The path to the stars. Rolia Kama. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rolia Kama
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005100689
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we were denied our request to call the landlady of the apartment and to call Kostyuk, arguing that this is the actions of the preliminary investigation. We were taken into custody for two months.


      We were taken to the prison, the box is clean, but smoky to the point of nausea. Employees came and started searching us, down to our underwear. While examining us, one of the employees asked:

      – There haven’t been any like this before, on 159th (fraud)?

      – No, on 105th (murder), – Anya answered. The employees were slightly surprised.

      – Who was killed?»

      – A woman, they say. We don’t really know.

      – How can we not know?»

      – Charged with the murder of a woman we don’t know.

      – Clearly. Well, never mind, they’ll sort it out and let you go, they do that sometimes.

      – We think so, too.

      «Are you going to take a shower?» There is no hot water in the cell.

      I didn’t think female employees in prisons could be so polite. Usually in the movies evil women of the prison.

      We were led through the labyrinths of the prison, finally reaching the shower. We had nothing with us, so we were given a thin towel, a piece of soap that stinks, aluminum dishes, bed linen, mattress, blanket and pillow. We stood under hot water, and then it seems that the fatigue has gone and the thoughts have cleared up.

      Two days have passed since the arrest. I am sure that they will sort it out and let us go, we will not stay here long, at least one week.

      When we got out of the shower, it turned out that we had to carry the mattress ourselves.

      – No, no, I won’t carry it. I don’t have the strength or the hands to carry all this, «I say indignantly. The accompanying employee advises:

      – You need to tie the mattress with a sheet, it will be easier to carry.

      «Aha, and throw it over your back, carry it like a sack!» Can you imagine what it looks like?! I’ll fall in dark basements, get hurt, and who will be to blame?!

      – You can carry it like a bag, – the employee laughs. At this time, a young guy in a black robe comes into the room, I guessed that this is a prisoner working here (khozbanda). Turn to him:

      «Young man, please help me carry the mattress to the cell.

      It was obvious that he was happy to be addressed, but looked at the employee, asking for his permission.

      – Well, what you stand, take two mattresses – ordered it the employee.

      The guy put all our supplies on the mattress, rolled it into a thin tube, tied it with a sheet. One was slung over his shoulders, the other under his arm.

      Again we go through the mazes and exit into a long corridor, on both sides of the cell. As we moved along the corridor, eye holes opened in the doors, and male voices asked us: «Where is the stage from?» We didn’t engage in conversation. Later I learned that in the cells, prisoners are required to monitor the movement in the corridor, for this purpose they take turns at the doors.

      We were taken to the women’s building. They placed them at the doors of the neighboring cells. First they started Anya, then me. I went into the cell and the door slammed behind me. A smoke-filled cell, poor lighting, a long table in the middle, and two adjacent bunk beds on either side of it. There are a lot of women in the cell, and they all stare at me. Questions were asked in Tuvan:

      – Where’s the stage from?» What article? What’s your name?»

      I answer in Russian:

      – I was brought from IVS, I am accused on 105th.

      – Why a Russian answer, kind of like Tuvan?

      – I understand, but I can’t talk.

      Russian Russian, my father said, had more books and more information, so he put me in a Russian class. I know and speak Tuvan colloquially, but I don’t understand it more profoundly. In addition, each district has its own dialect of the language. If I don’t understand the words and say them incorrectly, there may be a conflict, so to avoid everything, I said that I speak Russian. Although this, too, could lead to dislike for me.

      «Any accomplices?»

      «Yes, there is.

      One of the women prisoners says:

      – A, this is about them said, former cops (police officers) killed their maid.

      – We didn’t kill anyone!»

      «That’s what everyone says.

      I think that I will have problems: a language barrier; a former employee (if you take into account my 6-month practice in the authorities); a high social status. They’ve already figured out that the maid was murdered. For them, it looks something like this: people from high society killed a simple woman from the people, such as us. There is nothing to prove, it is useless to say, they will not believe. Why do I have to prove myself, explain myself? Time will tell who is who. One of the women suggested:

      – Let’s put chifir for acquaintance.

      This is the name of very strong tea that prisoners drink, especially men.

      – No need to wait for Cogane when I Wake up.

      While I look at the life of the cell, I can guess the hierarchy in the cell from the behavior of others. There are five bunk beds in the cell, and fourteen women. It is incredible how these 14 women live in such a small space, and I have already had 15 with me. The cell is full, where I will be put, my mattress still lying near the door. Do they take turns sleeping?! There is nothing to say about living conditions. The toilet in the cell is fenced with a wall about 1.5 meters high, the rest of the room is covered with a rag up to the ceiling. There is no hot water, clothes are drying on the batteries, and some of the ceiling is dripping with moisture. «You can easily get tuberculosis,» I think. There is no TV or even radio. There is absolutely no contact with the outside world.

      You will have to survive in the domestic situation. I remember your words: «You are an unrealized person, my dear. I’m your cook, your laundress, your watchman, your Stoker, your flower-seller… How will you live when I am gone?»

      And I answered in jest: «All this is done by technology. You will be gone, another will appear.»

      Waking up this Chaihana. A woman of average height, hair below the shoulders, a pretty face, there is no femininity in the movement, but on the contrary, ostentatious swaying of the body and negligence, may have served a sentence more than once, in appearance, the age of about 40 years.

      The entire camera sits down at the table, and from one mug they begin to take turns drinking chifir. To whom the mug approaches, the one who introduces himself, name, age, where he comes from, article, under investigation or convicted, takes a SIP and passes on. My turn came, I also introduced myself, and the women were genuinely surprised that I was 41 years old. I took a SIP of chifir and declined the offer of a cigarette, since I didn’t smoke.

      – Where did you work in the wild?»

      – General Director of a real estate and tourism Agency.

      Apparently, they wanted to make sure that I worked in the police.

      It turns out that everyone went to prison for the first time, except Choigana, who was convicted of murder for 9 years, age 27. She also made a remark to me that I don’t speak Tuvan. I say:

      – That’s not a problem, I understand. That means I can communicate with you.

      – Today you