He Who Returned. Martin Fieber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin Fieber
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783935422819
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underneath a mulberry tree there. He wanted to call out to him, but an invisible power kept him form doing so, and thus he approached Jesus very quietly. Only when he had nearly reached Jesus did he notice that he was deeply in another realm. Jesus had closed his eyes and it seemed as if he was speaking with invisible beings. Now and then he would shake his head or nod. Occasionally he whispered something so quietly that Joshua wasn't able to make it out. Suddenly Jesus bent forward, with eyes still closed, grabbed a branch lying nearby and began to draw lines on the earth with it. This went on for a few moments, then he nodded briefly, said “thank you, father“ and bade the other world farewell.

      Jesus still had his eyes shut. “Nice of you to come already, Joshua. I just received some messages from our father in heaven that are going to be important for you.” Only now did Jesus open his eyes, and smile at Joshua, who stood there bewildered. He asked him to sit down next to him. Then he read the message that he had just received and written in the sand. After that he brushed it away.

      “Joshua, we won't be together much longer here now.” Jesus was gazing at the ground. “I awoke early this morning, for I had dreamt that I was supposed to ho to our meeting place at the well earlier than usual. I had no idea why. After a while I realized that our father wanted to transmit a message to me for you. First he did this via thoughts, then at the end, as you witnessed, via automatic writing. That means that a spirit sent by God controlled my arm and spelled out a message without any influence by me. This was done to train me for the mission I am here to accomplish. While I still dwelt with my teacher in Alexandria, I had to practice this already a few times, however, I was still a little too young at that point. Today I received a message addressed to someone else for the first time. And you, my friend, are the one the message is for.” Jesus paused and let his words sink in for a moment, as Joshua looked rather confused at all of this.

      “Umm, you wrote a message in the sand for me?” was the only question Joshua managed to string together.

      “Yes, should I tell you what it was?”

      “What are you waiting for?” Joshua was suddenly very excited.

      “Very well. One thing before I start. Such messages are only transmitted when it is very important for a person to receive them. And since you will be leaving in a few days, and won't be able to see your friends again then, it will probably not be easy for you at first. Even if you do not understand a few words now, you will always carry them with you like a treasure.” Jesus closed his eyes again, n order to concentrate better.

      Joshua was fiddling around with a stick out of sheer anticipation and excitement.

      “Joshua, proceed on your way, as you feel it is right in your innermost heart. You have a strict father who has trained you well, yet neglects your wishes. You have a mother at your side who leads a difficult life and who does all in her power for her children and especially for you, since she is aware of how much you have to endure. Joshua, live your life. Tell your father exactly what it is you want, even if this is not allowed according to the beliefs of your forefathers. Not everything that is written in the torah and the other scriptures is correct. Conquer the fear you feel toward your father and toward other people. Approach people with an open and smiling heart in Ephesus. You will experience many things that will further your personal development. You will experience a lot of joy, but you will also have to endure pain that will test the limits of your soul’s endurance. You will get to know a large city that will offer many possibilities to you. Be careful, be cautious, be aware of your own thoughts, be aware of your deeds and always trust your innermost feelings. Whoever is true to their innermost feelings, is true to himself. You will walk a path of many insights. Yes, you will meet Jesus again some day. By now you know that he is the Messiah, even if your mind still is resisting this idea. Your soul knows it full well, and that is what counts. Your message is to announce him, yet only in close personal talks. It will hardly be easy for you, but I, your father in heaven, need you to do this for me. I am placing all of my trust in you. Everything will be guided as it is meant to happen. Proceed along your path. And love the people you meet. That is the key to me. Love the people, love them…“ Jesus paused and opened his eyes. He saw that Joshua had his eyes closed and could tell that he was reflecting on what he had just heard.

      Now it was Joshua's turn to be in another world. It seemed to him as if his entire life was projected on his inner eye. Although he did not see any images, he felt as if he was experiencing all of his future feelings in a single moment. Then he opened his eyes and gazed upon the blue eyes he would never ever forget. They were so full of love and compassion that all the tension that had been building up within Joshua within the last few months was released all at once. He cried and cried without even noticing that Jesus laid his arm around him. Tears and more tears poured down his cheeks. A fee moments passed like this. But just as quickly as this outbreak of tears had come on, it also went away again and Joshua felt a lightness within himself growing. He saw the world as if with new eyes and felt more free than before. He had barely regained full consciousness when they both heard joyful shouting behind them.

      “Good morning you two. Looks like I am the late one today.” It was Rachel's lovely voice they heard. “Sorry I am late. My mother would not let me leave the house till I had washed the cups and bowls.”

      Jesus und Joshua smiled at each other. Joshua heard a voice from somewhere, which repeated part of the message which he had just heard. “Everything will be guided as it is meant to happen.”

      The three of them spent the next couple of hours the same way they usually did. Jesus played on his flute, Rachel and Joshua listened to his melodies. Now and then they told each other jokes or talked about their visit to the theater in Sepphoris, which Jesus had by now dealt with sufficiently so that he could speak about it more easily.

      “Joshua, Rachel, I want to let you two know about this first, before anyone else gets to know.”

      “What, oh what do you want us to know?” As usual Rachel got excited very quickly as soon as Jesus had announced he was going to tell them something new.

      “I want to celebrate a farewell party for Joshua. All of the children will be invited, so that Joshua will be able to leave Nazareth with many happy memories. What do think of my idea?”

      “Awesome, simply super!” Rachel was very happy about this great idea. “And what do you think, Joshua?”

      “I think it's great, however I can only hope that saying goodbye will not be too tough for me. I don't even want to think about really having to leave.”

      Jesus took his flute and played a melody full of longing. This melody was his prayer of thanks to his heavenly father. This day was holy and he was grateful for it.


      All of them had come. The square in the courtyard of Samuel was filled with children and their joy and with the women who were busy with the final preparations for the feast. At first the plan had been to put on the celebration in front of the workshop of Joseph, the builder. But then the council of elders had decided to have the celebration take place at Samuel's home again. Samuel had been much more relaxed and sociable than usual lately, which made the decision considerably easier than it would have been otherwise. The entire village was present and great merriment prevailed, although a hint of sadness could also be felt, of course. “Friends, dear children.” Samuel's voice was so loud that it could be heard despite the general commotion.

      “Here I stand and it is not easy for me to say the following words to you. We were supposed to leave three days ago already, but life wanted us to stay here a bit longer, apparently. Before I want to share my last speech here with you, let me introduce my successor to you first. It is Abija from Sepphoris. Please give him a hearty welcome and lend him your trust.” Abija stood up next to Samuel, so that the village could see him. Applause erupted. “A greeting“, many people shouted.

      Abija seemed to be shy, but he could not get out of having to say at least a few words. He looked all around and waited until the people had calmed down.

      “My name is Abija. I thank you in the name of the almighty God. Thank you for greeting me so warmly today. I will do all I can to continue the excellent work