Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Ovechkin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449871503
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(muscle) cell mass (in pounds and percentage) by using the method of complex bioelectrical impedance analysis.

      What did the objective data indicate? Blood pressure rose from 130/80 to 180/120 mm Hg.

      And the patient didn’t feel an increase in blood pressure! You can get a stroke after the procedure without even noticing it. And they call it health-improving procedure! The content of extracellular fluid drastically reduced, the blood became thick. It could lead to the formation of a blood clot in the vessel and death from a heart attack or stroke. What a great treatment procedure! So, think twice before trying it.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – Any other methods? What else people do for weight loss?

      – Surgery for obese people! Liposuction, bariatric surgery. They cut away a part of your stomach.

      – In fact, it’s not so simple. It doesn’t mean that a person will be fit and healthy two hours after liposuction or stomach stapling. After a while, he’s got a layer of fat again! Where? In the liposuction area?

      – No.

      – No. Where then, Eugenia?

      – In other areas.

      Olga Vladimirovna Tsyganova, 28, economist, lost 110 lbs I’ve never tried any diet. Yes, I am lazy. I always told myself: It wouldn’t help anyway. But at the same time, I constantly complained: “I am fat. Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me.” Finally, I understood: I have to do something! Now I am ready. Then this mindset training happened. And I trusted my mentor’s words for some reason. I was inspired. My friend supported me, and I took the first step of the journey to my dream.

      Eight rules of a slim person

      – N.B.! Rule one.

      A slim person maintains a well-balanced ration, consumes as much food as he needs, preventing the generation of fat deposits.

      – I heard that they insert something into your stomach, and it prevents you from overeating.

      – You are talking about a stomach balloon. A person swallows a special balloon.

      Then, when being inside, it gets inflated. A larger part of the stomach can’t digest food since it contains the balloon. But we are stubborn, aren’t we? What should we do if most of the stomach is full because of the balloon?

      – We’ll use the least part.

      – Precisely. People use the least part beyond measure, extending it! The stomach is a muscular bag. It can be stretched. Sometimes this balloon bursts in the stomach. How can you detect it? Urine turns blue. Besides, sometimes stomach balloon comes out in a bad way. But we shouldn’t discuss it now.

      Is that all? Have we forgotten something? Frankly speaking, there are more than seven hundred modern methods of weight loss. The ones you applied are written on the board, but there are many more others. Most of them are aimed at the body, biological part of our personality.

      Diet means that you prohibit your body from consuming particular foods. How will your body respond?

      – It will strive for the food!

      – Yes, you can even see it in your dreams. For example, if you are banned from eating bacon, you will see bacon in your dreams.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Food eaten at the end of a meal remains in the center of the food lump in the stomach and enters the intestine later than other food – in three hours. As it usually contains carbohydrates, getting into the blood after all this time, they will help to reduce excess insulin, if any, and there will be no weight gain!

      The blood sugar concentration increases all hormones except insulin. This means that any stress, including activation of sex hormones, increases blood sugar levels even without food, when your stomach is empty, which leads to the release of insulin, hypoglycemia (decrease in blood sugar level) and overeating (blind munchies)!

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – N.B.! Rule two.

      A slim person doesn’t have any list of banned foods. He knows precisely the amount and quality of food consumed and the rules of its consumption.

      Let’s talk about doing sports. A woman has to bend over backwards training on running or any other gym machine to lose some weight. Right? Have you tried? Raise your hand if you have. You, and you, Nika. Who else? Nika, have you succeeded with weight loss doing sports?

      – No.

      – What about you, Mila?

      – 24 pounds.

      – Was it hard?

      – Yes, it was! Six-kilometer cross-country running every morning and diet.

      – Diet! So it wouldn’t work without diet, right? Attempt to lose weight and maintain it only through exercises without any diet is a hopeless mission.

      – I’ve been trying it for twenty years. No result.

      – I am not surprised.

      N.B.! Rule three.

      A slim person doesn’t try to lose weight by doing sports. He drops and maintains weight by managing his nutrition.

      Coding. As usual, the technique is based on fear: take a drink – and you are dead, overeat – you are dead, or something bad happens to you. This way or another, they put this pattern into your mind. You start to believe in it. But it doesn’t last for long.

      A coded person often feels angry and annoyed.

      Have you ever dealt with that? Which of you met “coded” alcoholics on your life pass?

      – Me!

      – Me too!

      – So, how would you describe them?

      – They are aggressive.

      – These people are angry and fussy. Sometimes a wife of such a “coded” drunker brings her husband back to the specialist back and says: “Please, decode him! I can’t live with such a person. Just let him drink if he wants.”

      Andrey Vasilyevich Trenogov, psychologist, psychiatrist: I studied different coding methods and often said to my clients: “If you have money, try coding. It’s pretty interesting. Besides, it can be helpful.”

      I’d like to tell you about a method described by one of my clients.

      After the client sits down in the chair, the doctor and his assistant – who is usually pretty big – start a doleful lecture about the dangers of gluttony. When the client almost falls asleep, the doctor, who was walking around the room before, suddenly comes from behind. The assistant fixes the client’s legs and hands, the doctor throws back his head sharply, pressing the lower jaw so that the mouth opens. Then he sprinkles something bitter and smelly, like rotten fish, on the root of the tongue, and, yells loudly looking into the client’s eyes:

      “Stop overeating! Stop overeating!” Then they say to the client: “That’s all, you can go.”

      I asked her: “So, any result?”

      The client: “When I came out, I felt offended. I paid them, and what have I got? They yelled at me. So, I decided to find a snack bar and comfort myself with some pies.”
