He Who Returned. Martin Fieber. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Martin Fieber
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783935422819
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he added: “I am sad that we will be leaving Nazareth.”

      “Well, Nazareth isn’t really all that great, is it?”

      “I will mainly miss you and Rachel. That is the worst of it for me.”

      “Joshua, we will see each other again in this life time. Trust in that. I promise it to you. Let’s do as much as possible together these next few weeks while your father is away.”

      “That isn’t possible.” Joshua paused.

      “Why not?”

      “My father does not want me to spend time with you.”

      “So what! He will be gone for weeks.”

      “He would find out.”

      Jesus waited a moment before continuing the conversation. “Joshua, time is precious. Enjoy your time with me. We will have wonderful weeks together. You will be able to draw on this time later on in your life when you need strength or feel alone. Our family has been invited to a tour of the theater including a visit to one of the performances. Of course you can come along, one more or less is no problem. We will ask your mother whether she thinks it is o.k. After all my mother will also be coming along, so she can watch out for us. Isn’t it wonderful that this is all happening in the time when your father is journeying to Jerusalem?”

      “You mean we are going to go to the theater in Sepphoris?” Joshua was speechless.

      “Believe me, it is going to fun watching the people on stage and those sitting in the big circle. I should let you know that I enjoy watching people.”

      “Hhmm. I'm not sure about all this.” Joshua was clearly afraid of something.

      “Joshua, don't be afraid. I will ask God for his help, so that you will not have to worry about being punished. Trust me. What would you do today, if you were to die tomorrow?

      “What kind of a question is that?”

      “Just try and answer it, Joshua. What you would you do?”

      “I would play with you and Rachel, speak with both of you, sit under the olive tree here and gaze at Mt. Tabor, and eat a bunch of cheese balls.” Joshua's feeling of dread had vanished and both of the boys laughed. Now they both simply sat next to each other quietly, enjoyed their companionship and gazed into the distance, where despite the bright sunlight they both spotted a bright light twinkling above Mt. Tabor.

      Had Joshua belonged to the great holy lineage in a previous life? That would make sense, seeing as he seemed to have a greater level of maturity than Simeon and the other boys in the village. That was probably also the reason why he often seemed so sad. Speaking with Rachel a few days ago felt good. She is very happy and light. But being together with Joshua is also very rewarding for my soul. Although it is not as easy, it reaches a different kind of depth in me. I wonder whether there are more of the great holy lineage present in human bodies? What are they here on earth for? And if they are here, how will I be bale to recognize them? How can we aid and assist each other, father?

      Thank you God for Rachel and Joshua being here in this place with me. Love them just as you love me. Amên.


      “Thank you mother.” Joshua was overjoyed. Sarah had just agreed to allow him to go on the trip to Sepphoris which was planned in a few days time. She was doing much better again.

      “But you are to always stay close to Miriam. No going off on adventures just with Jesus, you hear?”

      “Yes, mother. I promise you. Are you going to tell father about it?”

      “No. He will have plenty of other things on his mind when he returns. I know him well. Joshua, my son, enjoy the next few weeks without him. I know that you have had a tough time lately. Do your writing exercises. I also know that you can write faster than you let on. I look over your shoulder now and then. But that will remain our secret.” She smiled at him knowingly.

      “O, …“

      “As a mother one notices many things. Sit down a few hours now, finish up your writing exercises, work ahead, and then you will be able to spend plenty of time with Jesus in the next few weeks. I think it is important for you to spend as much time as possible together.”

      Joshua spent a lot of time with Rachel and Jesus the next few days. He visited both of them, who were usually near the well somewhere, every day after having finished his writing exercises. Jesus often played on his flute and Rachel listened to his melodies. Today Joshua met up with the two of them again after having completed his exercises.

      “Nice of you to come, Joshua.” Rachel ran up to greet him. “Jesus is playing for me again. Isn't it beautiful?”

      “Oh don't exaggerate, Rachel“, Jesus had to smile, “after all it isn't really all that special.”

      “Jesus, have you asked Rachel that one question already?”

      “Which question?” Rachel jumped up and down impatiently in front of them.

      “I had asked Joshua a few days ago what he would do, if he only had one more day to live.”

      “Well that is easy. I would be together with the two of you all day long and listen to you play flute.” Rachel laughed. “What would you do, Jesus?”

      It took a while until he replied.

      “I would wish for a celebration to which all children would be invited. I would laugh and dine together with you. Yes, there would also be cheese balls there, Joshua.” He laughed.

      “And I would thank God every minute for the time I had been allowed to spend on earth and that I had gotten to know interesting folks like you, Rachel and Joshua.

      “I will sure miss you.” Joshua was sad again suddenly

      “I know, but we will miss you too. If we make a wish, maybe we can meet in our dreams.” Jesus wrapped his arm around Joshua.

      “Yes, exactly.” Rachel was thrilled with the idea. “That is a great plan. Let's do that!”

      “Are you already looking forward to our trip to Sepphoris tomorrow?” Jesus changed the subject.

      “Oh, you bet I am.” Joshua laughed. “Today my mother gave me permission to go. How about you, Rachel? Are you allowed to come along?”

      “Yes. Although my father says that it is not something for little girls, he let himself be persuaded my mom. In the end the mothers usually have the last word at home.” Rachel laughed.

      “Almost always, just not in my home“, Joshua said wistfully and let his gaze glide over the hills of his home country. He knew that he would have many more opportunities to enjoy this view.


      Sepphoris was visible from afar since the town was located on a hill. Its outline resembled a bird that was taking a sunbath and enjoying life. The Romans were proud of the fact that Sepphoris had a grid street system, but many of the native Jews considered that system to be too artificial, with no relationship left to the bird after which the town had been named.

      The small group of travellers had been on their way for about an hour. Finally the capital of Galilee was coming to view. Miriam had lived in Nazareth for a year now since her return from Alexandria, but today was the first time she laid eyes on Sepphoris.

      “When we get into town I want all of you children to stick close to me.” Miriam was addressing Joshua, Rachel and her son Jesus. Jossi and Judah knew the town well already and were already considered to be grown-ups.

      Since Miriam was an open-minded woman, she was looking forward to the new impressions the city held. The town had been burned to the ground a few months after she had returned to Nazareth. And what had been built up since then was a feat only the Romans were capable of, as Joseph said. Many foremen and construction crews and many more slaves had been as busy as ants in