He Who Returned. Martin Fieber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin Fieber
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783935422819
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still. Please, don't let it be that I am crucified ever. Please don't …


      Jesus had a very restless night. He dreamt of a narrow bright path which he walked along. But also of dark entities that attempted to pull him down into the abyss on the left and right of this path. They were able to get even closer to him than they usually were able to, however they were not able to harm him as long as he concentrated on God, his heavenly father. He awoke bathed in sweat in the early morning hours. He felt very hot and was in pain. He tried to pray in order to reduce the pain somewhat.

      Now images that had been conjured by his visit to the theater began to swarm his thoughts. Jesus saw himself walking alongside his teacher Bakenor in Alexandria along the palace avenue toward the Mareotis-Sea. He recalled the morning and what Bakenor had told him that day: “Jesus, I want to inform you about some elements of your future life. You are now four years old, however your consciousness is older than the planet upon which you are walking. Even if you do not quite grasp what I am about to tell you just now, your soul will hear my words and they will rise to the surface of your awareness in the future and be of assistance to you then.”

      They were just crossing a bridge that led over a canal. “Can you see the settlement over there?”, Bakenor asked without expecting Jesus to reply. “That settlement is inhabited by the Essenes. This Jewish brotherhood was founded some three hundred years ago on the shores of the salt sea in the country of your forefathers. And many of these holy men relocated to Alexandria some time later. There they built a similar settlement. Their goal was to prepare your life path and your mission on earth. The ancestors of the original Essenes were natives of a planet in a neighbouring solar system. Those natives are known as the great holy lineage. That people was sent by our heavenly father to aid the people at home on this planet of ours. You have already gotten to know some areas of this city that in which darkness prevails. The same kind of situation also exists on this planet. Although the sun shines so brightly in the sky and brightens our lives, there is unfortunately a dark power here that wishes to seize control of everything. But now you have arrived, ....”

      Bakenor paused for a moment and Jesus could tell how difficult it was for him to continue with his explanations.

      “But now you have arrived, in order to divide the light from the darkness as if with a mighty sword. I too am one of the Essene. It was my task to prepare you for your future life. All Essenes have incarnated for this one purpose, for your life, for your mission. By the way, the name Essene has its root in the name Essnar, who maintained the connection between the ancestors and the Essenes here on earth. Around three hundred years ago the Essenes began to write down the universal truths which they had received from their ancestors. they also began to distribute them for the benefit of future generations, for these truths had to become known so that you, the eldest son of the light, would find it easier to convince humanity of your teachings of the loving heavenly father. This copying of the teachings took place mostly nearby the salt sea, while the training of the Essenes was mostly done here in Alexandria.” Bakenor paused to gaze at a passing boat.

      “Even if the true teachings of the Essenes and their star brethren has been watered down or even misinterpreted over the centuries, the true teaching of the Essenes nonetheless still has the most valuable content compared to other groups that are around these days. You will continue to be in contact with the few remaining true Essenes in the future, however I have to tell you something. You have to learn to ignore the strictness of some of thee members of this brotherhood, for the forces of darkness are naturally trying to disrupt and sabotage these preparations. Hence there are some among the Essene who take an almost identical view of rituals and interpretation of the scriptures as the God of your ancestors. They speak much of punishment and of the end times, but you, Jesus, know best how are loving heavenly father is in reality. many of the Essenes these days no longer carry the spirit in them with which this brotherhood was founded. But don't forget that the star brethren, the great holy lineage is always watching over you from on high. You will hear from them from time to time or possibly even spot them as a small point on the horizon.”

      Bakenor tossed a flat stone over the water of the lake, which sank down after skipping on the surface a couple of times. “One more thing. In the next couple of years, before you have developed your full potential of consciousness, there will be some moments in which you will feel overwhelmed and may have a hard time coping. Those moments will be premonitions and reflect a deep knowledge regarding your future. No one else will be able to understand this, however your soul will be opened more and more by these experiences. It won't be easy for you in those moments, yet they will be important for your entire development. Jesus, you are chosen. Your life will not be easy, you will often have to fight against the angels of darkness, but they will not prevail. Let yourself always be guided by your father in heaven. And remember all that I have told you today.”

      Jesus was suddenly shaken by a violent cramp and screamed out loudly. Immediately his mother rushed into his room, sat down next to him and placed her healing hands on his hot and sweaty body. After a few minutes, when Jesus had recovered some, she left and prepared him some warm milk and honey. When she returned and wanted to give him a kiss, she saw that he had already fallen asleep again.

      The following two days Jesus und Joshua did not see each other, for Jesus was lying in his bedroom, shaken by feverish fits. On the third day Joshua went to the house of Jesus again. He wanted to inquire of Miriam regarding the condition of Jesus, but then to his surprise and joy he was greeted by his friend Jesus himself.

      “Joshua, nice of you to come by.” Jesus appeared to be stronger again.

      “Jesus, what happened?” Joshua was still shocked when he thought about the long journey from Sepphoris back home.

      “That is a long story, Joshua. But also a short one. Do you really want to know?”

      “Well of course. After all I am your friend.”

      “Good, then let's first find a quiet spot somewhere in the courtyard.”

      Joshua followed Jesus into the inner courtyard and sat down next to him in the shade.

      “I experienced my future life while sitting in the theater. I experienced, what kind of difficult times I will probably have to endure in the last couple months of my life.”

      Joshua went pale. “You beheld your future? And now you feel better about it?”

      “Yes, Joshua. I am aware that I have a difficult life ahead of me. Although I am only about seven years old, I feel older than seven already. Can you understand that?”

      “Hmm“, Joshua was so amazed at the clarity with which his friend, who was even a year younger than him, spoke of his future life. He himself had not spent a lot of time thinking about such things yet. The only thing he was worried about was that he had to leave Nazareth soon. But he was not concerned about what his task in this life was or what he could expect, much less, when he would die. He was not even sure about what dying meant.

      “Jesus, what exactly did you experience?”

      “I saw that I would travel in various countries when I am older. There I will be prepared for my work. Then I saw how myself travelling in my home country and not being understood by anyone here. They even tried to throw stones at me. I spent much time in Galilee and before that also quite a while in …“ At that moment Jesus stopped and wondered whether he should already let Joshua know that he would be living in Ephesus for a few years as well. He had had a vision in the theater of how things currently looked in that city. It had become clear to him that part of his mission involved being in Ephesus for some time.

      “Please continue, Jesus. Where will you spend some time as well? In Jerusalem?”

      “Yes, there too.” Jesus paused again, but then decided to let Joshua know. Perhaps it would help him get over the pain of goodbye. “Before I travel in Galilee and Judah, I will spend some years in Ephesus.”

      “What?” Joshua was utterly amazed. “Why exactly in that city? We have hardly ever heard anything about this city so far and there must be many others. Why are you gong to be spending time in that