Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Complete. Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664187635
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become their deliverer. The general enthusiasm excited by the return of the conqueror of Egypt delighted him to a degree which I cannot express, and was, as he has often assured me, a powerful stimulus in urging him to the object to which the wishes of France seemed to direct him.

      Among people of all classes and opinions an 18th Brumaire was desired and expected. Many royalists even believed that a change would prove favourable to the King. So ready are we to persuade ourselves of the reality of what we wish.

      As soon as it was suspected that Bonaparte would accept the power offered him, an outcry was raised about a conspiracy against the Republic, and measures were sought for preserving it. But necessity, and indeed, it must be confessed, the general feeling of the people, consigned the execution of those measures to him who was to subvert the Republic. On his return to Paris Bonaparte spoke and acted like a man who felt his own power; he cared neither for flattery, dinners, nor balls—his mind took a higher flight.

      We arrived in Paris on the 24th Vendemiaire (the 16th of October). As yet he knew nothing of what was going on; for he had seen neither his wife nor his brothers, who were looking for him on the Burgundy road. The news of our landing at Fréjus had reached Paris by a telegraphic despatch. Madame Bonaparte, who was dining with M. Gohier when that despatch was communicated to him, as president of the Directory, immediately set off to meet her husband, well knowing how important it was that her first interview with him should not be anticipated by his brothers.

      The imprudent communications of Junot at the fountains of Messoudiah will be remembered, but, after the first ebullition of jealous rage, all traces of that feeling had apparently disappeared. Bonaparte however, was still harassed by secret suspicion, and the painful impressions produced by Junot were either not entirely effaced or were revived after our arrival in Paris. We reached the capital before Josephine returned. The recollection of the past, the ill-natured reports of his brothers,

      —[Joseph Bonaparte remarks on this that Napoleon met Josephine at

       Paris before his brothers arrived there, (Compare d'Abrantès,

       vol. 1, pp. 260–262 and Rémusat, tome i. pp. 147–148.)]—

      and the exaggeration of facts had irritated Napoleon to the very highest pitch, and he received Josephine with studied coldness, and with an air of the most cruel indifference. He had no communication with her for three days, during which time he frequently spoke to me of suspicions which his imagination converted into certainty; and threats of divorce escaped his lips with no less vehemence than when we were on the confines of Syria. I took upon me the office of conciliator, which I had before discharged with success. I represented to him the dangers to be apprehended from the publicity and scandal of such an affair; and that the moment when his grand views might possibly be realized was not the fit time to entertain France and Europe with the details of a charge of adultery. I spoke to him of Hortense and Eugène, to whom he was much attached. Reflection, seconded by his ardent affection for Josephine, brought about a complete reconciliation. After these three days of conjugal misunderstanding their happiness was never afterwards disturbed by a similar cause.

      —[In speaking of the unexpected arrival of Bonaparte and of the

       meeting between him and Josephine, Madame Junot says: "On the 10th

       October Josephine set off to meet her husband, but without knowing

       exactly what road he would take. She thought it likely he would

       come by way of Burgundy, and therefore Louis and she set off for


       "Madame Bonaparte was a prey to great and well-founded aspersions.

       Whether she was guilty or only imprudent, she was strongly accused

       by the Bonaparte family, who were desirous that Napoleon should

       obtain a divorce. The elder M. de Caulaincourt stated to us his

       apprehensions on this point; but whenever the subject was introduced

       my mother changed the conversation, because, knowing as she did the

       sentiments of the Bonaparte family, she could not reply without

       either committing them or having recourse to falsehood. She knew,

       moreover, the truth of many circumstances which M. de Caulaincourt

       seemed to doubt, and which her situation with respect to Bonaparte

       prevented her from communicating to him.

       "Madame Bonaparte committed a great fault in neglecting at this

       juncture to conciliate her mother-in-law, who might have protected

       her against those who sought her ruin and effected it nine years

       later; for the divorce in 1809 was brought about by the joint

       efforts of all the members of the Bonaparte family, aided by some of

       Napoleon's most confidential servants, whom Josephine, either as

       Madame Bonaparte or as Empress, had done nothing to make her


       "Bonaparte, on his arrival in Paris, found his house deserted: but

       his mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law, and, in short, every member

       of his family, except Louis, who had attended Madame Bonaparte to

       Lyons, came to him immediately. The impression made upon him by the

       solitude of his home and its desertion by its mistress was profound

       and terrible, and nine years afterwards, when the ties between him

       and Josephine were severed for ever, he showed that it was not

       effaced. From not finding her with his family he inferred that she

       felt herself unworthy of their presence, and feared to meet the man

       she had wronged. He considered her journey to Lyons as a mere


       "M. de Bourrienne says that for some days after Josephine's return

       Bonaparte treated her with extreme coldness. As he was an

       eyewitness, why does he not state the whole truth, and say that on

       her return Bonaparte refused to see her and did not see her? It was

       to the earnest entreaties of her children that she owed the

       recovery, not of her husband's love, for that had long ceased, but

       of that tenderness acquired by habit, and that intimate intercourse

       which made her still retain the rank of consort to the greatest man

       of his age. Bonaparte was at this period much attached to Eugène

       Beauharnais, who, to do him justice, was a charming youth. He knew

       less of Hortense; but her youth and sweetness of temper, and the

       protection of which, as his adopted daughter, she besought him not

       to deprive her, proved powerful advocates, and overcame his


       "In this delicate negotiation it was good policy not to bring any

       other person into play, whatever might be their influence with

       Bonaparte, and Madame Bonaparte did not, therefore, have recourse

       either to Barras, Bourrienne, or Berthier. It was expedient that

       they who interceded for her should be able to say something without

       the possibility of a reply. Now Bonaparte could not with any degree

       of propriety explain to such children as Eugène or Hortense the

       particulars of their mother's conduct. He was therefore constrained

       to silence, and had no argument to combat the tears of two innocent