencies.

      I couldn’t contain my indignation.

      – How absurd, do you believe that?» I asked the investigator. Valera added:

      – And then they forgot to threaten her for two years. So, in your opinion, it turns out?!

      Ohemchik did not look at us, gave the appearance that he was looking for something in the papers. At this time, another investigator in our case, Synaa, entered the courtroom with papers in his hands. Synaa asked permission from the court and read the petition:

      Please attach to the materials of the court on prolongation of term of detention of the accused, the decision of the Ministry of interior on the application in respect of witness Kostyuk program on the protection of the witness, stating the witness statement with the request to protect her from the accused, who, even while in custody, may order her murder.

      What I heard hit me like an electric shock. This indicated that they did not want to let us go during the preliminary investigation. The court, as usual, followed the lead of the investigation. Extended our arrest for three months.

      There is no limit to our indignation, do they believe her testimony?

      We, our relatives, our children did not stop writing complaints in all directions. Children even addressed the President of Russia via social networks. The Prosecutor General’s office of Russia sent our complaints to the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic for verification. Finally, the assistant Prosecutor of the Republic of Bamaev (last name changed) recognized the Protocol of identification and conclusion of the examination of the corpse illegal. Appointed a new examination to establish the racial identity of the corpse. That is, the investigation did not have any other evidence other than the empty testimony of Kostyuk.

      The body was not identified, the examination was mistaken with the racial identity of the corpse. According to the examination, the death occurred in February 2007, not in may. Not the investigation, but we ourselves proved our innocence through appeals to the court and the Republican Prosecutor’s office.

      Looking ahead, I will tell you that this is the end of fair consideration of our complaints.

      After the formal decision of the court of first instance to extend the period of detention, the investigation began insanely active because of the fear that the Supreme