The path to the stars. Rolia Kama. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rolia Kama
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005100689
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incidents of the day. In this way, the entire prison is notified of who came in, went out, and the incoming stage. The road is a rope connecting the cells where the prison mail is delivered. At night, there is an active life in prison, most of the cells do not sleep, usually young girls «road users» are responsible for the road. Night duty employees do not pay attention to this, it is normal for them.

      I was left alone at the table, I wanted to be alone and analyze the events of the past few days.

      Is this the handiwork of my ex-lover Dinita? By nature, perhaps, he is capable of meanness, taking advantage of his position, but he is a cowardly person. It’s hard to believe that he started all this.

      Most likely, Kostyuk herself committed the crime. But why exactly does it specify us? What do I know about her?! She was a client of the Agency, and I took the application for the sale of the apartment from her. She was selling her niece’s apartment. The transaction took place, and Kostyuk received the money. But six months later, my niece comes and says that she didn’t receive any money. To me, what kind of claims can be.

      I don’t understand why she’s talking about us. Okay, she knows me and Anya, but she doesn’t know Andrey and Valera… or does she? We need to relax, take our thoughts in a different direction.

      At this time a woman from the lower caste of the cell approaches me and asks me:

      – Can you write me a complaint about the verdict?

      I hear the camera is quiet.

      – I can’t say for sure, I need to read the verdict first.

      It gives me the sentence that is written in the Tuvan language. According to the dates, the deadline for filing a complaint expires tomorrow, the article on robbery, 4 years of imprisonment with serving a sentence in a penal colony.

      – You read me the verdict, and then we’ll see.»

      She read the sentence to me, some of the words are incomprehensible to me, but, in General, I caught the essence of the case, noted some violations and wrote her a complaint. A month later, after reviewing the complaint in the Supreme court, this woman was released, changing the real term to a suspended sentence.

      I see that a phone has appeared in the camera.

      I have been contacted by another woman who has been held in prison for six months. tomorrow, a court is scheduled to extend the period of detention. The youngest child is currently one year and six months old, the second child is four years old, and the other two children are teenagers. Naturally, I wrote a motion, I don’t know where her expensive lawyer is looking, and I tell her:

      – Call your husband, let him bring the children to the court tomorrow. He doesn’t come in himself, as if he’s at work. Wear a skirt to court so that a four-year-old child will have something to hold on to when they see you. It will be better if the youngest child will cry in the arms of a teenage daughter. They won’t be allowed in the courtroom, so let them wait for you on the first floor and escort you down the floor to the courtroom.

      The next day, she left the courtroom and went home, and the measure of restraint was changed to her own recognizance. A few days later, as a token of gratitude, she made a transfer to me.

      I was given a phone number to call. I’m calling you, you don’t answer the phone, it’s two o’clock in the morning. I call the driver, he picks up the phone, I tell him:

      – Dima, good night, it’s me, how’s Sanya?

      – Where are you calling from?»

      – From prison, Dima, from prison. Tell Sana not to turn off the phone at night. Have a lawyer come to me tomorrow. Make me a transfer, a pen, standard papers, a warm tracksuit and underwear, a pair of warm socks. The book I have on my dresser is pink. Ah and products.

      Chaihana why I have asked:

      – Who did you call?»

      – Driver.

      I’m not used to strangers talking to me on the phone and asking who I called. I’m older than she is. Even my children are to me and to my parents turning on you. Chaihana starting to piss me off, I don’t like.

      A young girl from the cell asked me:

      – Do you have a driver?»

      «Yes,» I said politely. It is clear that the girl was brought up correctly, as it should be in the Tuvan family, a respectful attitude to her elders.

      It’s already one o’clock in the morning, I need to go to bed to rest my body, I don’t know what tomorrow is waiting for me. I climbed into my bunk and looked out the window at the street. The camera is located on the second floor of the women’s building, and opposite, at a distance of 300 meters, a three-story men’s building. From the third floor of the men’s building at night, the women’s camera is visible at a glance. On the contrary, the picture was terrible. Through the barred Windows in the opposite building, black, moving shapes were visible. It was like black creatures who have been placed in cells. Ropes ran from the cell Windows up, down, and into neighboring buildings. The moonlight fell on the ropes, and I imagined a huge spider’s web encircling the prison. I don’t want to, I don’t want to see it, I looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful cloudless, starry night.

      The Windows are constantly opening because of the road, so it’s cold. I’m a cold person myself, predisposed to colds. I covered myself with a blanket and a fur coat and fell asleep.

      In the morning of the next day, before checking, I am handed two tubes of wrapped papers. I’m asking:

      – What is it?»

      – These are sentences, they ask you to write complaints about them. You need to untie it and put it in your room, or they’ll take it away during the search. On the road you stay, your task is to write a complaint – said to me Chaihana. So my life in prison began.

      How I now regret that I was carried away by work, study, and myself. Forgive me, my dears, for paying so little attention to you. I didn’t even know how to use appliances. And prison is a cruel world for survival, intrigues from all sides, in order to break and humiliate a person. Here is a completely different layer of the population, who do not understand and do not explain the whole essence of the terrible accusation, just as I do not understand others, everyone has their own pain.

      Today is December 15. A week after my arrest, you had a stroke and your legs gave out. My daughter had to take a sabbatical. All the care of you and my parents has fallen on her, my poor girl.

      Oh, how my heart aches, it’s impossible to breathe, my heart breaks. I can’t breathe. Calmly, we must live, we must breathe, breathe. A woman is sitting across from me, and I mentally ask her to look at me, and she does.

      – What’s the matter with you? I’ll get some water.

      I repeat in my mind: breathe, breathe, everything is fine. Dad, what was that, an attack?! You know I’ve been born with a weak heart. I’ve never had such pain. A year later, my cardiologist told me that I had suffered a microinfarction.

      During my first time in prison, I was internally judgmental of prisoners for their crimes. I thought that we accidentally «wandered» here, they will soon sort it out and let us go, after all, we do not live in the years of repression. Prisoners of Stalin’s repression probably thought the same. The history of the state, like karma, repeats itself. It is hard to believe that all this lawlessness is happening in modern democratic Russia, or rather, in the Republic that is part of Russia.

      Thanks to my legal education, Anya and I helped others in the investigation and appeal of the sentence, some of them reduced the term, changed the qualification of the crime to a more lenient one, and some were released or acquitted. The real professionalism of investigators and judges is falling. Of course, it is much easier to beat